As the world falls down

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Sarah's perspective
     After defeating the labyrinth and leaving Jare-him I tried to distance myself  from the memories and the guilt of leaving him. When I turned eighteen I decided to go on a senior trip to füssen Germany so I paid for the tickets and the hotel when the day finally came for me to go I couldn't stop thinking about him I thought:  about how he would react to going through security, what he has been up to since I left other than watching me of coarse, if he really meant what he said, and  stuff like that when I finally made it to the hotel I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow I dreamed m that I was back in the castle beyond the goblin city Jareth was sitting on his throne he looked depressed a small goblin walked in and said "your majesty what's wrong?" He looked down at the poor goblin and said "the love of my life disappeared and I have no idea what's going on her family doesn't seem worried." The little goblin said "well do you think she's OK ?" He said "honestly I don't know?" Then he summoned a crystal and stared at it intently  then whispered "show me Sarah Williams" then an image of me sleeping in my hotel he sighed in relief then he said "she's OK thank you for helping me miss" she smiled brightly and said "glad I could help your majesty" then she left part of me was a little uncomfortable  out that he was watching me sleeping but there was something that struck me about the way he was so worried about me that made me forget about that then I was hit with all the guilt I had about leaving the underground I woke up and sobbed until I decided I needed to go do something to get my mind off of it so I got up and got ready to go and see Neuschwanstein castle and Marienbrucke (Mary's bridge) when I got to the bridge I don't know what came over me but as soon as I got to the middle of the bridge I broke down thankfully no one was there to see it I felt as if I was chocking on air and my heart hurt then all of the sudden I felt someone's hand on my shoulder I spun around and saw Jareth and I jumped back and the next thing I knew I was falling backwards I watched as Jareth tried to save me but he couldn't I was falling too fast so I closed my eyes and waited for the impact that never came ...

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