Chapter Nine

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I followed Jax back into the clubhouse. The clubhouse was eerily quiet when I walked in, every one stopping their conversations to look at me. I guess they all knew about the clubhouse. My cheeks burned, I never really liked being the attention of everything. Jax patted my shoulder before walking off. 

i hardly had a moment to breath before I was face to face with the last person I wanted to talk to at that moment. I tried to hide any emotions as I stared Happy down. 

He cleared his throat, "Can we talk?"

I shook my head, "I don't really have anything to say to you."

"Please bab-Stephanie," he quickly corrected himself from calling me his typical pet name. I felt my heart break. 

"Fine," I whispered, unable to speak any louder for fear my voice would break.

I followed him back outside, to the same table we sat at the night we met. I stood while he sat, waiting for him to say something. 

"Are you okay?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. 

"Is this what you wanted to talk about? What do you think Happy? I fucking peachy!" I growled, crossing my arms. 

"Sorry, that was a dumb question."

"You think?"

"I don't like this anymore than you," Happy said, looking at me, "This is killing me."

"I thought you would be thrilled. It was your idea," I countered. 

"You really think I enjoy seeing you in pain? Not being able to call you mine? I fucking love you," Happy snapped back, glaring at me. 

"Could've fooled me. Call me stupid but usually when you love someone and want to be with them, you don't push them away."

"This is only temporary," Happy tried to assure me, "Once everything is safe again, we can be together."

"And what makes you so sure I'll agree to that? You broke my heart Happy! And for what? Because you're not man enough to deal with some problem?"

"Watch it," Happy warned, his gaze cold, "I don't want you hurt. I can't stand the idea of something happening and it be all my fault!"

"WHAT would be all your fault? All you're giving me is vague answers. What. The. HELL. Is going on?" I was going to get some answers, I was sick of this round about BS. 

"What's going on is I've pissed off some people, people who want me to hurt. And they intend on doing that by hurting you. I don't know how serious these people are and how far they will go, but I refuse to risk it," Happy said. I huffed. 

"That's hardly an answer, I can gather that much. WHO did you piss off? WHO is 'after me'?"

Happy gave a defeated sigh, "Will you please sit down?"

"I'm fine standing," I said, shaking my head. 

"Please Stephanie. Just sit down and let's talk, like adults."

I stared at him, debating on if I should sit or not. Happy smiled a bit as I took my seat beside him, keeping as much space between us as I could. 

"Stephanie, you're right. There are some things that I have been keeping from you but it doesn't change the fact of why I'm doing what I'm doing," Happy spoke softly, "Stephanie I want to be with you for the rest of my life. But in order for that to happen,  in order for you to be okay so we can have a future, you're going to have to trust me."

I shook my head, "I can't do that Happy. Not when you won't tell me what is going on. If you're expecting me to trust you then you're going to have to be honest with me. Completely."

Happy looked away, nodding, "Yeah you're right. Fine I'll tell you. On one condition."

"And what's that?" 

"After I tell you, you have to listen to what I say to keep you safe. No matter how stupid it may sound," Happy said, looking back at me, holding eye contact. 

I nodded, waiting for Happy to continue. 

"That day there was a man at the house, someone came to see me at the shop," Happy started. 


Happy shot me a look, "Are you going to let me talk or are you going to interrupt me with questions?"

I blushed. "Sorry," I mumbled.

"Like I was saying, that day someone came to see me. They picked me up in some slick ride. They drove me out to the middle of the desert. I waited there for a while, honestly thought any minute I was going to be ambushed."

I bit my tongue, trying hard not to interrupt him. 

"Eventually someone else showed up, the boss I guess. Stephanie, Derek's brother is whose after me. After you. And I don't know what he plans to do and I don't know how far he's going to go. But I know he intends on doing something to you," Happy said. 

I waited for a moment to make sure he was done talking before speaking. "How do you know?"

"He told me."

"Oh, I guess that's a pretty good indicator."

Happy chuckled, "Yeah, I would say so. Now do you see why I did what I did?"

I shook my head, "Still no. I mean, kinda I do but- why don't we do things the way I want to do it?"

"Because that wasn't the deal," Happy said. 

"It could be. Kinda," I replied. 

"No," Happy said, standing up. 

"Wait, Happy," I pleaded, reaching out and grabbing his hand, "Why can't we look at all avenues?"

"Like what?"

"As far as anyone is concerned, outside the club, we're done. Just- I can't do this Happy. I can't not be with you, you're my everything," My voice cracked, "I can't guarantee that if we do this, everything will just go back to the way it was after." 

"Come here," Happy said, holding a hand out to me. I took it, letting him pull me into his arms. Everything instantly felt better. My heart no longer hurt and I felt a peace again. I felt whole again. Happy rest his chin on the top of my head. 

"Please Happy," I begged, tightening my hold on him. 

Happy sighed. "Okay. But if anything happens, we go back to doing things my way," he said, leaning back to look at me, "Understood?"

I nodded. "Can I have a kiss?" I asked softly. 

Happy smiled, leaning down and pressing his lips to mine. I move my arms up, wrapping them around his neck. Pulling away, I smiled up at Happy. 

"You know, I think this may have been my shortest break up ever."

"What can I say? I just can't stay away from you."

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