Chapter 1: Danny Worsnop

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Krissy's POV

*[I awoke with a scream and sat bolt upright in bed. This was the normal for me lately... With the guys gone on tour I awoke every night in agonizing worry. This wasn't like me. I mean, when Ashley was here I was able to sleep through the night peacefully, but since they've left, I've had the same nightmare every night... I honestly don't know how much more of this I can take.]*

Alyx' POV

*[I woke up to hearing Krissy screaming. It's becoming a norm to me now... Every night for the last month she's been having terrible nightmares. And from what she told me, it's always the same one over and over again, playing in her mind like a broken record. It's only started since the guys left on tour. You see, both Kris and Ash are literally inseparable. They have the love and connection that even someone in a perfectly great relationship would be jealous about. I still remember the day that they left for tour... The bus came to pick them up here. Kris had a full blown panic attack as Ashley got onto the bus. The look on his face was completely unforgettable... It hurt him just as bad but they made the promise early in the relationship that he would continue to live his dream. They had their whole lives ahead of them to settle down... I slowly came out of thought and climbed out of bed shuffling into my batman slippers as I went. I walked out of my room, and across to Krissy's...]*

"Are you okay Hun?" I asked softly as I walked into her room silently gagging at the gigantic stencil of Hello Kitty that was directly across from me on the wall. "No Al, I'm not..." She replied with a quivering tone to her voice. She was crying... I knew she was. I kicked off my slippers and slid into bed with her cuddling up to her. In my heart, she was my sister and I really couldn't stand to see her like this. "I know Hun... I know. I feel the same way about Andy. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her as I smoothed her hair and hugged her close. She nodded into her pillow and sniffled. "I just miss him so much. I literally feel like half of my heart is missing. But, I can't ask him to come home. If I did that, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. He's living the dream, and he's happy because he knows I want what's best for him and because he knows that I will always be here waiting for him..." I sniffled again and rolled over to face Al as I let what I just said to her sink in. She placed her hand softly on my cheek and smiled. "The reason your hurting, is because of the undying, unfailing love you both have. Braving this, is only going to make you both that much stronger. Also, when you really think about it Hun, this is the first tour they've been on since we came into the picture. It will get easier with time. We just have to be patient." Kris nodded her head and smiled at me in reply letting out a long sigh. "Al, please stay in here with me... I'd rather not be alone... I don't like the way I'm feeling." She asked me with a pleading look in her eyes. "Okay Hun. I'll stay. Lets try and get some sleep while we still have a few hours to do so." She nodded and closed her eyes taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly as she quickly began to nod off to sleep again. I smiled, pecked her on the cheek, and closed my eyes as I too fell back to sleep.

Alyx' POV

*[I woke up stretching. I could hear birds chirping, and I could feel a little bit of the suns warmth from the big picture window. I looked over at Krissy; she was still sound dead to the world. I crawled out of bed, shuffled into my slipper's and headed for the bathroom.]*

Krissy's POV

*[I rolled over in bed and I could hear the faint sound of the shower. I slowly sat up stretching with a yawn listening to the sound of the birds chirping. I climbed out of bed and quickly and carefully made the bed throwing the extra pillows back on when I was done. I decided to follow the lead of Alyx, and I grabbed my clothes heading off to the bathroom.]*

I got out of my unusually long shower and grabbed my towel. I cocked my head and sniffed the air. 'Why do I smell bacon?' I said to myself as I began to throw my clothes on. I walked out of the bathroom meeting Alyx as I went. "Do you smell that?" she asked me. I nodded. Due to the fact that we were the only ones in the house, we found it very odd that we could smell bacon cooking. I took off into the room that Ashley and I shared and grabbed his baseball bat that he kept on his side of the bed. Alyx grabbed a can of pepper spray. Together, we cautiously walked down stairs and peeked around the corner. We could see someone standing in the kitchen, and we could hear bacon sizzling away on the stove. We both nodded at each other and took off at a run into the kitchen screaming. I was wielding the baseball bat above my head ready to swing, Alyx beside me with the can of pepper spray. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Alyx screamed getting ready to spray. The guy jumped and turned around waving a spatula in the air. "I'm Danny! Andy sent me to check on you two!" he screamed back defensively. We slowly lowered our 'weapons'. "Danny... Worsnop?" I asked. "Yes. Andy met up with me before they left, gave me a key and called me last night to come check on you two." he replied turning back to the food he was cooking. "We're sorry we sort of attacked you. We had no idea you had a key and would be coming by." I said to Danny as Alyx and I took a seat at the island. Danny grabbed three bottles of water from the fridge and set them down on the island. "It's okay, just don't do it again." he chuckled giving us a smile before plating up the food and bringing it over. The three of us sat and ate our food. When we were finished, we rinsed all the dishes before loading them into the dishwasher and starting it up. The three of us headed out to the back yard to sit and talk until Danny had to leave.

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