Chapter Thirteen

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I made my way out of Happy's dorm room, the soft blanket still wrapped around me. Going out into the main room I found the remains of the party from last night. Happy had come back late last night while the party was still going on. I told him he could go and hang out with the club, I wasn't going to be much fun.

But he insisted on having an early night and spending the day with me. I finally felt better after a couple days of feeling bleh. My stomach was still a bit queasy, but that was most likely because I hadn't really eaten anything for two days. I grimaced, smelling some breakfast being cooked in the kitchen. My stomach churned, I was always sensitive to smells when I was sick.

I sighed, making my way over to the couch in the corner and curling up on it, tucking my feet under me and draping the blanket over me. I leaned my back against the arm rest and my head on the back of the couch, my eyes closing once more. I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen and I opened my eyes.

Tara came out with a plate of food and a cup of coffee. She stopped for a minute, surprised it seemed to see anyone but herself up this early. But she smiled softly at me, taking a seat beside me on the couch.

"Good to see you finally out of bed. How are you feeling?" She asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

I groaned, covering my face to block the smell of the food.

"Better. But the smell of food still makes my stomach churn."

Tara frowned but shrugged, "that'll probably go away as you start to eat more. You're stomach will churn for a couple more days. Just gotta ease back into it."

I sighed and nodded, closing my eyes again, "I hate being sick."

Tara chuckled, "you sound like Abel."

I glared are her playfully, "are you comparing me to a small child?"

Tara just smirked but didn't say anything, beginning to eat her food.

Over the next couple hours more people woke up and came into the main room. Tara left short after she ate breakfast, having to her to work. Happy was one of the last people to wake up. He came over to me first, kissing the top of my head.

"How ya feeling babygirl?"

I couldn't help but smile at his rough morning voice. It was a comforting thing to me.

"Better. Still can't eat a whole lot without wanting to puke."

"That'll pass. Do you need anything before I see what the plan is for the day?" He asked.

I thought for a moment grinning and looking at him, "a puppy."

Happy closed his eyes and sighed, "we've been over this Steph."

I sighed this time and pouted, "Yeah, yeah. Not right now. But if you get a chance today, do you think you couple pick up some movies from the house?"

"Sure baby. What do you want?"

I looked at him, "Do you really need to ask?"

Happy rolled his eyes but a could see a small grin on his lips, "Harry Potter?"

I beamed, "Duh. Will you watch on with me?"

"If I got time babygirl," Happy leaned down and kissed me once more, "I'm going to talk to Jax. I'll see you later."

"Okay. I love you."

"Love you too." I watched him walk away and looked around the main room. Jax, Tig and Happy stood by the bar talking. My dad and Bobby were sitting at one of the tables.

I groaned, stretching as I stood up and made my way over to them. I took the seat between them.

"Morning love," dad greeted me.

I gave him a small smile and laid my head on his shoulder.


I shrugged, "I would feel tons better if you make your special tea."

I looked up at him with a pout, my eyes big and a pitiful look on my face. Dad chuckled.

"Sure, give me a minute and I'll make it."

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, giving him a squeeze.

"Thanks dad! You're the best!"

Bobby chuckled and shook his head, "she's got you completely wrapped around her finger."

Dad looked at him, "so? This here is my princess. Of course I'm gonna spoil her."

I stuck my tongue out at Bobby who just chuckled in return. Dad had always babied me, especially when I was sick. He would always make sure my favorite movies were ready to be put on the tv. He'd stick my blankets in the dryer just to make them warm for me and when he was home from work he would snuggle me until I fell asleep, finally tucking me into bed. But the best part of all of it was his special tea. He wouldn't tell what was in it, just that it was an old family recipe that could cure all. And boy did it, no matter how awful I felt, one mug of that and I would feel instantly better.

I let go of my dad as he got up and headed into the kitchen. I talked with Bobby until he got back. I beamed, seeing him making his way over to me, a mug in his hand. Dad took his seat again, handing the mug to me.

I took a deep breathe, smelling the steam that rose of the mug. The mint and honey was overpowering but there was a scent of something hidden in there that I couldn't figure out. I took a sip and yeahs, closing my eyes as I swallowed.

"This is perfect. Thank you dad."

Happy's POV:

I looked over at Stephanie who sat with her father and Bobby. I smiled, watching her laugh with them.

"So what are you going to do?" Jax asked, asking his cigarette.

I looked back at him, "I don't know. I need to figure out what Christian and is planning. But we don't know a damn thing about the fucker."

"Juice did some digging," Tig spoke up, "found a lease for a warehouse out in Oakland. Christian's name isn't on it but his company's is."

"Might be a good place to start," Jax suggested.

"Better than nothing," I said pushing away from the bar.

Jax and I headed towards the door, Tig staying behind for something Clay needed him to do. I stopped at the table, my hand on Stephanie's shoulder.

"We're gonna head out for a bit. I'll stop by the house if I got time,"I told her, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Okay. I'll see you when you get back."

I leaned down giving her a soft kiss, before heading out the door.

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