Part 1- A sinister uprising

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The two Zoroark waited anxiously as their egg was taken into the castle infirmary. After a long amount of time, a Gallade stood before them.
"It's a male, my Lord."
The male Zoroark was relieved. He turned to his mate.
"I believe we have a successor. He shall rule the empire should anything happen to me."
The emperor turned to the Gallade.
"Bring him to us immediately. His arrival shall be known to Ornera as soon as possible."
"It will be done, my Lord."
The Gallade left the pair, soon returning with a Zorua in his arms. The female Zoroark took the little Pokemon in her own arms, admiring him. The emperor smiled at his son.
"You'll become a powerful ruler. I'll make sure if it."
He stated, leaving the infirmary and going to his throne room with his mate and newborn son. The Gallade, the emperor's advisor, waited for a command.
"Alert the population of Ornera of our son's birth. Make it known to all, including the army, that the next ruler of Ornera has been born."
"Yes, my Lord."
The Gallade left the room, spreading the word. The Zorua lay in his mother's arms, not knowing if the future he had ahead. He was unaware of the tragedy that lay ahead, but he was soon to find out what it would be.

He evolved after his fifteenth birthday, and became a skilled fighter after that. He was beginning to build his reputation to the Pokemon of Ornera as the son of the emperor and a commander in the army because if it. Shadow's life suddenly took a turn for the worse however almost a year later. Soon after his sixteenth birthday, his parents became incredibly sick, and the doctors in the infirmary predicted that their chances of survival were slim to none. Surely enough, one month after Zoroark's seventeenth birthday and almost a year after they first became sick, Zoroark's parents and the emperor of Ornera passed away.

At the time of their death, Zoroark was on his way to visit them after training within the empire's elite guard. When he arrived at the infirmary, he was stopped by the emperor's advisor.
"Shadow, you mustn't go inside. You won't like what you'll see."
The Gallade told him.
"Why? What happened?"
He asked.
"Master shadow, I'm afraid I have some terrible news for you."
Shadow already had an idea of what he was about to hear.
"Well don't keep it from me. Tell me at once."
"Your parents, shadow, have passed away."
Hearing it for himself made him feel true depression. He knew it would happen in time, but now that it had he felt he couldn't control himself. He experienced a feeling of both anger and sadness. He finally controlled himself as the Gallade told him something which shocked him.

"My Lord, Ornera is now without a leader, and since you are the only remaining Pokemon in your father's bloodline..."
He bowed before shadow.
"You are now the rightful emperor of Ornera. I place myself at your command, my Lord."
Shadow realised it for himself.
"You're right... Indeed I am."
Shadow suddenly became aware of the power and responsibly that was so quickly put upon him.
"Go, make my new position known. I want the message spread as soon as possible. I have a lot of changes to make before my rule is official."
Although he never dreamed of admitting it to his father, Shadow didn't always agree with how his father ran the empire, and now that he was in control, he could change things to be the way he wanted them to be. Shadow was prepared to change the empire, and he would do it just as he planned...

***19 years later***

After ruling the empire for 19 long years, emperor shadow was considered a strong and powerful leader. He was respected by his Pokemon, although he had one flaw- he wasn't able to show his dominance on the battlefield. He was about to change that, however. He had kept his eye on Verana, a country with much to steal, and he intended to exploit everything it had to offer for himself and the empire. After 19 years of preparation, his large and well equipped army was ready to fight at his command. He called his advisor, a Bisharp, into his throne room. He changed his advisor in recent time as the final stages of his rearrangement of the empire. His old advisor was instead tasked with managing the military.
"The time has come, Alexander. Inform Gallade of my desire to lead the main landing party to Verana, and the two smaller ones to the neighbouring nations. After 19 years, we will finally rule over Verana and the surrounding nations, expanding our territories. This day will be long remembered- as the first day of the empire's uprising."
Shadow said with an evil smile.
"Very good, my Lord. I shall inform Gallade immediately."
The Bisharp left the room, leaving Shadow to his own thoughts.
"I'll win this war for you, father. I'll expand the empire's influence and dominance in your honour."
With that, the war for Verana had begun, and Shadow was confident he would win. How long he would keep it for was another matter.

Imperials Vs. Sentinels- Verana's fateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant