Chapter Ten

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I looked up from the mixer as something was dropped on my station with a loud thud. My professor had a huge smile on her face, my portfolio sitting on the counter top between us. 

"This was a very good portfolio. Very detailed, the recipes were adventurous. And you had glowing reviews from the surveys," she praised me. 

I smiled, "Thank you chef. I'm glad you liked it."

"You went a step beyond everyone, bringing me a sample of all the meals as well. The flavor balance was phenomenal."

My smile grew, I felt like I was glowing from all the praise. 

"Keep up the good work, I see good things from you," she said, "And when you get yourself that 5 star restaurant you better make sure I get a table."

I chuckled, "Of course chef."

She left, checking on other people's meal. I turned back to the mixer, dumping out out the mixture into a baking tray. I smoothed out the dough, putting the whole tray in a preheated oven. I took a breath, giving myself the time to take a break. I looked around the room, watching the other students.

Everyone was caught up in their recipes. Except one. A man stood at the back of the class, watching everyone. but he was watching me with more interest than the other. When he caught my eye he smiled and my blood ran cold. My teacher past by again and I got her attention. 

"Do you need help?" she asked, her brows furrowed with confusion, "You're my top student."

I shook my head, "No. I was just wondering who that man is in the back of the room?"

"Oh, the department head has him here. He's apparently looking for possible chefs to work in some high end restaurants," she explained, patting me on the shoulder, "Keep up the good work and you just might be one of them."

I nodded, watching her walk away. I glanced back at the guy before turning my back to him and pulling out my phone. My hands shook as I typed out the text to my dad. 

"That guy who was in my house, he's in my class!"

Happy's POV:

I shrugged off the crow eater who hung on me. There were still a good number left over from the party last night, hoping to get a little more attention the next morning. This one took the hint, walking off and trying again with Bobby. She would have better luck there. 

"Happy," Chibs slid into the seat across from me.


"Are you done playing games with my little girl?"

I groaned, rolling my eyes, "No one is playing games."

"Save it. My daughter was crying and now you're back together. How many times are you going to yank her heart back and forth?" 

I rubbed my face, "Jesus Christ Chibs. I did what I did because I thought it was best."

"So then why are you back together?" he countered.

"Because we're trying things her way. I still think my way is the best and if it starts to go south, then we're going BACK to doing it my way."

"So you're going to break her heart all over again? What did I tell you the first time you guys met? Do you remember?"

I didn't answer. 

"I told you she was fragile. That she didn't need someone coming in her life who was just going to leave her broken all over again. And that is exactly what you're doing. I'll be damned-" a chime from his phone cut him off. 

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