Chapter 5

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Lauren's pov-

"Miss Jauregui, Pay attention or I'll send you to detention" The teacher yelled. I slowly lifted my head and looked up at her. "Good" I groaned and looked at Selena.

"How much longer" I whined. She giggled and checked the time.

"5 more minutes, you'll survive" she playfully rolled her eyes, and focused back to the lecture.

The bell rung and I instantly grabbed Sel's hand. She grabbed her backpack and ran out.

"Slow down Lauren" Sel said as we made it to our lockers. There, we saw Ally and Troy talking.

"The faster you move, the faster the time will go" I said grabbing my next book.

"Why are you in a hurry to finish the day" Ally asked. I shrugged and closed my locker.

"Maybe cause I'm tired" I lied. I just wanted to be able to be with Camila.

Lunch came around, And I waited by the cafeatria for everyone. Today we decided to go out to eat, so Taco Bell is what everyone wanted.

"Have you seen Jennel" Camila yelled. I shook my head. The girls came but Jennel. Becky began to worry, and decided to stay, and look for her. So did Demi. "I think Ill stay to help to" Camila whispered.

"Then Ill stay" I said. She smile and motioned me back inside school. We all had separated from each other to look for Jennel.

I walked all over the music building looking for Jen but, never found her. I passed one of the girls restroom in the music room, and seen it was close. it's never close, unless someone wanted to be alone.

The door wasn't locked so I pushed my way through the door. I heard crying from a stall, and went over to the door. I knew it wasn't Jennel since she was the type of girl to show no sadness, or anything like that. She was a strong girl.

"Umm...Hello, can I come in" The person stopped crying and coughed.

"im fine" I knew the voice, so I pushed the door open since it wasn't lock. Jennel stood their with red eyes and bloody arms.

"Jennel" I grabbed her and walked over the sink, and cleaned off her arms. She had red and purple marks up and down.

"umm thanks" She whispered. I looked at her and nodded. I pulled her in a hug, rubbing her back gently. "can you not tell the girls, or anyone"

"Jen-" She cut me off knowing I was going to give her a lecture.

"Please, Tell them I went home, tell them im not feeling well" She gave me begging eyes and I gave in.

"fine" We hugged and walked out the restroom and into the direction of my class. "Be safe Please, I dont want anything happening to you" i said hugging her one last time. She hugged back and sighed.

"alright, bye" She waved and walked opposite from me.

"Miss Jauregui, your late, but since its the first week of school, ill let it go as a warning" the teacher yelled. I huffed and sat in my seat next to Ariana. She looked at me weird and smiled.

"You ok buddy" She asked. I nodded taking out my spiral notebook and a pen. "Did you find her, cause no has" She said a bit worried.

"Oh, yeah i did. She went home cause she wasn't feeling to well" I sighed and continued to focus on the teacher. I wanted the image of Jennel's arms out of my head.

Hours passed and it was now the ending of school. I walked over to the lockers and seen Becky throwing her books in her locker. I guess she was still worried about Jennel.

"Hey slow down Becky" I said walking over to her. "Shes ok, she went home, cause she wasn't feeling well" A sigh of relief escaped her mouth and rested her back against her locker. I rubbed the side of her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Thank god, I don't want anything happening to her" She smiled slightly. The girls all came and surrounded us.

"Did you find her?" Demi asked. She seemed more scared then Becky did. I raised a brow, but she didn't care, she just wanted answers.

"Yeah, Lauren found her. she went home cause she didn't feel well" Becky answered. Demi's frown was replaced with a wide smile.

"Thank goodness. let's go to her house and keep her company?" Demi suggested. We said yes and ended up leaving to Jennel's house.

Before we got to Jen's house, we bought her some snacks and a get well teddy bear. Well Demi did. Becky knocked on Jennel's door waiting for her to answer which was instantly.

Jennel was very beautiful, but right now she looks like she's dying. Her eyes were still red, her nose was stuffed, and she was pale. This was my first seeing her that way, or any of us.

"Guys?" She said with a raspy tone. "what are you doing here?" She looked at me scared.

"we just came to visit you. Feeling better" Becky asked. Jennel nodded and opened the door wider for us. We walked in, and I made sure I was last. She wore a hoodie to hide her cuts.

"I didn't tell them, but you sure your ok" I whispered. She nodded with a small sad smile. I felt really bad. But I wonder why she would do that to herself.

"umm...Here you go. We got you your favorite candy" Camila said handing Jennel the bag of candy. She turned to me and nodded slightly.

"well guys, were going to be going now. Camila's family and Mine's are going out to dinner" I lied making an excuse to just leave with camz. They nodded and hugged us goodbye. I held on to Jennel the longest, and pulled away when i felt her pull away. "ready to to hang with your girlfriend" She half smiled and shrugged. "whats wrong" I asked her. She crossed her arms infront of her chest and looked away.

"Nothing, can you open the car" I did as told, and slid to the drivers seat. I watched as she made her way in.

"Now, I'm not leaving till you tell me what's up. Lolo's worried" I pouted. She faced me and sighed giving in.

"When I gave Jennel the candy, her sleeve went up" she trailed off. I knew where this was going. "She had cuts around her wrist. Do you think she hates us! That's probably why she's doing it, or its probably Demi" I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her towards my chest.

"For one, she doesn't hate us Camz, she can never hate us, we all have been friends since grade school. And what does this have to do with Demi" I rubbed her back trying to calm her down. She pulled away and looked at me.

"You don't see how Demi acts when she's around her. Or when Jennel takes glances at her in the morning or during lunch. it's obvious Lauren" she sighed again. I never noticed and now I'm starting to think it might have to do with Demi. She and Jennel have been distant from each other these couple of days.

I didn't have anything else to say, so I started the car and drove to her house. We were silent the whole way.

"I want to help her" Camila finally talked, when we got to her house.

"Ok. Tomorrow is the sleep over so we can try and talk to her there" she nodded and pecked my lips sweetly. I smiled and kissed her head. "now let's go" she nodded and we ran out.

A/N: going to be uploading maybe oh my teacher!!

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