A Freashman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 4

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I opened my locker and a water balloon was shot in my face.

My face stung were the water balloon hit it. My entire face was wet.

How foolish of me to think that The Jerk and his friends have grown up.

Very foolish if you ask me.

I could hear other the giggling of the students that walked by and saw what happened.

"I have had it!" I said through clenched teeth as I slammed my locker shut.

I stormed over to The Jerks locker.

Just like I hope he was there, with his group of sidekicks.

One of them saw me and nudged him with his elbow, smirking at me.

The Jerk looked up and smiled at me.

"Why hello there, little miss freshman. Why are you all wet?" he said sarcastically.

"Don't start with me, you asshole! Why do you hate me so much? And how did you get into my locker?"

"It wasn't hard since you never lock it and I saw you put your books in it," he said simply.

"So, you're an asshole and a stalker?" I asked.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "No, I just like making you life a living hell. You have no friends, no one notices you, and you a freshman. You're the perfect target,"

I put my hands on my hips. "No, I'm not. I don't take crap from people, you mess with the bulls you get the horns. You just started a fire that you can't put out. Get ready for the war,"

He smirked at me. "Bring it on little girl,"

We were now in each others faces, now.

"World War Three has already started," and with that I turned around and walked way.

The Jerk better watch his back.


All day it has been prank after prank after prank.

I have been glued to my seat, wet, tripped, knocked over and etcetera.

This is getting frustrating. I haven't pranked him once.

But he has embarrassed me on more than once.

I was in my free period, which is in the library, thinking about ways to get him back.

I got frustrated with myself and got up from my table.

Maybe this library has a book on how to get even with an asshole.

I walked around the library looking at books mindlessly.

I just need to wonder around.

I heard a thud coming from the back of the library.

I walked back there to see if everything was okay.

As I got closer to were the thud came from I heard moaning.

Now I'm curious, what could possibly be happening.

I heard the moaning getting louder.

I kept on walking until I stopped dead in the tracks, shocked and disgusted.

Carey and The Jerk were kissing, but it was more like hard core making out.

I almost gagged when I heard him moan.

I walked away and sat back down in my seat.

I decided my next move. Get to know your enemy.


I watched The Jerk very closely all week.

Everything he eat, he did, his classes, his schedule everything. Even his friends and the girls he kissed.

I even figured out where he lives and what car he drives.

His last name is Johnson and he's the caption of the basketball team, the football team, the track team, and the swim team.

He goes through girls like tissues and he's a jerk.

In the past week I saw him kiss about ten girls.

It's gross.

But I think I know Mr. Johnson enough to finally even the playing field.


It's now five thirty on a Thursday morning.

I tip toed around my house and got ready for school.

This is phase one in my master plan.

I loosely curled my hair and pulled it in a ponytail and covered it with a hat. I dressed up like a boy and packed my bag with 'The Stuff" and a change of clothes.

I walked up to the school. Just as I hoped his car was there along with a few others.

I quickly walked towards the gym.

I found his locker and it was unlocked.

Perfect! Everything was going as planed.

I took off my hat and got straight to work.

I cut whole in his pants and wrote 'I'm gay' on the back of his pants.

I stole his shirt and replaced it was a pink 'I recycle boys shirt'. It was too tight for me, so it must be really tight for him.

I smiled at myself. Phase two was done.

I closed his locker. "What are you doing?"

Oh shit!!!

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