A Freshman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 43

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The next day Travis drove me home and waited for me in his car.

I opened the front door and my mom hugged me tightly.

"Where were you?" she asked.

"Over a friend's house," I said simply.

"Who's?" she asked.


She relaxed a little and hugged me again.

I walked into the house and saw that Kelly and her mom were both there.

"Alex, what happened?" Kelly asked.

"I just need to cry,"

"Your not over him are you?"

"Drop it," I said coldly.

"Alex, hiding your feelings isn't going to work,"

"Drop it! there is nothing to talk about and nothing to hide. Just leave it a lone,"

"Alex," my mom tried.

"No, no. I don't need him, I don't want him. Leave it be!" I said running to my room.

I pulled on my old blue jeans and an old t-shirt.

I pulled my hair on top of my head and grabbed my book bag with unfinished homework.

I hurried out of the house and into the car.

Travis looked at me with concern.


"Drive the damn car," I snapped.

Travis backed out of the drive way and headed to school.

Finn's Point Of View

Frank told me about what happen last night.

I was freaking out.

Was Alex okay? Where was she?

I needed to hold her and tell her everything was going to be alright.

I waited nervously for my mom and Kelly to come back.

Kelly walked through the door and when she saw me she glared.

"What? Is she okay?"

"So you care?"

"Well yeah,"

"Finn, I don't understand what is going on here,"

"I do," Frank said.

"Carey and I set Finn up making it look like Finn was cheating on Alex,"

Kelly gave Frank the meanest look I've ever seen.

"Finn, this is what I'm telling you to do. Go to Carey and break up with her in public then tell Alex the truth! She needs to know. she's a mess and has too much pride to admit it. She's in love with you and she hates it. She broke down yesterday. She's a strong girl and if you want her back you have to fight for her,"

"Kelly, I can't-"

"I don't want to hear your bull shit right now! This is my advice that you are going to have to take. I know you love her so fight for her,"

Kelly headed up stairs and slammed the door.

"She's right," Frank said before heading up stairs. "Oh and Finn. I'm really sorry,"

I sighed and left the house.

I had to make things right.

Alex's Point Of View

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