Chapter Eleven

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"Baby girl," Happy called to me, breaking me from my train of thought as I tried to put together my restaurant plan for my other class. 


"Ma fell yesterday."

My eyes widened, putting down the glue stick, "Is she okay?"

Happy nodded, "Nothing major. I was going to drive out and check on her tomorrow but I gotta take care of some stuff. Do you think you could go check on her? Maybe help her out a bit?"

"Yeah, yeah of course. I'll leave first thing in the morning."

Happy leaned down, kissing the top of my head as he left the room. 

"You're the best."

I grinned, "I know."

I finished gluing down the last picture and capped the glue stick, tossing it onto the desk. I stretched before standing up. Grabbing my purse I headed out into the main room. 

"Jax, give me a ride?" I asked, pulling his attention away from a conversation with Opie. 

"I gotta head out in a minute, I'm sorry Stephanie," Jax said, patting my shoulder and walking off. 

I sighed, dropping my bag onto the barstool, "Well there goes that."

"Do you need a ride somewhere?" Opie asked. I shook my head. 

"No, Happy just wants someone with me when I leave the clubhouse."

"I can go with you," Opie offered. 

"Oh, o-okay," I said nodding slowly, "Thanks Opie."

Since Derek and the rape a couple years ago Opie and I hadn't been as close as we used to be. We hadn't talked really and it hurt our relationship quite a bit. I didn't really have a reason, Opie just seemed to pull away then and it hurt at first. But eventually I decided that if he didn't want to be my friend, I wasn't going to force him. 

"So where to?" Opie said, giving me a smile. 

Happy's POV:

I pulled the ringing phone out of my pocket, "Hello?"

"Happy, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," the person on the other line replied. 

"Who is this?"

"Christian, surely you haven't forgotten about me just yet have you?"

My eyes narrowed, "How the hell did you get this number?"

"That's not whats important. What's important is what I called you about," he said. He sounded so giddy, like he was enjoying every bit of this. 

"I don't have time for your games. Just get to the point," I snapped. 

"And here I thought we could have a nice friendly chat, how disappointing. Stephanie is always so friendly with me, how did she end up with such an cold-hearted bastard like you?"

"You talked to her?" I growled. 

"A couple times, it was a nice little chat. She's really beautiful, I can see why you fell for her Happy," Christian replied, "I look forward to spending more time with her."

Before I could reply the line beeped telling me that the call had been disconnected. I hung up, shoving the phone back into my pocket. I looked around, a feeling of being watched came over me. There was no one out of the ordinary and I tried to push the feeling away. 

Stephanie was out with Opie, something about having to get stuff from our house. She should be back soon and then I can talk to her about Christian. I just hope she isn't too ma that I kept somethings from her. I paced for a minute before pulling my phone back  out of my pocket. I dialed Stephanie's number, putting the phone to my ear. 

"Hey baby girl, how is everything?" I asked.

"Fine, why? Is something up?"

"Actually, yeah," I sighed, "I need you to get back to the clubhouse as soon as possible. It's important."

"Alright, I'll just grab these things and I'll be on my way back. I love you.'

"I love you too," I replied and hung up.

Stephanie's POV:

"So what's going on?" I asked, taking a seat on our bed as Happy slightly paced in front of me. 

"I got a phone call today," he said, stopping and looking at me, "From Derek's brother."

"What did he say?" I asked, my eyes wide. 

"That he enjoyed spending time with you," I said, the anger I felt from before coming back. 

"Spending time- I don't know what he's talking about. I haven't met anyone new," I said, shaking my head. 

"No one?"

"No. No one exc- Oh wait, I met this guy at the ice cream shop a couple days ago," I replied, suddenly remembering. 

"What was his name?"


Happy frowned, "THAT'S Derek's brother."

I felt sick to my stomach, putting my head in my hands. "I didn't know Happy."

"I know," he said, taking a seat beside me, "I know baby girl. But this changes everything."

I looked at him, tears already in my eyes, "Does this mean w-we have to go back to doing things your way?"

Happy frowned and opened his mouth but I cut him off. 

"Please Happy, that isn't going to change anything! He already knows who I am, whether I'm with you or not he;s still seems to have intentions of coming after me. Please! Don't do this."

Happy wrapped his arm around my shoulders bringing me to him. I laid my head on his shoulder. 

"We'll figure this out," he said, rubbing my arms gently, "Together."

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