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"Momo, can you teach me how to do makeup, like those girls on the popular pages on social media?" Kano asked one Saturday afternoon. Momo was surprised, but smiled. "Sure." This made Kano feel good, that she would teach him without questioning.

She didn't judge him, and she knew he was gay, as was Seto, and the two boys were in a happy relationship. It was not uncommon for a boy to want to wear makeup, especially if they were gay, and she would love to teach him how.

They both went into Momo's room, and she showed him the products she used for everything. She took out her foundation & put a drop on Kano's hand. Luckily, the two had the same skin tone, so until Kano could get his own, he'd be able to get by. That is, if he liked it and decided to wear it more often.

She put more on his hand, and gave him a brush. "You blend this onto your face, it's called foundation," she said, showing him how. He repeated, surprised by how cold the liquid was. "This feels weird," he said, and Momo laughed. "Yeah, sometimes it can at first. Then you'd use concealer," she said, giving him some of a brighter liquid that looked similar to the foundation.

"You put this under your eyes, and usually on your T-zone or anywhere that you get breakouts," she explained, and he followed her instructions.

"Then, you'd use a contouring stick and add it under your cheekbones & on a few other places," she said. She applied some to herself to demonstrate. "And you're gonna set all of that with a powder," she said. The two coughed as powder flew everywhere when she took off the lid. They both applied powder to their faces. "And highlighter." The two put a shimmery powder on their cheekbones.

"Now we move on to the eyes," said Momo, taking out an eyeshadow palette. "First, you apply this beige shade," she said, dipping the brush into the pale powder & applying it to her brow bone. Kano did the same. He also repeated when she did the rest of the shadow, brows, liner, lashes, and lips.

He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked flawless, and on his first attempt, too. "I love it," he said, smiling. He took out his phone and took a picture of himself.

It was so liberating for him to put on makeup. What nobody knew about him, was that he was questioning if he was a girl. He never exactly felt like a guy. He wasn't ready to tell anyone, including Seto, that he might not be a "he" after all. He couldn't tell Seto, because he only liked boys in that way and wouldn't want to stay in a relationship with him if he was a girl.

He went into his room, and stared at himself for a few minutes. He noticed all the masculine things about himself, and all the feminine things, too. He was fairly short, only about 5'5. And he was only about 110 lbs. He guessed he was lucky there. He had the type of voice he could train to sound like a deep (but sharp) female voice if he worked hard enough. At least there was that.

Although, he'd have to take estrogen, and he knew his mom would not let him do that. Heck, if she knew he had on makeup at that moment, she'd be pissed beyond belief. And what about school? He'd be bullied worse than already if people found out.

He decided to show Seto. He knew he wouldn't think much of it, since gay men sometimes wore makeup. He turned the doorknob and walked in.

"Hey, Momo showed me how to do makeup!" he grinned, and Seto mirrored the smile. "Was this your first attempt?" he asked. "Yeah," he replied. "Wow, that's really good!" he said, pulling Kano into an embrace. "Thanks, I love you," he said. "You too," Seto reciprocated.

They may only be 16 (Kano had just turned it), but they almost felt like soulmates. It felt like love, rather than infatuation. Hopefully, it would stay like that forever.


Two days later, he also entered his boyfriend's room. They embraced, and gave each other a peck on the lips.

The two sat down on Seto's bed. They talked about this and that for awhile, and then Kano thought to himself, that maybe he should tell Seto about being a "she/her" instead of a "he/him."



"There's something kind of important I wanna tell you," he said, his heart pounding, "and it's something that could and probably will change everything."

"Alright, you can tell me anything you want," Seto grinned. Kano was shaking pretty badly at this point. Seto noticed this, and he put his arm around the blonde's shoulder. He took a deep breath & closed his eyes.

"...I'm pretty sure that I'm transgender, male to female."

His hands were almost numb by this point. He opened his eyes, half expecting the other boy to be shocked, but also half expecting him to grin and embrace him.

And he was met with a look of shock. But there was something else there: disappointment, devastation, and awkwardness. At first, he was confused. Seto was openly gay, why did he seem so upset that he was at a different part of the spectrum than what he thought?

Then it hit him. Seto was only into boys, not girls. He may have liked (maybe loved) Kano before, but now, he probably saw him how you'd see an ex who you didn't exactly hate.

"Seto, I'm sorry," he apologized. "Don't be sorry, it's nothing you can change," he said, quietly, "is there another name you'd prefer?" "Well, since you guys call me by my last name, just use that for now, I'll come up with something in the future," said the blonde.

"Alright...so...what're you gonna do about hormones & transitioning?" "I have no clue, like heck will my mom find a specialist," said Kano, running his hand through his hair.

"Maybe. If you want, I can take you shopping for girl clothes, makeup, maybe even to look for bras," Seto offered. "Sure, but I don't know if I'm ready for a bra yet, I probably won't need one until I get on estrogen," Kano replied. "Alright, how about this weekend?" "Sure, that sounds great," the blonde agreed.

Kano left the room feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off of him. He didn't say anything about their relationship though, which concerned him. At least he was being supportive and was offering to help him.

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