Part 4- Reinforcement and an unseen threat

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The fighting commenced immediately, with the sentinels and imperials slashing at each other again. Without a barricade to defend them, the sentinels found it harder to defend, but with only a few imperials attacking, the battle was again won by the sentinels. As the imperials fled, General Xavier managed to restrain one and take him back to their camp for possible information.

To make things worse for the imperials, the sentinel sabotage team attacked and killed the remaining forces at their super weapon before effectively dismantling it, rendering it useless. Without their weapon and their forces weakening, the imperials were starting to lose their grip on Verana.

The emperor received word of his army's failure and was furious.
"I will not lose this war! Not now! I've already lost too much!"
He shouted, full of anger.
"Alexander, go out and find me a list of every working bounty hunter in the area- I need that as soon as it's ready."
"Yes, my Lord."
Alexander left the room, leaving the emperor to his own thoughts. He needed to do something before the sentinels pushed the imperials out of Verana.

Meanwhile, the queen was attending to business at her own castle.
"Your highness, there's someone here to see you. They say it's important."
Richard said to her.
"Yes, but everyone says that, don't they Richard?"
She asked, shocking him slightly.
"U-Uh, yes, I suppose you're right, my queen. Either way, I recommend you meet them-they're waiting outside."
The queen sat on her throne, and she looked to see another Lucario Bowing before her.
"My queen, my name is Luca. I've returned from a neighbouring nation after hearing about the imperial invasion. I come here to humbly ask you what I can do to help in the war effort."
He said to her. She thought for a moment.
"Go to Verana city- once you get there, General Xavier will give you a command- the city was attacked recently and it's vital we keep it. The imperials will soon attack again- do not lose that city."
She commanded him.  
"I won't fail you, my queen. I'll go there immediately."
With that, he stood up and left the room, heading for Verana city.

Alexander returned with the list, handing it to the emperor. He glanced over it before speaking.
"That one. He looks good- Young, physically fit, he should do. Bring him in."
"As you command, my Lord."
Moments later, a Jolteon named Zap walked in.
"Ah, Zap. Welcome to my castle. I assume you know why I brought you here."
The emperor said to him.
"Actually, I don't. I was practically forced here."
Zap replied.
"Well let me spell it out for you. I need you to go to Verana with my soldiers to help reclaim what we've lost. We'll crush Verana and I'll soon rule it. What do you say?"
"Uh, no. I'd rather not."
He went to walk away.
"There's a lot of money to be made here."
The emperor offered, seeing Zap's ears twitch at the sound of it.
"How much?"
Zap asked.
"How about this? I'll play you 1,000 gold pieces before the job and after it I'll pay you a great deal more. If you help us crush Verana, I can even promise you power. I can make you very rich Zap. Don't turn this down."
The emperor's offer was too tempting to pass up.
"Alright, I'll do it."
Zap replied.
"Excellent. Alexander will see to it that you're sent off right away."
The emperor said, handing him a bag of gold. His plan was progressing- he would soon take back the land he lost, an he would make the sentinels pay dearly for it.

On the other hand, many non-sentinel groups had pleaded their allegiance to the queen, expanding Verana's army while using their own systems rather than the sentinels'. One such group was the flaming arrow, made mostly form fire types who specialised in archery. Lead by a Quilava named Ryan, they helped take out imperials from a distance. Within a few short weeks they had killed more imperial troops than five other non-sentinel groups combined. They were well co-ordinated, which helped the sentinels greatly.

At a sentinel camp not too far from the castle, the sentinels stationed there were simply resting and preparing when they were ambushed. The small troop faced a horde of Pokemon, seemingly lead by a Chestnaught. Within minutes, the troops were badly injured while Some lay dead. The invaders were clearly Vikings, taking advantage of the suppressed law enforcement during the war. They stole every weapon, food item and gold coin in the camp before taking it to the mountains for themselves. The queen would soon get word. One troop that had evaded any severe damage from the raid managed to flee the wrecked camp and alert the queen.

"My queen- the Vikings are back- from the mountains. They're coming out and raiding our camps, killing our soldiers and burning out shelters- we must do something."
He said as the queen listened.
"These Vikings... Were they led by a Chestnaught?"
The queen asked.
"Yes, my queen."
Her eyes widened before she closed them, sighing. She then looked at Richard.
"Alert the sentinels at nearby camps and make sure they're ready for anything. Guards, get this soldier something to eat and drink- he must be desperate."
"Thank you, my queen."
The soldier remarked as he was lead out. Richard soon returned.
"What are we going to do?"
"Simply crush these Vikings like we are the imperials. It's not hard to understand."
Blaze replied.
"Not hard to understand what?"
Blaze sighed.
"Don't you see, Richard? These Vikings threaten to destroy us just as the imperials do. That can only mean one thing."
Richard looked confused.
"And what would that be?"
He asked. Blaze turned to him, looking him dead in the eye.
"It means, my dear advisor..."
She said, sounding serious.
"There are three sides to this war now."

Imperials Vs. Sentinels- Verana's fateWhere stories live. Discover now