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Kano stared at herself in the mirror. She desperately wanted to develop curves. It was the first full day at the beach, so of course she'd be nervous. So many things could go wrong. Until then, though, she'd just pretend she was alright and maybe then she would be.

Everyone was all ready, except for Shintaro. "Hey, where's Shitnaro," she said, "being slow again?" "I'm coming, dangit," they heard a frantic Shintaro yell from the boys' room. He soon ran out, panting, ready to go down to the beach. "If I had a penny for every time he did that, I'd have enough for a handheld stopwatch," she said. "You have one. It's called a clock app on your phone," said Kido. Kano glared jokingly at the green-haired girl.

Kano swore her hair might come out of its ponytail, it was so windy. The dan set down their chairs and put up their umbrella. They passed around the bottles of sunscreen and sprayed themselves & each other. Kano saw a few girls doing back handsprings and back tucks down near the water. She wanted to join gymnastics or dance or something, but all of those required form-fitting clothing, which would likely reveal...well, what was down there.

"Race you to the water," she said, as she and Momo sprinted down the beach. Both girls were panting as they reached the edge of the water. The water was quite warm, and they had no problem wading in.

As the two were splashing each other, Kano couldn't help but notice a few guys about their age pass. All tall with toned abs, sandy blonde hair, and the overall appearance of "let me inside you, baby~". "Those guys are cute," Momo whispered. "Yeah, I know," Kano agreed.

"You're lookin' cute today, ladies, how old are you?" asked one of the guys. Kano and Momo just glanced at each other. "Sorry, I apologize. Let me introduce myself. I'm Brett," he said. "Momo." "Kano," the two girls responded their names.

The guys must've realized they weren't really interested, as they walked off. "Didn't expect that," said Kano. "Neither did I. But, I guess we do look pretty cute," said Momo. Kano smirked.

She was smirking & laughing her @$$ off a few hours later too when they noticed Shintaro forgot to put on sunscreen. If someone went by Ayano's philosophy, they'd be pretty positive he was about to be heroic enough to successfully trap all the contents of Pandora's Box in their proper location. Until then, the NEET had become the tomato head.

Kido had pretty much stayed under the umbrella, but finally everyone had managed to drag her out. "What now?" she groaned, before they were all attempting to dump a bucket of water over her head. "Nope," she yelled, turning it towards the rest of the gang.

All in all, the day was pretty entertaining. It was the end of the day when the dan decided to sit in a circle surrounding a giant hole somebody dug in the sand and play truth or dare. The hole was about a foot or two deep, and if you refused to do the dare or answer the question, you had to sit in the center and the rest of the dan would throw sand on you.

"Why don't we start with Kido & the tomato?" suggested Kano, smirking. Kido mouthed a "no" in response. "It's a yes! Kido, truth or dare?" she asked, and the green-haired girl narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm gonna go with dare, because I'm not going to be the butt of your jokes," she finally decided, but immediately regretted it when the smirk that was slapped on the blonde's face grew more than the Grinch's heart that fateful Christmas Day.

"I dare you to essentially skinny dip for thirty seconds," she said. Kido was completely silent for a second. "Well, I'd hate to be the loser that passes first, but I am not doing that," she said. "Just do it, you'd have to skinny dip anyway to get all the sand out of you," said Kano. "I dunno if that's a good idea," said Seto, and Kido gave him a grateful expression.

"Ugh, you guys are no fun. Hmm...perhaps she could do a backflip?" Kano suggested, thinking about what would happen if Kido attempted to do what she had seen other girls doing earlier. "Okay, now you're just trying to kill me," she responded. "We can spot you," said Seto, getting up to find a good spot. Kido rolled her neck slowly before getting up to follow him along with the rest of the dan.

"Can she put her hands down?" asked Seto. "I'd say so, we wouldn't want our leader to get hurt, do we?" she decided. Seto, & Momo stood on either side of the green haired girl & put their arms under her. "Swing back and jump," he ordered. She jumped back and over into their arms. They then pushed her legs over so that she landed on her knees. "I'd like to see y'all try that," she said, getting up to go wash the mud off of herself.

The dan made their way back up to the hole and played the rest of the game. Then, it was Kido's turn to truth-or-dare somebody. The game went smoothly up until Takane dared Seto to kiss Kano, since the two hadn't been talking much lately and she could always use the opportunity to tease someone.

Seto slowly stood up, but did not kiss Kano. "I can't bring myself to," he said. A new kind of rage filled Kano. One that she couldn't explain. "Why not?" asked Momo. "I'm sorry, but I'm not into girls," he said.

"I thought we were in love. If it's truly in love, why should revealing one's true gender change it?" said Kano, hoping she wouldn't start crying.

"I guess it was only infatuation," he said, awkwardly, before sitting down in his proper place.

Kano couldn't believe what she was hearing. Maybe she couldn't believe in love. Maybe it was all fake. And nobody was forcing him to get sand thrown on him, either.

The dan was just sitting there awkwardly, before the dan kept playing the game. Kano occasionally threw in her usual remarks, as there was no point in ruining everyone's fun. They couldn't discuss this when they weren't on a public beach. Kano knew something was going down that night.

Opposite (SetoKano)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora