Love left me hollow

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(hollow- Breaking Benjamin)

Jareth's perspective

               The day after Sarah died I called Hoggle, Ludo, and Sir Didymus to my room. They arrived around lunch time and when they got here Hoggle asked "why have you called us your majesty?" I said "I regret to inform you all that lady Sarah has passed away." trying not to break down then Hoggle asked " What happened ?" I said "I was watching her and saw that she was crying on a bridge so I appeared and lightly put my hand on her shoulder and she spun around and fell backwards I tried to save her but I failed." Then Sir Didymus said " its a tragedy that lady Sarah has passed on but you did not fail her your majesty you tried your best and that's all she could have asked for." then Ludo said "Sawah gone?" I said "yes Ludo Sarah is gone" all of us mourned Sarah's death. 

Sarah's perspective 

              After a day and a half we finally headed out on horseback after a day of traveling I was exhausted and fell asleep as soon as I laid down. I dreamed that I was in the labyrinth and I saw two dark creatures talking one of them said "We need to attack now while Jareth is week " the other one said " No we need to wait until Sarah Williams gets here to really destroy Jareth because seeing her will bring up his spirit then we will hill her right in front of him that will destroy him giving us the ability to take over the goblin kingdom." then the scene shifts and I'm in Jareth's bedroom and he is sitting on the edge of his bed his head in his hands as his body shook with sobs and he said "I'm sorry Sarah!" I wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault that I fell and that I'm not dead but no sound came out it hurt so much that he honestly believed that he was the reason I was dead and that he thought I was dead. Then I was standing in a dark landscape alone a voice called my name I called out "Hello?" the voice said "Jareth will be safe until you return but you need too hurry." I asked "Who are you?" the voice said "I am the spirit of the labyrinth do not worry child I will not let the traitors get to the center and I will help you along  your journey to the goblin kingdom." then I asked "why do I have the mark of the goblin kingdom and why cant I see it?" the voice said " because of Jareth's love for you and because I have chosen you." then I woke up  and  Rieno said "good morning Lady Sarah." I jumped a little bit at the sound of his voice and said " good morning Rieno." then he sighed and said "so I was wondering about how you have the mark of the goblin kingdom and since you had no clue how you got the mark I remembered that the spirit of the labyrinth can also mark a runner that it has chosen so that might be why you have been marked." I said " well the  spirit visited me in my dreams last night and told me that we need to hurry and get to the castle beyond the goblin city that she will stop the traitors that are planning Jareth's down fall and help us in any way she can and I asked her why I was marked and she said it was because of Jareth's love for me and that she chose me so I guess you're right." he looked surprised and said "she chose you do you know how rare that is ... oh of coarse not it's so rare that I have only heard of it happening once with you wow Sarah she must have seen a lot of potential in you." I said  "well we cant sit around all day we have to hurry or else Jareth might try something drastic. Let's go" then we packed up and headed out to continue our journey to the goblin kingdom ...                      

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