Part 11- The decision

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The queen and Richard sat in a room toward the back of the castle, out of the sight and hearing range of everyone else in the castle.

"This is a big decision, Richard. I'm not sure if there is a right option in this situation."
The queen told him.
"I agree, however we must make a choice, no matter the consequence."
The two often debated topics of significant importance in confidentiality, and sometimes they disagreed with each other.
"I think we should keep the Zorua with us. He'd be safer that way, and the imperials that survived the war wouldn't be able to twist his mind to turn him against us."
The queen suggested.
"I strongly disagree. He needs to go back to his home country- no matter how young he is, he's still the emperor of Ornera."
Richard replied.
"He can't go back- not at his young age. He wouldn't be able to support the empire at his stage in development."
"I don't see why keeping him here makes him any safer. If the imperials find out that we're holding their emperor here, they'll fight so hard to get him back that we could lose everything."
The queen shook her head.
"They just lost a war- they won't be in any fighting shape. They wouldn't try to invade us again. As for their leadership, they will find someone else to take charge- we don't even know for sure if they know that Zorua exists. The emperor was a very secluded leader- I doubt he told anyone that he had a son."
"We can't take the chance. If they do know, they'll think we're holding him hostage. That will surely do two things: It will fuel their hatred toward our nation and our army, and it will make them fight harder than they ever have before and possibly harder than they ever will. They may even get other nations to assist them, and they will. If they think we're holding anyone, not to mention a nation's leader hostage, we will suffer greatly at the hands of other nations. Keeping him here is a severe risk- we cannot ensure this country's safety if he stays here."
The two continued to debate the matter, going over every detail that could influence their decision.

Xavier and Zorua went about their business during the day, anxiously waiting for the message to go the the queen's castle to hear the verdict. They both wanted the same outcome, but they didn't know if the queen would agree. They were sitting outside together, looking out at the horizon when the messenger approached.
"The queen wishes to see you both immediately. She said you should know why."
"We do. We'll be there immediately."
Xavier replied.

The two arrived at the queen's castle, and Richard stood beside the queen. By his facial expression, Xavier wasn't able to tell what the verdict would be.
"Richard and I have discussed what we think would be best for Zorua, and we have made a choice."
The queen looked at Richard, who shook his head, looking at the ground below him.
"We have agreed..."
Xavier and Zorua looked hopeful as the queen finished her sentence.
"He shall be allowed to stay with you."
Zorua jumped for joy while Lucario nodded, smiling a little.
"Thank you, my queen. I shall take good care of him. I'll begin to make him more at home with me at once."
Xavier replied.
"If I am ever to require you, he'll be safe here with my Royal guard. His safety is assured."
The queen replied.
"Now go- you must have a lot of work to do. Make sure he remains safe- some imperials still fight, even with their leader dead."
Xavier nodded and left the castle, preparing to go home with Zorua by his side.

Luca, Zap and Ryan were eager to hear what had happened.
"Well? What did she say?"
Zap asked.
"Fortunately, she's letting him stay with me."
Xavier replied. The three were overjoyed.
"That's great! I'm sure you're happy with that result."
Luca responded.
"Of course I am. He'll be like a son to me, even though I know who's son he really is..."
Xavier replied.

"Well, I haven't been looking forward to this, but as the war has ended, this is goodbye for me."
Zap told the three.
"Really? So soon?"
Ryan asked.
"I'm afraid so. I'm here to collect my money and move on- a bounty hunter has to make a living somehow."
Xavier nodded.
"I understand. I would do the same."
"I know you would. I'll see you all again- this isn't goodbye forever. I'll be back again soon- count on it."
Zap saluted the three as he walked toward the castle as they all waved back.

"I should be going too- the flaming arrow won't be disbanding any time soon- we've been asked to help with law enforcement- and we'll be getting paid for it too. Of course, we couldn't refuse."
Ryan explained. Xavier nodded and Luca chuckled.
"No, of course not."
He replied.
"I'll see you all very soon- I'll still be around. Maybe we'll bump into each other soon!"
Ryan shouted, waving and leaving the castle's courtyard. That left Luca, Xavier and Zorua.

Luca turned to Xavier.
"So, you'll be raising Zorua?"
"That's right. I'll be very busy for a while. But what about you? What are you planning on doing?"
Luca thought for a moment.
"I'll continue to train, and maybe join law enforcement. I'll definitely be sure to keep my place in the military should I be needed."
Xavier nodded and smiled.
"I'd expect nothing less from such a loyal and supporting soldier. I really appreciate what you did for me, back at the emperor's castle. I surely would have perished if you hadn't been there. You saved my life."
Luca smiled.
"I only did what I saw right- I know you would have done the same for me."
Xavier nodded again, shaking his paw.
"You're a good Pokemon, Luca. You're also a great soldier."
Xavier began to walk toward his home, however he stopped and turned around a few steps away.
"And you're a good friend."
Luca saluted him, smiling.
"You take care of yourself, general. I'll see you very soon."
Xavier saluted back.
"And the same to you. I look forward to our next meeting."

With that, the four Pokemon began their new journeys, all of them with different aspirations and goals to reach at the end of them. The four would surely meet again, and they couldn't wait. With their hearts beating with anticipation, they knew they could face any challenge ahead. After all, they won a war together. What couldn't they do?

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the story, but don't stop checking in yet- there's still one more chapter and a special notice to come very soon, so hopefully you look forward to seeing them. It'll be sure to be out very soon, so you won't be waiting for very long. Until next time guys, see you all later and stay awesome!

Imperials Vs. Sentinels- Verana's fateWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu