A Freshman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 23

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The next day was school.

I got dress and all that other crap.

I walked to school and headed to my locker.

Like always Travis was there waiting for me.

"Hey, Travis," I smiled. "I beat you to the punch today,".

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, how was your break?" he asked as I hugged him.

"It was good, whoa, you got your ear pierced," I said looking at the diamond in his ear.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "I'm trying it,".

"I like it, so how as your break?".

"Good, so, how are things with Finn, you two seem like friends,"

"We're learning to tolerate each other, but his still gets under my skin,".

"What happened?"

"He told my art work, so I stole his basketball,"

"His LA Lakers basketball?" Travis said in shock.


"Dude, you got to touch it?"

"Yeah, Travis chill, it's a basketball,".

"I'm a huge Lakers fan, so its not just a ball to me. What did it look like?"

I smacked him on the cheek. "Come back to earth,"

"Sorry," he muttered rubbing his cheek.

"Me too,"

He chuckled. "Alright, I'm back, let's go to class,"

"Yay," I said sarcastically.

Travis chuckled as we walked to my class.

Finn and I haven't spoken all day.

It's now lunch time and I was on my way to my locker.

Once I was there I opened it and it a big pile of shaving cream fell out.

"Ew," I said as I watched it fall on the floor. A pink note was on top of the white foamy mess.

I picked it up and read it.

'So, Alex, I guess we're back to square one. Your legs are a bit hair so I thought you could use some shaving cream.

Your favorite man,


I chuckled as I balled up the note.

I slammed my locker and walked to the cafeteria.

I joined the line and got my food. I sat down at my regular table and thought about my plan of action with Finn.

We have a new relationship now a love/hate one.

It seems like now hate then love.

I watched as he made out with the new flavor of the day.

"Hey Alex," Britney said sitting down with me with the rest of the girls.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Don't look at Finn swamp spit with some hoe," Devin said.

"Yeah, you don't need to see that sweetie, no one does," Morgan said.

I laughed. "Yeah, I know, I just need a little payback,"

"What he do?"

"Shaving cream in my locker. It was like the can exploded in there,"

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