Part 8- The imperials on the run

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General Xavier tried not to look intimidated as he looked at the shoreline, faced by a large imperial force and more leaving their ships to join them.
"Hold your ground soldiers... Hide your fear. Don't let them shake you."
He tried his best to keep his troops calm as their ship sailed toward the shore. After they moved closer, a line of imperial archers fired flaming arrows at the sentinel forces. Some sentinels were shot down by them while other arrows got the ships, setting the wood alight. Other arrows pierced sails. The ships that had been hit began to burn, forcing the soldiers to abandon them and swim to the shore. After a short time, the ships landed, and the sentinels and imperials clashed on the shoreline of Ornera, the empire's homeland.

After successfully defending their own homeland, the sentinels had faith that they could go on to successfully attack Ornera after a heroic defence. As the fighting continued, the large number of sentinels overpowered the imperials on the shore. Once the last imperial was killed, the sentinels wasted no time fortifying the shore, making sure no imperial forces would make it in or out. Within hours, four imperial ships returning from overseas were captured and the crews on them held captive. The sentinels had prisoners, weapons and the supplies on the imperial ships were stolen by the sentinels for their own use. After resupplying, the first sentinel movement was ready, and the invasion of Ornera began.

Unlike Verana, the Imperial stronghold and the location in which the emperor resided was in the centre of the nation, meaning the Sentinels only had to capture a small part of the nation before pushing for the fortress. 

They started immediately, taking over small towns and taking supplies, just as the imperials had in their land. They also had the support of the catapult crews, helping strike enemy lines from far away. Within a few hours, southern Ornera was theirs, and the Imperial fortress lay just a few miles north. At this rate, the sentinels would arrive at the fortress the next day.

"My Lord, they're here. They've taken the south of the country and they won't take long to reach here if they keep advancing."
After hearing this, the emperor was beginning to lose hope. For the first time in his life, he felt afraid. He knew that he couldn't stop their advance, but he had one last hope.
"There is one last strategy to try. Is the garrison ready?"
"At your command, my Lord."
The emperor nodded.
"Have them guard the fortress all night. We can't risk having the sentinels catch us off guard."
The emperor advised.
"As you wish, my Lord."
Alexander went to pass on the emperor's command. The emperor, now alone, kneeled before the large picture of his parents that hung above his throne. He looked up at the picture, felling as if all hope was lost.
"I'm sorry, father. I wasn't strong enough, and I failed you. I feel as though my time is short, but I do not fear death. If I shall die, than I shall join you in the afterlife, and I feel as though that time is near. Please, father, if there is any hope left, guide me; show me what I must do. I will continue your legacy until I breathe my very last breath, whether that be tomorrow, or in one hundred years. Forgive me father for my weakness, and help me in my time of need, I beg you."
He got up, looking out of his castle's window, out at the land he was about to lose. He looked out at the sea that his soldiers no longer controlled, and out at the orange sky, wondering if he was to see the sun set again. It plagued his mind as he slept that night as he finally began to regret the invasion he ordered all that time ago.

The next morning, the Sentinels were on the move again. They took two more towns and the central city with almost no resistance, giving them all the land they needed to attack the imperial fortress. After gaining 500 sentinel troops, they lead the one mile charge to the imperial fortress, only to be met by one last resisting force. This imperial force was the only army remaining that stood between the sentinel forces and the emperor. The castle was just a few metres away, but these imperials were particularly skilled in keeping the sentinels back. Among the troops were the four main Sentinel figures- Luca, Xavier, Ryan and Zap. Xavier was fighting when something caught his eye. He looked up at the castle to see the emperor through the window. He saw the emperor scowl, turn and walk away. Seeing the emperor made something inside General Xavier snap- like a switch had been flipped. He braced himself with his shield close to him before charging full speed right through the imperial guard, throwing imperials out of his way. He then wasted no time charging into the emperor's castle alone. The other three saw him, but wouldn't be able to join him until the imperials had been dealt with. They continued to fight, desperate to aid the General. It would be some time before he saw them again, though.

General Xavier walked through the empty halls, trying his best to find the emperor. After going a long time without finding anything, he walked into his throne room, seeing his throne and the picture above it.
"Ah, you must be General Xavier."
A voice echoed, making Xavier jump and snap to attention.
He looked around to finally see the emperor walk out from a doorway.
"Yes, I've heard a lot about you. I'll have a lot of fun cutting you down. You've caused too much of an interference to my plans, and I'll make you pay for it."
Xavier gave the emperor an angry look.
"You invaded our home, killed our Pokemon and stole our rightful possessions- your death will finally free the world from the empire's oppression- I'll see to it that you don't leave this castle alive."
He replied.
"Young fool.. If you only knew the power of the empire... We will prevail, and you will be my first prize and mark the beginning of the empire's reclamation of your land. I trained with my father's elite guard for nine years- I will not be beaten so easily."
"Your inferior training won't be enough to beat me. I'll liberate both Ornera and Verana from your grim rule forever."
Xavier replied.
"Confident... Prove it with actions, brave one. If you really think your sword will take my life, then draw your weapons, and duel me until only one of us stands."
Xavier drew his sword and shield, and the emperor drew his greatsword. After standing before each other, they engaged in a duel, fighting for their lives. Only one winner would come from this, and it was to be decided very soon.

Imperials Vs. Sentinels- Verana's fateWhere stories live. Discover now