I - Welcome To Yorktown

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Alexander Hamilton sat in the back seat of the small car, staring out of the window. There wasn't anything much to look at, just trees for miles. But soon enough the density of the trees began to loosen as a town came into view.

Alexander scratched his head is anticipation for about the hundredth time. He looked at his reflection in the window and realized how much he messed up his hair. He just pulled out his hair tie and finger brushed his hair.

A sign passed that said 'Welcome To Yorktown'. Alexander sighed and started at all the buildings and trees passing by.

A/N it's not actual Yorktown bc I've never been there and don't know what it's like so i'm basing it off a small town in New York

As the car went further into town, they approached a park. It had trees scattering it, some tables and benches, and a fountain in the middle. The only people that were there though, was a group of three teenage boys that looked about a year older than Alexander.

He watched the boys as one of them, with dark skin and his hair shaved off jumped up onto the table and acted like he was in a musical or something. The other two laughed and attempted to shove him to the ground.

This is a so much more different than the Caribbean Alexander thought, and how will they treat me? The new kid in town, a bastard orphan son of a whore and a Scotsman. What will they think of me?

"Alright Alexander, we're here. Are you ready to meet your new foster parents?" The social worker said. Alexander had gotten so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize they came to a stop. Alexander gulped and nodded his head. He got out of the car, grabbing his bag, nervous.

He turned around to see a nice two story house. It looked like a Victorian house, very old. Well, this was Yorktown after all.

The first thing he noticed was and American flag hanging on the porch, but looking into one of the windows on the second floor, he saw a French flag. Weird.

The lawn was well tended to and looked like no one had ever set foot on it. There was a bench swing on the front porch and a nice fence surrounding the whole house.

He walked up to the front door along with the social worker. He never caught her name but it didn't matter.

The woman knocked on the door and you could hear a deep voice from inside yell "Coming!". Footsteps approached the door and a click signalled that the door was being unlocked. The door opened to find a tall man, broad shouldered and muscular standing there.

He beamed at the sight of Alexander and the woman "Hello there, I'm George Washington. Please, come in" he opened the door more to let Alexander and the social worker inside.

"Alexander, this is going to be your foster family and they will take care of you. You must treat them with the utmost respect, do you understand?" The woman said. Alexander nodded and looked around the house at all the furniture and decorations.

"Your name is Susanna Adams, correct?" George questioned. "Susanna Boylston, actually. I'm divorced" she chuckled. George nodded with and 'ah', "My apologies Ms.Boylston. So do you have any children of your own?"

"Yes actually. I have a son named John, he lives with his father though". "Well I'm sure he'll grow up to be a fine young man. And this must be Alexander" George smiled at Alexander, who had redirected his attention from the house back to Washington.

"That would be me" Alexander beamed, shaking George's hand. "It's nice to finally meet you" George let go of Alexander's hand, "And you're the same age as Gilbert!"

"Don't call me that dad!" A voice with a heavy French accent yelled. Running down the stairs, came and dark skinned boy with puffy hair pulled back into a ponytail.

He beamed at the sight of Alexander (I just realized that a lot of people are beaming. I need a bigger vocabulary selection) The boy ran forwards and embraced Alexander, who stumbled back and few steps.

The boy let go but still had his hands placed on Alexander's shoulders, "Bonjour Alexander! Je m'appelle Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette and my pronouns are them/they. But you, mon ami, can call me Lafayette or Laf" They booped Alexander's nose at mon ami.

"Well then, you can call me Alex" Alex picked up his bag which he had dropped when Laf embraced him.

"Alex, my wife Martha is currently at work but will be home around 6 o'clock tonight. In the meantime, how about Laf show you your room and you two can get acquainted" George said.

"Come mon ami!" Laf grabs him by the wrist and pulling him upstairs, making Alex have to jog to catch up.

They walk down a hall that had some nice painting on the walls. They first enter a room that is super boring.

"This is your room. There's only a desk, bed, closet, and lamp in here for now, but we can rearrange the furniture, get new bed sheets, and paint the walls tomorrow if you like" Laf explained. Alex was only able to set his bag on the bed before Laf quickly pulled him, leading to a different room.

Three of the rooms walls were blue, but you couldn't tell what color they were because they were covered in posters of musicals, pride flags, and pictures of France, most with french writing. The window was covered with a french flag which made the room lighting a little weird. But the most noticable thing about the room was that on the far end wall, it was painted the colors of the rainbow.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you're gay" Alex said. Laf shifted a little awkwardly and nodded his head. "Cool! I'm totally fine with it, I'm bi"

Laf smiled, "well that makes it less uncomfortable! You probably can't read anything in here, pardon". Alex shook his head, "C'est bon, je parle couramment en français!"

"Oh mon dieu, vous pouvez?! c'est génial!" Laf laughed (that was unintentional ⊙ˍ⊙)

"I want you to meet mes amies, they're really nice an I think they'll like you" Laf and Alex ran downstairs and passed George and the social worker, who were talking, "I'm going to take Alex here for a walk, be back in a bit!" Laf and Alex were then out of the door before George had time to say anything.

Mon ami-my friend
C'est bon, je parle couramment en français! - It's okay! I'm fluent in French!
Oh mon dieu, vous pouvez?! c'est génial - Oh my God you can!? That's awesome!
Mes Amies - my friends

so this was accidentally 1100+ words. I meant to make it shorter but there was so much to put in! Wow I'm turning into Hamilton. But the next chapter will literally come out tommorow because I origionaly wrote that one with this chapter but that would make it way longer. Thanks for reading the first part!♏

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