Chapter 2

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Lauren's pov-

"Come on Camz, just one" I pouted. She looked at me and give in. She could never resist my sad faces.

"Fine, but that's it, until were alone and not in school" She leaned in and pecked my lips. I smiled against the kiss, making her giggle.

"Now, I can go to class happy" I smiled and took one last look at Camila before unlocking the restrooms door and going off to class.

No one knew about Camila and I, for we wanted it to be a secret. I would love to tell our friends, but we're scared of their reactions, and them not wanting to hang with us anymore.

Camz and I have been together since the middle of summer, when my parents and her's decided to go out of town together, and just left Camz and I alone.

As I hurried to my locker, I seen Selena there waiting for me. She was in my first Class, so we decided to walk together.

"It's about time, come one" I threw my other books in my locker, and took out my history book.

"Ok, let's go" we ran to our class with Ms. Hanks. She was one of the main teachers everyone hated. She had every student in this school stay for Detention, for god knows what, and called our parents.

Sel and I sat in the back next to Ariana. She had our seat saved so if we were late, but gladly we weren't.

"Hey Ari!" I exclaimed while waving my hand. She giggled and waved back.

"So how's your summer, we never really got to see you" Sel asked her. She shrugged looking at us.

"Jai and I haven't been doing so good" she said low. I hugged her knowing she might need it. From us all, she was the more sensitive one. "thanks Lolo"

"Welcome" I smiled.

"Ari, I know I have told you millions of times but, he's not right for you. I don't want you getting hurt" Sel said.

"I know, it's just hard to let him go"

"Look, Friday we're having a sleep over for the first week back in school, at Demi's house, go and just have fun" Sel said.

"Yeah, come on Ariana. You need a girls night" she smiled and nodded.

The bell finally rang and Ms. Hanks walked in class. She looked the same, looks like she aged a lot over the summer, not to be mean. This will be a long first period.

Camila's pov-

"Becky, someone's checking you out girl" Dinah told Becky.

We looked at the guy in the direction Dinah said, and seen a new kid, to our grade level which was odd. I wouldn't lie he looked cute.

"No his not" Becky said looking away. "I bet his checking out Camila" I shot my head and looked at her funny.

"Me, why me?" I asked confused. Ever since Lauren and I have been together, I get blind to see other people checking me out. So I never think so.

"Cause your way prettier, and gorgeous" her voice went soft. She looked down and hid her face in her arms. "And I'm ugly, with a big ole gap" she muttered. She was lying to herself, she was beautiful in every way.

"No your Not B. Your Beautiful" Dinah immediately told her.

"Your not ugly ok, don't get yourself down, your beautiful with a beautiful smile" I told her. she lifted her head to see Dinah and I smiling at her.

"Thanks guys" we nodded and hugged her. Our teacher finally walked in and sat at his desk doing roll Calls, to see who's here or not. We learned the guy checking out Becky, was a guy name Austin Mahone.

The school (Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, 5H, One Direction, and more!)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin