Chapter 6: I Want to Dance

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Krissy's POV

*[I rolled over in bed and bumped into Ashley's warm sleeping figure. I stretched, and ran my fingers over his chest tickling him. He began to giggle before fluttering his eyes open. I smiled up at him, moving slightly so I could reach up and peck him on the lips. As I did, my hand flew to my mouth and I was up and out of bed and racing to the bathroom. As I flung myself down on the floor with my head in the toilet bowl, I could hear Ashley running to my side. As I began to heave and retch, his strong and warm hand rested between my shoulder blades and he began to rub in circles. His other hand twisted around my hair and held it back out of my face.]*

I slumped back onto his kneeling form and took a deep breath as he reached up and flushed the toiled closing the lid. He rose, pulling me with him. As I regained my strength, I went over to the sink to brush my teeth. "Are you hungry baby girl?" Ashley asked while standing behind me with his hand on the small of my back. I nodded to him with my tooth brush in my mouth. I held up a finger, instructing him to wait a minute. I lowered my head and spit into the sink. "Bacon, eggs, toast, and orange juice." I said as I grabbed the bottle of mouth wash that was on the counter. He grinned and nodded. As I finished up in the bathroom, I shuffled back into our bedroom and flopped face first on to the bed. So far, my pregnancy was going great. I was a week or so shy of my four month mark, and I've only had morning sickness. I was even starting to show! And boy, could I eat! At the thought of food, I popped up off the bed and went to my closet. I pulled out a navy blue tshirt, and white demin shorts. I threw them over my shoulder onto the bed as I bent down to sift threw my countless pairs of shoes. I settled on my black and white low top converse. I went back to my bed and sat down. I pulled off my pajama top, and grabbed my bra. I put it on and sat looking down at my chest. It was tighter than normal. I made a mental note to myself to go later so I could get a new one.

After doing the clasps up, I pulled my tshirt on over my head. As I stood, I untied the drawstring on my hello kitty pants, and let them fall to the ground. I changed my underwear, and pulled on the shorts. I struggled slightly to do the button up, but I still managed. Another few days, and they would no longer fit. I sat back down and pulled my converse on my feet before getting up and standing in the mirror. My boobs were definitely getting bigger. I was actually kind of impressed, I looked good! I grabbed a hair elastic off the top of my dresser and threw my long messy hair up into a bun. I nodded, satisfied with how I looked. I glided out of the room happily. I was starved! The smell of the cooking bacon was like a magnet. I found myself down in the kitchen, standing next to Ashley as he cooked.

"Oh my god, that smells amazing!" I said as he flipped the bacon. He turned to smile at me, but his jaw dropped as he noticed my boobs. "Woah..." was all he managed to say as he quickly turned his attention back to the sizzling bacon. I smiled evilly. This would make for a fun day of tormenting him. Andy barged into the kitchen, and I turned to greet him. "Morning!" I exclaimed. I walked over to Andy who smiled at me. "I can see your growing." he replied. I looked at him, not thinking he would actually comment on the size of my growing boobs, but he smiled as he placed his hand on my bell and gave it a little rub. Then it clicked, he meant my baby bump. I chuckled, "Yeah, I'm growing a little more quickly than I was expecting." He nodded his head. "I think your going to pop quickly!" He went over to make himself a cup of coffee as Ashley was plating up my food. I followed him with my nose in the air as he walked over to the island and sent my plate down. I beamed up at him and pecked his cheek. "What would I do without you?" I drawled out as I hopped up into the chair. He turned with a smirk on his face, "Starve." I flipped him off as he went over to the fridge to pour me a glass of juice.

As I ate my food slowly and savoured the flavour, I heard a faint sound... almost like that of a drowning cat. I looked up, and seen Andy and Ashley looking from each other, then over to me. Jake and Jinxx came darting out to the kitchen from their rooms down the hall, their hands plastered over their ears. "Make it stop!" Jinxx screamed. "My poor ears!" Jake muttered as he face planted the couch, his hands grasping for the throw pillows. "What in gods name is that noise?" Andy shrieked over the deafening howling. "CC's in the shower, and he's loosing his voice..." Jinxx muttered as he took a seat next to me and snagged a piece of bacon from my plate. We all stifled a chuckle as the howling stopped.

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