Chapter 3: Ka-boom

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Alyx' POV

*[I rolled over in bed and smiled at the sleeping form of Andy next to me. The sun was shining in the bay window and danced off of him. I couldn't help but feel my heart swell with love as I watched him sleep for a minute more. I quietly and carefully edged my way out of bed and headed to the bathroom. As I finished up, I got a text from my friend Ronnie.]*

Ronnie: Hey Girl, whats up?

Alyx: Not much, whats up?

Ronnie: Wanna hang out for a bit?

Alyx: Sure, pick me up?

Ronnie: See ya soon.

I quickly ran back to the bedroom and found Andy sitting up in bed. "Good morning handsome." I said as I went over and kissed his cheek. He smiled up at me before grunting his good morning and placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Where are you off to in a hurry?" he asked with a chuckle as he stood and stretched. "Ronnie wants to hang out for a bit. Think we're going to go for a quick coffee or something." I replied as I quickly shuffled into a pair of black flip flops. Andy came over to me and pulled me in for a hug. He kissed the top of my head before letting go. "Have fun baby-girl." he said with that cherub like smile. I stuck my tongue out at him before running off to meet Ronnie.

Andys POV

*[I'm glad Alyx has Ronnie as a friend. He's always been a loyal friend of mine as well but for some reason, I feel like I can't trust him lately. Maybe it's just me... I'm being too paranoid...]*

I slowly shuffled to the bathroom yawning and stretching as I went. After I finished in the bathroom, I headed down stairs to join everyone else for breakfast. "Morning everyone!" I said loudly trying to be heard above the laughter. "Morning dude!" CC exclaimed with a smile and a cheery wave. I took a seat at the table beside Krissy and began plating up some bacon, eggs, toast, and sausages. "Where's Al?" Krissy asked with a raised eyebrow. "Gone to have coffee with Ronnie" I replied between mouthfuls of toast and coffee. Krissy nodded and quickly looked to Ashley before going back to her food. "You sounded off when you said that..." Jinxx said looking at me. "I don't know why, but for some reason I feel like there's something going on with Ronnie... Like I can't trust him fully..." I replied scratching my head and shoving a slice of bacon into my mouth. Everyone looked at me before Jake piped up. "What do you mean you feel like you can't trust him?". I shook my head not wanting to really get into it because I'd only worry more. The guys dropped it and a few minutes later we all joined together to clean up the mess from breakfast.


*[The more I really thought about what Andy said, I realized that he never worried... So for him to worry maybe something really was up...]*

I walked down the hall to my room and went to sit on the bed. I pulled my phone out and sent a text to Krissy.

CC: I need to talk to you... It's kind of important.

Krissy: Sure, where are you?

CC: My room.

Krissy: Okay.

In no time, Krissy was standing in my door way. I quickly motioned for her to come in and close the door. "Whats up?" I asked, taking a seat next to CC on his bed. "You know just as well as I do that Andy never worries. I really think something maybe going on...". I sat quietly for a moment before responding. "Maybe... but we all know how much Alyx love's Andy. We know she'd never do anything to hurt him." I replied. CC sat in silence and shook his head in agreement. "Your right.". We smiled at each other before going to find everyone else.

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