Chapter Fifteen

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I groaned, rolling over and glaring at the small dog who whimpered by the door. Bloo was quickly understanding he had to piss outside, but why did he have to wake up so damn early. I closed my eyes and let out a slow breath, my stomach was killing me.

I had just gotten over whatever bug I had a couple weeks ago. Why did I keep getting sick? I sat up slowly, ignoring the pounding in my head. I wrapped the blanket around me as I got up. I shuffled to the door, opening it. Bloo bounded out into the hall happily barking.

I was back at the clubhouse. Hap was on a run with Jax and Bobby and didn't feel like Bloo was much of a guard dog yet. I mean, what did he expect? We've only had him for almost three weeks. However Happy didn't want me home alone so I moved back into his dorm room for the time being.

I followed behind Bloo slowly, I could hear Tig's loud laugh as he played with Bloo in the main room. I leaned against the was once I got to the end of the hallway.

"Tiggy," I called out.

"What's up doll?" He asked, not looking away from the tug of war he was in.

"Do you mind walking Bloo please?" I asked, "I don't feel good and I just want to get a little bit more sleep."

Tig glanced over at me, "Sure. You look like shit."

"Fuck you."

"I don't think your old man would appreciate it, but if you really want to," Tig teased.

I flipped him off, "Thanks Tiggy."

I turned around, heading back into the dorms.

I groaned, waking up and feeling myself being shaken. I opened my eyes slowly, Happy stood over me.

"Good afternoon sleepy head."

I rolled over, stretching, "When did you get back?"

"about an hour ago," Happy replied, sitting on the edge of the bed, "Tig said you were sick."

"I was when I woke up this morning. But I feel fine now."

Happy rubbed my leg, "Are you okay? You keep getting sick."

"I think this morning was just acid reflux. I've had it since I was a kid. Sometimes it comes and goes, especially when I'm up really early," I explained, "I'm not too worried. Maybe I'll go to the doctor and get back on some medicine for it."

Happy nodded, "So where's Bloo?"

I thought for a minute and the i shot up in bed, "Shit!"

I rushed out of the room and out into the bar, "Bloo!"

I looked around the room, panicking. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw him on the couch with Dad. His head picked up when he heard me call his name.

"Come on Bloo," I called him.

Bloo slowly got of the club, stretching as he did so. As soon as his paw hit the floor he became more awake and full of energy. He bounded over to me quickly, jumping around my legs when he reached me.

I chuckled and reached down, petting his head, "Let's go see daddy."

I headed back to the dorm, Bloo following me. I opened the door to the room, watching Bloo run in and jump on the bed. He immediately climbed on Happy's lap, getting in his face and begging for attention. Happy took him off his lap but scratched him under his chin.

"Did you lose him?" Happy asked me.

"I kinda forgot where he was for a minute," I admitted sheepishly.

We sat I silence for a bit. I watched Happy pet Bloo as he fell asleep on the bed. I cleared my throat.

"So, uh, have we heard anything about Christian?" I asked softly. I was a little nervous to ask Happy. I really didn't want anything to go south like it did for a bit.

Happy shrugged, "we checked out a warehouse that was owned by his company."

"And how did that go?"

"It was empty. Didn't look like they had ever been there. There was still shit left there from whoever they bought it from."

"That's odd."

"Yeah," Happy said, looking at me, "right now we're going to regroup and I guess figure out something to do when he shows his face again. I still want you staying here when I'm gone until we're sure he's gone."

I frowned, "but when you're gone I can't go anywhere."

"Yes you can."

"Yeah, if I take a BABYSITTER with me," i retort.

"We all gotta do things we don't like."

I sighed and took a seat beside him on the bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping pup.

"So I got you this dog," Happy said.

"Yeah," i said slowly, raising my eyebrow.

"You know why I did it when I didn't really want one right?"

"As a guard dog."

"Yes, but because I love you."

I smiled, "I love you too."

Happy grinned, "well I think it's time you do something to show you love me."

"Oh really? And what might that be?" I replied with a smirk.

"I think you should get my crow. You've been my old lady for years and you're going to be my wife."

My smile fell, "oh."

"Oh?" Happy mimicked, "you don't want my mark?"

"It's not that," i said with a sigh, "you just know I hate needles."

"I know. That's why I haven't pushed you. And that's also why I'm gonna do it."

I crossed my arm, glaring at the floor as I pouted.

"Can't I just suck your dick or something?" I mumbled.

Happy chuckled, "you can do that too babygirl."

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