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Holy shit an UPDATE!?! You don't even have to say it, I already know you guys are all really pissed at me for not updating for months. I just haven't been up to writing leave alone! *absconds away* <-- that's a Homestuck reference because I sold my soul to Andrew Hussie and Homestuck references won't stop

Time Skip a few weeks because L A Z Y  A U T H O R  A L E R T

School was tomorrow. Everyone was nervous, because they new very well how hellish high school was. Alex, John, Herc, and Laf were walking though the mall partially for school shopping but mostly because they wanted to enjoy their last days of freedom the most.

"We're in the upper ranks now, my friend" John said as he put his arm around Alexander's shoulders as they walked. "The upper ranks?" Alex asked. "Yeah man. Freshies and Sophomores are the lower ranks. Juniors and Seniors are the upper ranks. Since we're going into Junior year, we're in the upper ranks!" John explained

"Ok? Who came up with that?" Alexander laughed. "I did!" John said with hurt in his voice. "No! I didn't mean it rudely, I'm sorry" Alex said, wrapping his arms around John, apologetically. "Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself" John rolled his eyes.

"You guys are acting like an old married couple" Herc said, breaking the two apart. Alex and John blushed and simoltaniously yelled, "We are not a couple!". Hercules and Lafayette laughed at the two as they approached the food court.

"ALEXANDER! JOHN! HERC! LAF!" the four shot their heads towards the body that emmited the voice. It was Peggy Schyler with two other girls sitting beside her. They wandered over to the three girls.

"Hi guys! Oh, you're new" said one of the girls, who had black hair and a blue dress on. "Oh, Yeah. Hi, I'm Alexander Hamilton" Alex said, holding his hand out. The girl took it "Eliza Schyler. Pleasure to meet you".

"And i'm Angelica Schyler" said the girl with dark skin, brown hair, and a pink varsity jacket. "It's hard to believe they're sisters sometimes. Very hard" Hercules said as he spun a chair around and sat on it backwards.

Peggy chuckled "Ha. very hard!" then the smile dropped and she slouched, "I'm immature" she said before taking a sip of her soda.

The others gave her a weird loom before laughing themselves.

--Timeskip brought to you by every AND PEGGY ever said--

The group of teenagers were now wandering the mall, occasionally stopping in different stores. Alexander actually ended up buying a skateboard because he had always wanted one but never had enough money to buy one. But Martha and George gave Lafayette and Alexander a lot of allowence.

Before going home, they all decided that they would stop by an ice cream parlor to get some ice cream. When they sat down at a table, a group of three familiar characters entered. "Don't look now but Yorktown's very own Heathers just walked in" Hercules said rolling his eyes. "Heathers? Who are they?" Said Eliza. "I'm disowning you as my older sister" Peggy said. "I too would like to disown you. Look it up and learn boi" Angelica said as she softly punched Eliza in the arm.

Thomas looked at the array of ice cream flavors the parlor had to offer with his hands stuffed in a leather jacket, with James clinging onto it. Aaron stood sort of beside and behind the two, digging into his wallet to grab his debit card, and fish out some cash that he handed over to Thomas.

"To be honest, I feel somewhat sympathetic towards Aaron" The group turned towards Angelica as she spoke "I mean he's the ultimate third wheel, and he's constantly spotting change for Thomas and James." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Thomas placed his order for a milkshake and looked around the room while James placed his order. Eventually he spotted the group of musical nerds. He smiled.

Once the three had their milkshakes the three sat down at a table next to the other group. "Hey there!" Thomas beamed at them.

"You're an asshole and we hate you" Peggy said almost immediately. "Peggy no" Angelica scolded. "Peggy yes!" Peggy replied, smugly. Thomas leaned back a little bit and placed his hand in his chest, "Harsh words Pegs. When was I ever an asshole to you?"

Peggy shot a glare at him "You're constantly being a stuck up douchebag thinking you're better than anyone yOU DICK" She said mentally, but she new better than to say it allowed because she was a lady. Also Angelica would beat her ass. Okay, it was ONLY because Angelica would beat her ass.

"Anyways. How are you guys enjoying your last day of freedom?" James asked. "Having fun but I just have that feeling dreaded feeling of death" Her said making a sickly face. "Eh, that's pretty accurate. Going back to school is going back to death. But it doesn't turn out too badly if you make sure to study and get really good grades, then you'll succeed massively" Aaron said as he staightened his posture.

"Aaron" Thomas said turning to him "You sir. Are the biggest nerd." Aaron's smile dropped and he glared at Thomas. Thomas smirked victoriously at him.

"Well! I'm ready to leave how about you guys?" John said standing up. The others nodded their heads impatiently. "Wait bu-" Alex began to say but was interrupted by John grabbing his hand and pulling him up and out of there.

"What was all that about?" Alex asked. "One can only put up with those three for so long. I could tell everyone was getting impatient with them" John explained, still holding onto Alexander's hand.

"I still don't see what's so wrong with them." Alex said. "It's mainly Thomas he's been the class douchebag since elementary. He's gotten suspended quite a few times too. He's become less of a douche since he started dating James, but I still suggest you steer clear" John told him. John shifted his and Alex's hands so that they were intertwined.

There you go there's your update. U feel like this was very boring and unnecessary but I wanted something before school starts so here's my half asses work. I'll try to update more frequently, it's just that high school is kicking my ass and I'm now getting paid for cosplay so that's also a Hing I have to deal with :/

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