Chapter Seven

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Happy's POV:

I pulled the smoke into my lungs. My nerves were shot completely. Stephanie was out getting lunch with Gemma and I was waiting for her to get back. I already had a bag packed to go back home.

I needed to end things and I didn't know how to do it. I had to just rip the band aid off, there was no other way. I just hoped she wouldn't hate me. I got off the bed and walked into the bathroom, turning on the sink and splashing some water on my face. I had to pull myself together, I couldn't puss out. This was the ONLY way to keep Stephanie safe. 

I heard the door of the dorm open and my heart drop. Now was the time. I wiped my face off, trying to pull off the most emotionless expression I could before going back out in the bedroom. Stephanie looked at me with a smile. 

"Hey baby! I missed you," she chirped, coming over to pull me into a hug. 

I shook my head, stepping away from her, "We need to talk Stephanie."

I saw the smile drop from her face quickly. She swallowed and nodded, "Okay. W-what about?"

I sighed, guiding her over to the bed. I took a seat, pulling her down next to me. I stared at the carpet for a minute before looking at her. 

"I love you baby girl. I really do, and you know that right?" I asked, taking her hand. 

Stephanie nodded, chewing on her lip. I could see the hurt already in her eyes. That only made it harder. 

"And because I love you so much, I want to protect you," I could feel my throat get tight as I talked. I cleared my throat and continued, "And I don't think I can do that. Not while we're together."

"W-what are you saying?" Stephanie asked, her voice breaking. 

"I think it would be best if we ended things. Being with me is only going to get you killed," I tried to explain but she shook her head, standing up. 

"Bullshit Happy!" She snapped and stood up, the tears already falling down her cheeks, "We've been through almost everything the world can throw at us and we're still standing. Why now? Why is it that you can't handle it now?"

"Because now your life is directly in danger. If you stay with me and around me, I could lose you and I don't want that!"

"You think you're the one who puts me in danger? Please! I can do that on my own, I don't need any help from you."

"Stephanie, don't make this harder. This isn't easy for me!" I countered. 

Stephanie scoffed, "Really? Because it looks like you're enjoying it. But fine, whatever. You want to be over, then we're over. 

She struggled with the ring on her finger, a hiccup escaped her lips as she tried to hold back the tears. She yanked it off, throwing the ring at me. 

"There! It's done, poof! You're rid of me. Have a nice life," she seethed, grabbing her bag and leaving the room. The door slammed behind her. 

I looked at the ring that had hit my chest before falling onto the floor. I bent down, picking it up and sitting on the bed. I closed my finger around it tightly, resting my head against my free hand. I fought back the urge to go after her, I had to let her go. I had to. 

Stephanie's POV:

"Woah, woah. Where's the fire?" Dad stopped me as I stormed through the main room. 

I turned to him, letting him see the tears and my ugly cry face. His face became serious as he pulled me to him. I clung to his shirt, sobbing into his chest, soaking his shirt. 

"What happened love?" he asked me softly, rubbing my back. 

I shook my head, "I don't want to talk about it. I just want to get out."

"Okay, come on," he said, pulling away and taking my hand. 

I let him lead me out to his bike. He handed me a helmet and I shook my head, handing it back to him. 

"No dad, I need to be alone. Just for a while, please."

"You're supposed to stay with someone," he argued. 

"I'll be fine. I'll stay close," I promised, giving him a quick hug. I waved to him before walking out  the gate of the shop. 

I didn't really know where I was going but I found myself down the main street. I looked into the shop windows, looking at the dresses that were being sold. I shook my head, continuing on my way. I didn't have any reason to dress up anymore. 

Eventually I came to an ice cream shop, walking through the door. I ordered a triple scoop and found a table in the corner. I sat with my back to the wall, watching people come in go. There were a few people by themselves but most were families or couples. I looked down at my bowl of ice cream, feeling sick to my stomach and bitter whenever a happy couple walked in. 

How could he do this to me? He told me he loved me, promised he would never leave or hurt me. We were engaged! We were going to spend our life together and now that all crashed down in flames. What was this bullshit about me getting killed? Happy didn't exactly live a steller role model existence, I had been around many of his enemies. What changed and made him want to leave?

Unless that was just an excuse. It was the only thing that made sense. He didn't care before but now he was pushing me away. There had to be another reason. Or maybe another person. I dropped the spoon back into my bowl, unable to eat the rest. The ice cream wasn't as good as I thought it would be. I wiped away the tears that fell. 

"I hate seeing a pretty girl cry." A napkin appeared in my line of view. 

I looked up, seeing a handsome guy holding out the napkin to me. I gave him a small smile, taking the napkin and wiping my face. 

"Do you mind if I join you?" he asked, motioning to the chair across from me. 

I shook my head, crumpling up the napkin and dropping it into my bowl, "No, go right ahead."

As he sat down, I took a moment to take him in. His hair was dark, impeccably styled and he was dressed sharped. He looked at me, flashing me a smile. I had to stop myself my staring into his piercing blue eyes. 

"I'm Christian," he said, holding out his hand. I smiled and took it, shaking his hand. 


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