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They sat and chatted for a while before three guys approached them. They were the the same three that Alex saw sitting at the table in the park while he was first driving through town.

"Hello fellow​ subordinates! Who's this kid?" Beamed the one in the front who had a striking resemblance to Lafayette. "Bonjour Thomas, James, Aaron! This is Alexander. He's new to town" Lafayette said.

"Well hi Alex. The name's Jefferson. Thomas, Jefferson" Thomas smirked trying to look tough, "This is Aaron and James" The other two nodded to them.

"Thomas you aren't as great as you my think" Aaron said. "More fabulous than you A-a-ron Burr, sir" Thomas huffed.

"Tho-*cough* Sorry. Thomas, we need to go" said James, interrupted by his cough. "Already?" Thomas checked his watch, "Oh, I guess you're right. Well, bye guys. It was nice meeting you Alex" Thomas said as he turned on heel.

James stood beside him and intertwined their fingers and began walking. Aaron nodded a farewell to the other five and walked with Thomas and James.

Once they were far enough, Hercules let out and grunt, "Those three, are total douchebags" he said rolling his eyes. "James and Aaron seemed kind of nice?" Alex said, his sentence sounding more like a question than intended.

"James is with Thomas and looks up to him a lot, and Burr is the total smartass. That dude is just a Junior like us and he's already got colleges wanting him as a student. Granted, his parents are dead but still, he's a know-it-all" John explained.

But Alexander was actually quite interested with Aaron. He was an orphan, just like Alexander, but he was still able to be extremely smart and will easily get admitted into a College with a scholarship.

"Um, Hello? Earth to Alexander" Alex jumped as John snapped a finger in his face, "You were spacing out man" "Oh, sorry Johnny" Alex froze, realizing the nickname he had just given John on accident.

Johnny? Johnny. Johnny!? JOHNNY!? REALLY ALEX!? Ya gone and quacked up Alex. Why the hell did I call him Johnny!? Like, the guy from The Outsiders! Oh shit JOHNNY DIES IN THAT BOOK! Oh crud I jinxed it! John's going to die! Alex thought as a blush rose to his cheeks.

John just laughed, "Johnny!? Where did that come from! Usually when people call me Johnny I get mad as a hatter but since it's you, I'll let it slide". Alex sighed at John's forgiveness.

"Hey Alex" Peggy smirked, "Why was your face so red? We're you embarrassed or do you have the hits for turtle boy". Hercules and Lafayette burst out laughing. Red rushed to the cheeks of Alex and John.

"Pegs. Shut up!" John punched her in the arm. Alex sat there extremely flustered, trying to make the red in his face disappear but awkwardly failing.

The other three were just laughing uncontrollably. "Well. I officially hate everyone in the world right now. Except for you John, you never offended me" Alex mumbled.

Alex's words made a deeper red brush across his freckled face.

-----Time skip brought to you by Phillip The Turtle-----

Alex and Laf entered their house after the others left the park. The social worker had left and George was in the office.

"We're back, Papa!" Lafayette called into the house. George emerged from his office, removing his reading glasses. "Finally. I was wondering where you two had run off too. Laf I was trying to call your phone but you left it in your room. We've been over this before, but please as to not give me and Martha heart attacks, take your phone with you when you leave the house alright?" George said in a kind warning tone.

"Yessir, I won't forget again" Lafayette said. George turned and smiled to Alex, "My boy, do you have a phone?" George asked. Alexander shook his head "No sir. I could never afford one"

"Well then I guess we'll just have get one for you tomorrow" George said as he placed s hand on Alexander's shoulder. "Martha should be home in a few minutes so you can meet her and we can tell you the rules of the house. But for now you and Gilbert can watch some television" George suggested.

Alex nodded and walked into the living room with Lafayette. "Any preferences know shows, mon ami? We have Netflix and Hulu" Laf said as they sat down and grabbed the remote.

"Stranger Things, Gravity Falls, Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, and Steven Universe. Those​ are my all-time favorites" Alex stated as he sat on the couch with his legs crossed and pulled a pillow into his lap.

"Well since mom with be home in a few minutes we should watch a short one. How about Steven Universe?" Laf said going into Hulu.

"Hell yeah" Alexander said as the episode started playing. They both sang the opening them perfectly and got so mesmerized by the show that they didn't even notice Martha Washington come into the house

A/N ugh this was such a horrible chapter! But other than that, thank you guys for the compliments and votes, it really means a lot to me! 😊

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