A Freshman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 42

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Frank opened his mouth to tell me when my phone went off.

I looked at the caller. Dad.

"Hello dad?" I said into the phone.

"Where are you?"

"I'm coming, sorry we lost track of time,"

"Hurry," we hung up and I looked at Frank.

"I'm so sorry Frank, but my dad is going to flip if I'm not home,"

"It's cool,"

"I'm sure whatever you did will be forgive," I said then kissed his cheek.

I pulled my bra and dress and slipped on my heels.

I hurried out the house, passing Finn and Carey.

I hurried into the house. "Dad?"

"Alexandra, where were you?"

"I was at the Johnson's house, Frank and I were talking and we lost track of time,"

"I'm just glad your okay,"

"Yeah, night, dad,"

"Good night, Alexandra," my dad said as I hurried up the stairs.

I changed out of my clothes and got in bed.

Finn was on my mind.

Why won't he just leave me alone.


Today was Monday and Travis came and picked me up.

He walked me to my locker where Chris was waiting.

"What's up, beautiful and Travis?"

"Hey," I laughed.

Travis pushed Chris playfully as I opened my locker.

"So, want to hang out at my place? We can watch a Bugs Life,"

"Sounds awesome!" Chris and giving Travis a high five.

I laughed and closed my locker.

The three of us walked to my homeroom.


Ignoring Finn seemed harder today.

He seemed to be everywhere.

I couldn't get rid of him.

After lunch Oliver, Jason, Ryan, Gabe Devin, Britney, Hannah and Morgan came to my locker.

"What's up with you and Finn?" Devin asked.

"I don't know. He dumped me for that,"

"And your okay with this?" Ryan asked.

"No, but I'm over him,"

"No, your not," Hannah said.

"My head is,"

"You should make him jealous," Britney smirked.

"No thanks,"

"Come on," Oliver begged.

"Yeah, date me," Jason winked.

"Sure," I said sarcastically.

"Alex," they whined.

"I'll get over him. He's just a guy,"

"Who stole your heart," Morgan pointed out.

"And dumped you in front of everyone," Gabe added.

"And is now making love to your ex best friend," Devin said.

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