Chapter 8

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Mkay, trigger warning, contains rape. I want to cry now. ;-; *Points to picture* Example...;-;

I FEEL SO BAD FOR WRITING THIS!!!!!! I MAY CRY!! I AM CRYINGGGG!!! *His theme starts playing*


~~~~~Story START~~~~~

~~~~~Trigger starts here~~~~~

We were in Halluciv's room. I couldn't feel Chara's presence and I couldn't feel my magic. Halluciv pinned me down and used his magic to hold me there. He tapped the collar. "Underlust Alphys made this for me...Senpai~" He cooed into my ear. I shivered.

"N-no...p-p-please n-no!! P-PLEASE NO! D-DON'T!!" I began to shout when he turned onto his non-gooey form and started to undress. He shoved me down and undressed me until I was completely naked. He connected our teeth. He licked me teeth, asking for entrance. I denied. He ran his fingers up and down my spine. I shifted around, trying not to scream again. He grunted, stopping. He turned me over and after a second, I felt an unbearable pain in my lower regain.

"S-STOP!! P-P-PL-EASE!! STOP!!!" I begged him. Halluciv lashed out a tentacle and it shoved itself in my mouth, stopping my screams. He stopped thrusting and removed the tentacle. He slid his tongue in my mouth before I could close it. My screams were muffled but I kept trying. Halluciv stopped, licking around his mouth before turning me over and entering me again. I shrieked in pain, begging him to stop. He ignored me and went harder and deeper until he came. I shrieked again. He stopped thrusting and my soul appeared before him. He probably wasn't expecting two different halves but shrugged if off and licked it. I groaned in discomfort.

He did this for a while, as if enjoying my suffering. He stopped...finally.......

Halluciv began to nip and bite and my neck, leaving marks. It felt so...horrible...He shoved me underneath him and shoved his member in my mouth. I hissed and bit down, hard. Halluciv took it out and growled at me. There was no longer any color in my eyes, only black voids. Haluciv ran his fingers up and down my spine again before grasping my soul with his hands. He squeezed it gently but it screamed in pain. I somehow screamed louder as he dug his fingers in it.

The pain became too much and I blacked out.

~~~~~Trigger is Gone....300+ words....;-;~~~~~

I don't know when I woke up, but when I did, I was in a different room. Xcellence was beside me, an empty look in his eyes. He noticed I was awake and he hugged me. He removed the collar and opened a portal. He didn't say anything as he picked me up and entered it. We were by Nightmare's castle and set me down. There were no guards. Xcellence gave me a sad look.

"I made it back from Underfell.....I'm sorry this happened to you....Halluciv will be banished," He said. He knocked on the door and went back through the portal, which closed behind him. Nightmare answered the door. He looked about to cry when he saw me. He engulfed me in a hug and took me inside. I couldn't feel anything...after that... Nightmare took me to the couch and simply hugged me. I felt tears sting me eyes. He brought my face to his.

He looked so much like Halluciv that I screamed and jumped back. I tried to stand but my legs buckled and I fell over. Nightmare probably didn't know why I screamed, and he went to quickly pick me up.

I panicked again. "N-NO!! D-D-DON'T T-TOUCH ME!!" My mind flashed back to what had just happen to me and I sobbed. Nightmare backed away, looking slightly hurt but it changed to confusion when he saw the look on my face.

"It's okay...take your time....." Nightmare was trying hard not to run and pick me up off the ground.

"H-h-ha-all-ll-llu-hallu-lui-luciv" I had never stuttered so much in my entire life. I focused on breathing and spoke again. "Ha-allu-lucive..." It sounded better than last time but I hated saying his name.

Nightmare took a step closer to me. I looked at him. "What about Halluciv?" He asked.

"H-hhe r-r-ra-a-ap-pp....." I trailed off. But Nightmare figured it out. He picked me up and noticed the bite marks on my neck. He sat back down and set me on his lap. He pet my head in a soothing manner. I felt myself grow drowsy but I didn't want to sleep. I didn't want any nightmares. Nightmare noticed the bags under my eyes.

"You should get some sleep," He told me.

I shook my head. ""

Nightmare sighed. "I'm Nightmare, the king of nightmares, I won't let you have any..."

I forgot about that. I gave in and snuggled up to him, falling asleep.

I didn't have any nightmares.

~~~~~Time Skip to Morning~~~~~

I woke up with a yawn. I was on Nightmare's chest and I panicked at first, thinking that I was back with Halluciv. Nightmare woke up and noticed my fear. He sighed and hugged me. "I am not, nor will ever be Halluciv. Speaking of which, where is he? I need to tear him to shreds and toss his dust in Underhell," Nightmare said.

Xcellence is dealing with that," I told him.

"The one who knocked you out?" Nightmare asked.


"Yeah- no, I'll be gone for an hour at most, I can take you with me if you want," Nightmare decided.

I thought for a minute. I didn't want to go back there...but I didn't want to be alone... "I-I'll wait...." I decided.

Nightmare could tell I wasn't to happy about being alone. "I can call Horror and Killer," He offered. I accepted.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

Killer and Horror left, and Nightmare went to go take a shower, since he was covered in dust.

When he came out he hugged me again, we cuddled on the sofa. I felt him kiss me lightly on the top of my skull. My breathing was so steady that he thought I was asleep. I closed my eyes and listened to his soul beat. I fell asleep again.


I was in a grayish white room. There was someone else there in chains.


"CHARA!!" I called to them.

They turned their head to me. "CROSS!!!!!" They called when they saw me. I ran over to them. I took my knife and slashed through the chains. Once they were free they began to ask questions. We shared a mind so, since I didn't want to say the story, told them to go through my thoughts. Once they went through it all, they were shocked, to say the least. We wished each other a goodnight and my vision went black.

~~~~~Dreams End~~~~~

I woke up, feeling Chara again. I was sleeping next to Nightmare on his bed. I snuggled closer to him and fell asleep again.

I was happy again.

We were happy again.

~~~~~End of Chapter 8~~~~~


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