Chapter 4

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Demi's pov-

After dropping off Jen, I drove back to Lauren's house. The girls were watching a scaring movie, when I got there.

"Hey Dems, where'd you go" Mila asked with a smirk. I confusedly looked at her.

"Went to ask Jen if she needed a ride" She smile and raised a brow. She then focused back on the movie. I sat back confused and stared at the tv, even if I wasn't paying attention to it.

It was getting late, and it was time to get going. Lauren's family ended up coming, sometime during the movie, so everyone decided to go then.

"Becky? want me to take you home" I asked her. She nodded. We said bye to the girls and Lauren's family, then Sel and I took her home.

"Thanks , see you girls tomorrow" she yelled running to her door. We waved and drove away.

"Did you tell her?" Sel asked.

"No, so stop asking" I said a bit irritated. She rolled her eyes and looked out the window.

"Fine, but if Drew gets to her before you do, don't come crying to me. I'm trying my best to help you." she said angrily. "just stop the car" she whispered. I did as told and parked on the curve.

"Sel.." she slammed the door, storming off. I followed her till she made it perfectly safe to her house. I sighed and drove home.

The next morning, I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I groaned throwing my pillow at it.

"Come on Demetria" my mom said walking in. I groaned, covering my head with my blanket. "Did you not sleep last night" my mom asked.

"No, I couldn't" I was to busy thinking about Jennel to sleep. I laughed and sat up in bed, with my blanket still on.

"Why are you laughing" I shrugged and smiled.

"No reason mother, well I'm going to get ready" She shook her head and smiled, leaving my room. Today felt like a good day, even if it just started.

I took a quick hot shower, then changed to some black skinnys, converse, and a band tee. I ran downstairs getting a toast bread lying on the table.

"Bye my Family" I yelled and ran out my door, and into my car. As I drove, I spotted Jen and Becky walking. Me being the nice friend, I drove behind them and honked.

"JESUS DEMETRIA!!" Becky Yelled. "i could have died" She walked over and slapped my arm. Jen laughed and tried to calm her down.

"But did you die" I laugh, remembering The Hangover. Becky glared and crossed her arms. "come on, ill give you guys a lift" they climbed in and sat in the back. They knew I had to pick up Selena.

I parked my car in Sel's driveway, waiting for her to come out. It was a minute or so, when she stumbled out with her backpack.

"Heya" I exclaimed, when Sel made her to the front seat.

"Hey, and hi girls" the girls said hi back. I looked over at Sel giving her my pouty face.

"You know I can't be mad at you" Sel mumbled. I jumped up and engulfed her in a massive hug, that I knew to the point she couldn't breath. "Ok,ok let's go"

We got to the school pretty early or we were late. The front looked really empty. Usually there would be teens standing and talking. There were only a few.

"What's going on" I asked Ally, who walked over with Dinah. She shrugged and stood next to us.

"I don't know, but it might be the cafeteria again" I laughed knowing she might be right. Sometimes the Cafeteria would have Opposite Day and have pizza for breakfast, and breakfast for lunch.

"Well, I want pizza, see you guys inside" Becky yelled taking Jennel with her. We laughed and waited for The rest of the gang.

"Ariana, please!" We heard. Sel sighed and shook her head disapprovingly. Ariana and Jai, walked up to us and arguing as always. After awhile Lauren and Camila came up to us.

"Ok Jai, leave Ari alone" Lauren snapped as she had enough of them arguing, but mostly him, since he didn't let her talk. Jai glared at Lauren and she did the same.

"You guys stop" I said walking in the middle. Sel had Ariana with her. We walked away from Jai and into the cafeteria. Jen and Becky were eating their pizzas with the rest of the teens.

"I love pizza" Becky yelled and so did Camila. We sat in our usual spots, but this time I got to sit next to Jennel. I knew today would be a good day.

"You ok Ari" Jen asked. Ariana was red from crying. She nodded her head wiped her tears.

"That's the bell" Camila yelled. She grabbed Lauren's hand, and ran away.

"What was that about" I asked confused. They shrugged and threw their plates away.

We walked at our lockers and shoved the books we didn't need at the moment.

"Hi"I turned slowly and seen Drew walking up to Jen and I. I buried my head in my locker and sighed.

"Hello" She said a bit low. I knew there was something wrong with her,or she didn't want to talk to him. So, I pooped my head out of my locker and looked at her.

"Jennel, can I talk to you" she nodded and waved Drew goodbye. We walked to a near by restroom, and locked the door behind us. "you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, i just don't feel like talking today" I nodded and pulled her to a hug.

"You know I'm here, right" I felt her head nod against my chest. "good, well let's get to class." We ran out heading to class.

Jennel's pov-

I wanted to stay in her arms forever. I felt safe, comfortable, and wanted. We pulled away and headed to class.

Drew walked in class late, and sat in front of me. He turned around and smiled. Then Wesley came in and sat in front of Demi. Wesley looked back raised his brow at me. I looked at him confused. The I remembered.


As Becky was getting her pizza for breakfast. Drew's friend Wesley came and sat in front of me.

"You know Demi, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, why" I asked, looking around.

"Cause, Demi's cute, and i wanna ask her on a date, but" he stopped. I looked at him and glared.

"But what" He Smirked. 

"You like Demi, and before you can say how I know, I can tell" My face soften and I started to panic. "Now listen to me, leave her alone, or I'll tell her" I felt my eyes water. I nodded in response. "good, lets not speak about this to no one" I nodded again and watch him leave. 

*End Of FlashBack

"Hi I'm Wesley" He extended his arm to Demi. Demi looked up with a eyebrow arched up. 

"Demi" She said, but it sounded like she wasn't sure. I sighed and talked to Drew, since I can't talk to Demi. I don't want her to know about me having feelings for her, she might not feel the same. 

"ok class, th teacher down the hall is out running some quick erens, So the his class will be coming in" Mrs. Roman said. I wrapped my arms around my head, and stayed there wanting to cry, When I heard the small cries of Cheering people. 

"Jennel!" Camila exclaimed, and ran to me. Becky and Dinah were behind. Finally someone I can talk to. 

"Girls, I missed you" I said. They blushed and sat around my table. They looked around obviously looking for Demi. "Shes over there" I pointed behind me. Dinah smiled at Demi, except for Camila and Becky. I understand why Becky would look down, but not Camila. 

"You ok" Becky whispered. I nodded with A fake smile. She shook her head nit convinced, but I brushed her aside.

A/N: chapter 4!!! Hope you all enjoy this story, or this chapter :)

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