Chapter 8

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Demi's pov-

"guys, we have something to tell you" All the girls faced Camila and Lauren. I stood behind them smiling. I was happy they were together. If they can do it, then I can. I took my phone about to text Jennel, when there was a knock on the door.

"You can tell them. I'll go look to see who it is" They breathed in deeply and began to talk about it when i left. I walked over to the front door and checked my appearance in the small mirror we had near the door. "yes" I said as I opened it. Jennel stood there. "oh, hey Jen" I waved opening the door.

"is Becky here" She asked still standing by the door. I nodded and called Becky into the living room. "Can you give us a minute" Jennel asked shyly. I nodded and hid myself behind the wall separating the living room and the kitchen.

"What happen, did you forget that today was the sleep over" Becky's little voice asked.

"of course not, I was hanging with Zayn, by the way his waiting for me outside" Jennel said. My face heated up with anger.

"Are you and Zayn a thing now"

"Of course not, his like a brother. I just came to tell you I might come by later tonight" I peeked my head a little and seen them sitting on the couch.

"Might?" Jennel nodded. "Then why did you even come, and take off your glasses. I don't see a sun in here" I giggled at Becky and watched Jennel hesitate to remove her sunglasses. Jennel looked away from Becky trying to hide. "Whats with you. Are you ok"

"Yeah, I have to go" Jennel hurried to the door, but was stopped by Becky. "Rebecca, move"

"not until i see your eyes" She demanded. Jennel slowly looked at Becky. Her eyes were glossy and red as hell. "Are you high?" Jennel didn't say anything. She slowly let tears fall from her eyes. "Jennel, talk to me"

"I'm tired of talking OK. I just want to be left alone. No one knows how much stress, scared, and weak i am" I wanted to run and hug her. But I couldn't.

"Jennel, but why. Is it because of her" 'her' Who's her. Jennel nodded and sat on the couch again. "Jen, just tell her how you feel."

"I can't I'm afraid she won't be my friend anymore. Besides if I talk to her, Wesley is going to kill me"

"What do you mean, his going to kill you" Jennel sighed.

"He likes her and he doesn't want me talking to her. He knows B. I'm a afraid of him telling her. But if he hurts her, I myself I'm going to kill him" Jennel stood up going to the door but stopped to hug Becky goodbye. "I'll see you later tonight or tomorrow. I don't know if Demi wants me still to come over"

"i'll ask her" i panicked and ran to the kitchen, pretending to make something to eat. "hey Dem, can Jennel come later on. She has to run some errands"

"sure" I said and walked over to the screening room, where all the girls were hugging camren.

Hours later, The doorbell rung again, and this time Becky answered the door. She came back a minute later with Jennel right behind her.

"hey guys, sorry I'm late" We all waved at her and continued the movie we where currently watching. Jennel walked over to us and sat near Lauren and I. I couldn't help but smile and move a little towards her. Selena smiled and threw a thumbs up.

"Hey Jen, you missed some news" Dinah said smiling at Camren. Ally stood up and walked away. Lauren and Camila huffed and ran after her. Jennel and I were left confused.

"What happen" She asked leaning towards my ears. I slowly bit my lip without anybody knowing and shrugged.

"beats me" I looked back to see Ally grabbing her stuff!

A/N: Sorry for the late update had to focus on finals and i hope i did really well!!

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