A Freshman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 30

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The rest of the day I held my head up high and ignored everyone and that seemed to work.

School was almost over just two more forty five minute classes.

Finn's Point Of View

I feel bad for Alex.

I hate seeing her like this. I've never seen her like this.

I took out my phone and texted her.

'Hey baby, I miss you, meet me at my locker?'

I waited forever and she didn't respond.

I sighed and waited for the day to end.


I meet Alex at my car and I gave her a quick hug before getting in.

"I texted you and you didn't respond,"

"Oh sorry, my phone was off,"

"Keep it on,"

"You're so needy,"

"Well you're so..."

"So what?" she asked.


She rolled her eyes and got out of my car.

We walked into my house and headed to the kitchen.

She sat on the countertop and swung her feet.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"Sure, what do you have?"

"Chips," I said throwing her a bag.

"Awesome," she said sarcastically.

"You're so mean to me,"

"Yeah well, what can you do?"

I smiled and kissed her, then pulled away suddenly.

"You're evil,"

"Thanks, babe,"

She rolled her eyes and hopped off the counter as my mom and Kelly.

"Finn," my mom called me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You've been sending me very inappropriate texts, which are meant for Alex, so I'm taking your phone away," my mom said bluntly.

Alex was cracking up with laughter as my mom took my phone from me and headed upstairs.

"Someone got in trouble," Kelly said grabbing our chips and headed upstairs.

I looked at Alex who was now on the floor. "Would you like to explain?"

"Remember that day when I told you that I was pissed off at you?"


"Well I switched the names of your contacts,"

"Ugh, now, I'm pissed at you, tomorrow watch out,"

"Is that a threat?" she asked loudly so my mom could hear.

"Oh shut up,"

She clapped her hands loudly. "Ow! Finn that hurt!"

"Finn!" my mom said coming out of her room.

"I didn't touch her," I said.

"Alex, I think you should go home now dear," my mom said.

"But, I didn't hit her," I said.

"Thank you Mrs. Johnson," Alex said smiling. She skipped out the door and over to her house.

My mom glared at me and I got ready for a two hour long lecture.

Alex's Point Of View

That made my day.

I got Finn in trouble twice in one day.

I walked to my room and took a long shower and changed into a tank top and underwear.

I took out my homework and got started.


I don't know why homework takes so long to do.

I turned some music and began to draw in my drawling book.

There was a knock on my window.

I looked up and there was Finn, smirking at me.

I walked over to the window and opened it for him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, I couldn't text you and I could see, so I snuck out to see you,"

"Aw, how sweet," I said sarcastically.

"What's wrong muffin? Cant get me in trouble this late?"

I giggled. "Forgive me?"



Finn laughed and lying on my bed. "So,"

"Hi," I said lying on his stomach.

"You look different with out the make up,"

"Every girl looks different with out make up,"

"Yet you still manage to look hot,"

"Aw, thanks. I should put a little eye liner on you,"

"Hell no,"


"Because, I'm a man and men don't wear liner,"

"Some men do,"

"Why would I wear that stuff?"

"You're so lame, just a little,"


"Fine," I said resting my head on his chest. "You're comfy,"

Finn chuckled.

He kissed my forehead as I slowly drifted to sleep.



It's short....yup :D

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