Part 6- The night of the arrow storm

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General Xavier saw the group at their camp. He approached it, seeing Ryan and a Jolteon with him.
"Ryan! There you are."
Ryan and Zap turned to face him as he came in.
"General Xavier. Good to see you. What do you need?"
Ryan asked.
"I need you, your group and this Jolteon. I'm assuming you're the bounty hunter the queen described to me."
Xavier said, looking at Zap.
"Yeah, that's me. The name's Zap. Great to meet you."
Zap said to him.
"Likewise, my friend. I'm Xavier, the queen's General."
Xavier replied.
"Yeah, I know. I've heard a lot about you. The queen really likes you, huh?"
Xavier looked a little shocked.
"Well, I suppose you could say that. I simply do my duty, which is to keep he country safe from invaders. That's all I can do, but I digress."
Xavier turned to Ryan.
"I need your group to come with me to the mountains."
Ryan looked confused.
"Why? What's up in the mountains?"
"The Vikings. They're back and they're attacking. They see the war as an opportunity to attack our camps and steal our possessions without persecution. We're about to prove them wrong."
General Xavier replied.
"Oh, okay. I suppose I should go tell the others. If I'm honest, I think it would be good for us- we haven't gone out on any missions lately."
He went to alert the group of their next mission, leaving Zap and Xavier alone together.

"Luca, what are we going to do with this imperial? He seems to be in a very bad state."
A soldier asked, observing the soldier's poor condition.
"I suggest that we heal him and keep him here, in case we need more information."
Luca replied. A solder who heard him got up and confronted him.
"Luca, we have soldiers of our own who need treatment and supplies. They're in a worse situation then this imperial, not to mention that he fought against us. Now you're suggesting that we use our supplies to help him?"
Luca looked him dead in the eye.
"When General Xavier left, who did he put in charge?"
"Well, you, but-"
"That means that I decide what is necessary and what we will do. Now respect your superiors and don't tell me what we should and shouldn't do. I'll command what I see fit, and you will not challenge me. Do you understand me?"
The soldier sighed.
"Yes, Luca."
"Good. Has my one else got a problem they would like to bring to my attention?"
The camp fell silent.
"Okay, bring the soldier in and stitch his wounds. Make sure he's okay."
Luca commanded.

"So, when are we going?"
Ryan asked, his troop ready.
"We can go right now. If we move under the cover of the darkness when we get to their camp, they won't expect us."
Xavier suggested.
"Good idea. Let's go then."
Ryan ordered the rest of the group and they began to travel to the mountains.

When the arrived, the sky was completely black, with the stars and moon shining. Distant campfires could be seen, used by the Vikings.
As they walked, Xavier put a paw up, signalling the group to stop.
"Okay, what do we do?"
Ryan asked.
"I think the best thing to do would be to take them by surprise. They won't expect us, so if we can eliminate them before they know what's happening, we'll be successful."
Xavier replied.
"I'll take Zap and move around the camp to the back. We'll attack from behind while you attack the front. We'll take one archer with us to give you a signal when we're ready. Look in the sky for a flaming arrow."
General Xavier told Ryan, signalling for an archer to follow them. Ryan's troop waited for the signal, and after several minutes, the saw their signal. They got up from their hiding place, firing at the Vikings' camp, taking many of them out. Vikings' battle cries could be heard and there were many running toward the archers, only to be shot down before they reached them.
General Xavier and Zap were killing off just as many with the archer behind them helping. Within a few minutes, their numbers were growing thin. Xavier used his shield to deflect the Vikings' blades away from him before striking them down with his own sword. Zap used his daggers to take down enemies. In one move, he stabbed a Viking in the chest, rolled over his back, stabbing another with his other dagger and threw a blade bomb, killing several more. Xavier was impressed- he has never seen anything like it before. He turned to another Viking, shield bashing him, causing him to stumble and lose his weapon at the same time. He then used his sword and shield to decapitate him, leaving the camp void of Vikings. Before leaving the camp, a Chestnaught walked out of the one remaining house, looking at Xavier. Xavier looked at his weapon, slightly intimidated. It was a war hammer at one end, with a flat surface with small spikes on it, and at the other it had two blades, curled slightly to resemble the head of a pick axe.
"You... You destroyed my camp, killed my companions and burned out homes! You will pay for this!"
The Chestnaught shouted.
"You did the same to us. This is revenge for your destruction. Your defeat will end the Vikings' rampages once and for all."
Xavier replied, getting into a guard stance. Ryan aimed his crossbow at the Chestnaught, but Xavier moved it to aim at he ground. Ryan understood, letting Xavier and the Chestnaughr battle alone. The Chestnaught hit Xavier's shield with the hammer side if his weapon, causing him to stumble. The weapon had a hard hit, and Xavier knew he'd struggle to keep up. Xavier swung his sword, but the Chestnaught blocked it and hit his shield again with his hammer. Xavier blocked it, but the Chestnaught used the momentum to swing the other side of his weapon at Xavier. He twirled his sword in his paw, deflecting the blade away from him. The Chestnaught swung again at him, and he Xavier dodged it, leaving an opening. He stabbed the Chestnaught in his side, causing him to roar in pain. He swung his hammer at Xavier, and even though he blocked it, the impact was so hard it caused him to fall. He swung the blade part of his weapon at Xavier, but he again blocked. Getting up again, he swung his sword, but the Chestnaught dodged it. He swung the blade part of his weapon at Xavier, missing him and causing his weapon to get stuck in the ground. Xavier took advantage of his chance, impaling the Chestnaught in the chest before kicking his legs, causing the large Pokemon to fall to his knees. With one swift chop, the Chestnaught was defeated, and the Vikings had been eliminated.

The group returned to their camp and began to rest, tired from their long journey.
"Thank you for your help. I couldn't have done it without you."
Xavier said to Ryan and Zap as he prepared to leave.
"Verana will be safer now without the Vikings. We just helped when we could."
Ryan replied.
"That's a good thing, and I shall put in a good word for you, Zap. I'll make sure the queen knows of your actions."
"Really? Thanks. I appreciate it."
Zap said, smiling at him.
"Of course. Take care of yourselves- maybe we'll see each other soon."
Xavier said, walking toward the queen's palace. He had some news for the queen.

Xavier bowed before the queen, telling her what had happened.
"So, the Vikings have been taken care of?"
"Yes, my queen. The chestnaught's head lies severed from his body by my sword."
He replied.
"Well done, General. I will also reward the flaming arrow and Zap for their effort. They all deserve it."
She stated.
"What shall I do next, my queen?"
Xavier asked.
"Go to The east Camp and move the sentinels there to the shoreline. The time to drive the imperials out of Verana has come."
She replied.
"Yes, my queen."
With that, Xavier went to alert the east camp.
"Richard, alert the flaming arrow in the west, the Verana city garrison and all other sentinel and allied forces the time has come. All sentinel groups shall attack the imperial base immediately."
She commanded. Richard went to alert them, leaving the queen to her own thoughts.

The emperor's thoughts were interrupted as Alexander arrived.
"My Lord, I have news about Zap, our bounty hunter."
"Yes, what is it?"
"He seems to have gone against us, sir. He was last seen communing with the sentinels."
"What? Are you sure?"
The emperor was beginning to anger.
"Unfortunately so, my Lord."
The emperor was practically grinding his teeth in anger.
"Alert our troops that he's no longer friendly. Treachery won't be tolerated. If I see him..."
He trailed off.
Alexander went to alert the imperials, unknowing of the assault about to unfold. The empire was about to crumble, and they didn't even know it.

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