The Wolf

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"sheltered you better keep that wolf back from the door he wanders ever closer every night." -The Wolf - Mumford and sons

      Jareth's perspective 

                         after hearing the news the hope that Sarah was still alive kept growing. a few days after I got the news I felt Queen Yuma, Rieno her knight and a unknown presence in the labyrinth and that the labyrinth was leading them straight to the goblin city part of me thought that I should try and stop them but the hopeful part of me hopes that the unknown presence is Sarah so I went to the watch tower to watch their progress I also noticed that the labyrinth was making some people walk in circles I watched as Queen Yuma, Rieno and the strange person's group and saw that the strange person was leading the expedition through my labyrinth then Hoggle came and I told him what was going on and he said "OK so what are we going to do?" I said "we will do nothing because if we try to stop them it's an act of war and plus the labyrinth is guiding them here it would stop them if they meant to harm this kingdom." then Hoggle said "OK ." then I said "plus if your informants are right and the person with them is  Sarah then I will not stop her from getting to the castle." then Hoggle said " well I'm going to see if it's her." then he left. Leaving  me to my thoughts so I summoned a crystal and watched images of Sarah for what felt like forever and I knew if I never saw her again then this might give me the strength to keep going but it wouldn't be the same as if she were here with me ruling by my side but her not being here is not what's killing me. it's the guilt that I killed the love of my life that's what's killing me. Every time I close my eyes I see her frightened expression on her tear-stained face just before she fell and I can't stop seeing it even if I tried ...

Sarah's perspective 

                After what felt like an eternity of walking we stopped and ate while I was eating I heard someone coming toward us so I stood up and waited for them to approach and when they did I saw that it was Hoggle, Ludo, and Didymus when they got closer Rieno stood up and Yuma fallowed suit and when my friends saw us I said " Hoggle! Ludo! Didymus! I've missed you guys so much!" then I ran to them and hugged them  when I pulled back Hoggle asked "Sarah why did you keep the Jareth statue on your desk?" it was the Question we had decided only I would know so If he was ever unsure that I was who I was so I answered "because no matter how I tried to get rid of it.  it would just appear back on my desk so after a while I just gave up." then he said "it's her guys." then they all bear hugged me then Ludo said " kingy thinks you dead kingy sad." I replied " I know that's why Queen Yuma, her knight Rieno are heading to the castle plus there are some traitors that are trying to kill Jareth and me you guys can join us if you would like  Rynn said she would lead us strait to the center and keep the traitors busy so we have to hurry." then Didymus asked "Who is Rynn?" I said "oh it's the nickname for the spirit of the labyrinth."  then we packed up and continued walking.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Le time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When we finally made it to the castle I ran to the throne room and saw a goblin sitting and I said "hey can you go get Jareth and tell him that I request an audience with him." then the goblin scurried off hopefully to deliver the message so as I waited I sat in the little indentation in the floor looking at every thing a few seconds later Hoggle, Ludo, Didymus, Yuma, and Rieno joined me in waiting for Jareth. After we waited for what felt like an eternity I whispered " I wish Jareth would come down here."  then a few seconds later he appeared and said " who summoned me?" his crazy blond hair looked dirty and disheveled there were dark circles and bags under his eyes  his eyes were bloodshot and it looks like he hasn't changed his clothes since I fell he had an cold expression on his face. I took a step forward and said "I did Jareth " then he said "if you really are Sarah then what is the last thing I said to you after you defeated the labyrinth?" I answered " Sarah beware I have been generous up until now but I can be cruel ... everything! everything that you wanted I have done you asked that the child be taken I took him you cowered before me I was frightening I have reordered time I have turned the world upside down and I have done it all for you! I'm exhausted from living up to your expectations of me isn't that generous? ... Stop! Wait! Look Sarah. Look at what I'm offering you. Your dreams. ... I ask for so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want ... just fear me love me do as I say I will be your slave." then he surged forward and pulled me forward and hugged me.          

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