Chapter 5: Munchkin

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Jake's POV

*[I rolled over in bed and stretched my arms out in front of me. As I rubbed my eyes, my mind slipped back into thought about what went on in the last 24 hours. Ashley yelled at Krissy, and she ran. Ronnie took advantage of her, and Ashley beat the shit out of him. And, then there was also the possibility of Krissy being pregnant. And then, who was the father? Ashley, or Ronnie. With a sigh, I sat up in bed and swung my legs over the edge so my feet rested on the floor. I stood and stretched before turning around to make the bed. As I finished, I shuffled out of my room and down the hall to the kitchen. I was starving. I wanted bacon.]*

I pulled open the large door of the chrome fridge that stood in the kitchen. I peered inside for a moment before closing the door with a long sigh. We didn't have any bacon. I settled for a bowl of lucky charms, and a glass of orange juice. As I placed my food on the kitchen island, Andy shuffled into the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker.

"Morning dude." I said with a slight wave in his direction as I continued to scarf down my cereal. Andy grunted in response before throwing himself down on the other side of me and leaning his know on the table with his chin resting in his hand. "Your so not a morning person..." I stated as a  matter of fact. Andy responded with giving me the finger before smirking and getting back up to deal with his coffee.

As the smell of coffee began to waft through the lower half of the house, Jinxx and CC made their appearance. They took went straight for a cup of coffee before sitting down. We all sat in silence before CC voiced what was surely on all of our minds.

"So, what if Krissy is pregnant?" He trailed off looking from myself to Jinxx, and then to Andy. "All we can do is hope and pray that if she is, she's far enough along for it NOT to be Ronnie's." Andy answered, emphasizing the word 'not'. We all nodded in agreement. "Guys?" We all looked at Jinxx. "I think we should leave it to Ashley and Alyx, and they should take her today. The sooner, the better...". We all looked at Jinxx and realized that what he said made absolute sense. He was right. "Your right Jinxx." We all voiced. "Well, that settles it. I'll talk to Ashley and Alyx when they're up." Andy spoke as he stood and took his coffee cup to the sink.

Alyx POV

*[I rolled over and buried my face into my pillow. I can't believe that Krissy may actually be pregnant. What a roller coaster we've all been on since yesterday morning. I lifted my head enough to peer beside me. Andy must have already been up to get a cup of coffee. I pushed myself up onto my knees and stretched before sliding out of the bed and heading straight for the bathroom. I needed a shower.]*

As I closed the barroom door behind me, I pulled off my batman tshirt and black sweat pants. I threw them into a little mass on the floor and turned the shower on. As I waited a moment for the water to adjust itself, I shook my head. All of this was stressing me out. I was scared for Krissy, but at the same time I was a little jealous because I had always had feelings for Ronnie, but I didn't love him like I love Andy. I climbed into the shower, forcing the thoughts to the back of my mind. I stood and enjoyed the feel of the hot water on my bare skin. It helped to wake me up and steady my thoughts.

After finishing my shower, I shut the water off and pulled the shower curtain back only to shiver as the cool are danced on my skin creating goose bumps. I quickly grabbed my fluffy white towel and wove it around myself as I climbed out of the shower. I left the bathroom and went to sit on the floor in front of my mirror with my hair dryer.

I plugged it in, and turned it on. The warmth felt great on my face. As I began to dry my hair section by section, I seen Andy walk into the room. I made eye contact with him in the mirror and smiled. He shit the door and came to sit beside me. He had to raise his voice slightly to be heard over the noise of the hair dryer. "I talked to Jinxx, Jake, and CC..." He trailed as he watched me. I looked at him out the corner of my eye, and nodded him to continue so he knew I could hear him and was listening. "We all agreed that it should just be you and Ashley taking Krissy to the hospital. And you should go today. The sooner, the better." I shut the hair dryer off and stares at Andy. "Your right. I agree." I said with a nod and a smile. He was such a beautiful man, and his crystal blue eyes always mesmerized me. He placed a soft kiss on my lips before getting up and letting me go back to finishing my hair so I could get dressed for the day.

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