Chapter One

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I put down the grocery bags, the weight of them killing my arms. I called out for my fiancé as I stared putting the food away.


I turned to Happy, flashing him a smile, "Do you mind giving me a hand? I gotta get this done fast or I'll be late for class."

Happy nodded, "I got this baby girl. Go to class."

I gave him an appreciative smile, giving him a quick kiss before hurrying from the room. I grabbed my stuff from the bedroom, calling out a goodbye as I dashed from the house.

I waved to Tig and Jax, passing them on the road on my way out of town and towards the college. Once I got to the campus i parked in her first spot I saw and practically ran into the building. I got there with a couple minutes to spare. I took my usual spot in the back waiting for class to start.

I felt a faint buzz in my pocket. I pulled my phone out to check it.

"I'll be back in a few hours. -Happy"

I normally got texts like this when he had things to do for the club. We had a deal that I wouldn't ask too many questions if he just told when he was going. I started to reply when the professor walked in. I shoved my phone into my bag, pulling out my notebook for class.

"Alright. Everyone clean up your stations as I explain to you what your final will be," my teacher said.

I gathered the dirty dishes and ingredients, carrying them over to the fridge and cleaning station. I listened as I washed my pots.

"As you all know this assignment will count as 80% of your grade. For you seniors this may make or break if you graduate this semester. Or at all for that matter," she spoke as she walked around checking stations. She patted me on the shoulder giving me a kind smile as she passed mine.

"You are to prepare a five course meal for at least ten people. You are to prepare the menu, do the shopping and cook the complete meal. You are allowed one assistant to help serve the food. They are not to cook a thing," she came to a stop in front of the classroom looking at us, "your guests will fill out a survey card that you can print off from the email I sent you. These surveys, your menu and a complete photographed profile of your meals, including recipes are due in two weeks. The rest of our classes until then are cancelled so you can prepare and have more time. You are welcome to ask me for advice as well as use your station to test recipes."

She looked around the room, "Any questions."

The class shook their heads and she dismissed us. I grabbed my bag and binder of recipes. Heading out to my car, I checked my phone. Happy hadn't texted me again. I decided to head to Gemma's house to ask her if I could take over next weeks family dinner and use her house.

I pulled into her driveway a little while later, after stopping by her favorite coffee place to get some coffee. I figured it wouldn't hurt to butter her up a bit. I knocked on the door, waiting for her to answer.

Gemma and I had gotten closer over these last couple years. Even after Happy took care of Derek and after I had talked to him myself, I still felt like there was something to it that I couldn't understand. Gemma opened up to me about her own rape and she became someone I could confide in.

When the flashbacks still happened and it was causing a strain on Happy and I's relationship, I came to her. I could talk to her and it helped knowing there was someone who actually understood, not someone who just nodded.

The door opened and I snapped out of my thoughts, plastering a smile on my face.

"Hey Gemma," I greeted her, holding up the cups of coffee, "I brought coffee."

Gemma smiled, "Hey hun, come in."

I followed her into the house, closing the door behind me. I handed her her coffee as she took a seat at the bar top. I took a seat beside her, drinking my own.

"So what do you need?" Gemma asked, eyeing me.

"Who says I need something. Maybe I just wanted to come over and talk," I countered.

Gemma grinned, "Because you never just come over here to talk and bring coffee. You just show up."

I sighed, "Fine. I was going to ask if I could take over family dinner next week. I know all the old ladies help usually and you're in charge, but I need to make a five course meal for ten people for my final assignment."

Gemma shrugged, "Sure. It might be nice to not be the one having to run around and scramble to get everything together for once."

I beamed, "Thank you Gemma! Oh and there's one more thing. Could I use your place?"

"Okay, now you're asking too much!" Gemma said with a laugh.

Happy's POV:

I was cleaning up in the dorms when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," I called out, throwing water on my face.

"Hey baby."

I turned around, seeing Stephanie leaning against the door frame of the bathroom. I wiped off my face before going over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Hey baby girl," I said, kissing her.

"You ready to head to your mothers for dinner?" She asked, pulling a fluff off my collar. I nodded.

"Yeah, are you ready?"

"I think so. I don't know why you're so nervous for this dinner," she said with a sigh, stepping away so I could get changed.

"I don't know, I just am," I replied, slipping off my cut and pulling off the dirty shirt.

"She's the only one we haven't told yet."

I frowned, Stephanie was right. We had gotten engaged about a month ago and my mom still didn't know. I didn't really have a good reason for not telling her besides I was scared. She liked Stephanie and they got along great.

"I know," I said with a sigh, "and I don't have a good reason. I'm just nervous."

Stephanie gave me a kind smile, "well don't be."

I chuckled, "yeah, I'll do just that. You should be a life coach."

She gave me a shove, "Don't be a dick."

I only laughed more, wrapping and arm around her and leading her out of the dorms.

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