Chapter 9

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Lauren's pov-

"I told you we should have not told anybody" I groaned in frustration at Camila who was looking around Demi's front yard for Ally. She ignored me of course cause she knew I was right. She hated when I was right.

"Lauren, just help me." I shook my head and looked around the front and behind the house for the short girl.

"Nothing!" I yelled to her as I made back to the front yard.

"Same. You think she went home?" I shrugged not wanting to deal with that anymore. Ally was going to act that way, if we liked it or not. "Lauren? Are you mad?" she asked. I glared at her. we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for her.

"No Camila! I'm happy, I'm very happy! I'm looking at Rainbows, and petting Unicorns! I'm hugging Ally like nothing ever happened!" I yelled sarcastically. "Of course I'm mad, Karla!"

"Why? Cause we came out! Lauren I didn't want to stay a secret forever. Especially to our friends. they had a right to know!" She yelled back. "Did you want me to be your little secret?"

My cheeks felt hot as anger arose in them. I rolled my eyes and walked back inside not caring if she was trailing behind or not.

Of course I didn't want to hide us. She meant the world to me and I wanted everybody in the world and in the universe to know i was happy with her. But it wasn't the time.

"Well, this was fun. I think it's best if we do this another time" I faked a smile over to my best friends and went up to Demi's room to get my stuff leave.

"Lauren!" Demi yelled as I walked out her door. I ignored everyone and drove myself home. I was super pissed and super sad at how I left Camila.

Camila's Pov-

Demi closed her front door and sat next to Jennel sighing as she stared at completely nothing. I felt bad about everything. I was the cause of her feeling that way.

"I'm sorry Dems" I mumbled. She smiled a little at me and shook her head.

"It's ok Mila. I think it's best if we just redo the sleep over another time when we are all good." Nobody said anything, but just gazed at the floor.

Once everyone was done gathering their things, I asked Jennel if she can give me a ride home, since Lauren decided to leave me. What was really awkward was, I had to sit in the back seat with Becky as Jennel's new friend the new guy drove. I think his name was Zach or Zayn. Something with a Z.

"Your house or Lo's?" Jen asked as we were closer to my house.

"Mine, if you guys don't mind" I nervously asked. Even though Lauren and I lived down the street from each other. The new kid looked at Jen for directions.

"Just drive straight, and on the last street, turn left. it's the fourth house on the right" I smiled at how much Jennel knew exactly where I lived. Then again we were all close.

Getting there, I thanked Jen and her Friend, and said a quick bye to Becky, then ran into my house trying not to look at Lauren's house as I passed it.

"Mila! Your home! Why are you home?! Don't you have to be at a sleepover?" My little sister asked as I closed the door.

"It got cancelled" I lied picking her up and balancing her on my hip. "so, what do you want to do tonight?" I asked her as walked up to my room.

"Disney Marathon!" she yelled. I nodded kissing her cheek, and placing her on my bed.

"You got it babe!"

The next morning I woke up to my phone going off. I took it from the night stand and checked that it was a message from Demi.

Dem: Be ready in 20! We are all getting breakfast to talk!

I mentally sighed and nodded, even if she wasn't even here. I got up, showered and got dressed. I headed outside, and notice Lauren walking to her car. I pretended I didn't see her, and walked down the rode to Demi's so it was easier for her to pick me up.

"Hey" I heard. I turned my head to be faced with Lauren. I kept walking. She started driving slowly trying to talk to me. "I'm sorry, Camz" Again, I ignored her. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did! Come On Camz!" I stopped walking and looked at her. She did the same with a pouty look. Again, i kept walking. This time she got out of her car and stopped in front of me. "I'm sorry. If you really want me to leave you alone, just say it. I'll go to Demi's on my own." Her green eyes stared at me, trying their best to hypnotize me. It worked.

"No" I grabbed her hand. "I'll go with you" She smiled before twirling me around. "Lolo, put me down. We have to go. You know how Demi is when we make her wait! Especially with stuff like this." She instantly stopped putting me down on the ground.

"Then let's go!" Lauren exclaimed pulling me towards her car.

When getting to Demi's house, I felt my stomach began to turn with guilt. I was definitely sacred out of my mind to see Ally. I knew she was already here considering she was the first to be at every event.

"It's OK. We don't have to go in." Lauren reassured me taking my hand as we parked in front of Demi's.

"I don't want Demi to start being mad at us. I just want to be happy with you." I mumbled looking at Lauren's soft green eyes.

"I know. So do I. We just have to accept that not everybody is going to accept us. That even includes the people that were the closest to." She sighed. "Lets just go in there to show Demi we showed up. Then if we see this talk going down hill, we can leave. OK?" I nodded at her holding tightly to her hands. My palms began to sweat. "Ready?"



a/n: its been a while since i have been on and i found a finished chapter. i had to upload it. enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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