VI - Hamilton The Farel

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A/N ok so I'm probably going to start doing more character pov's. Doing John's pov was kind of a tester and I liked it so yeah. Feel free to tell me if you prefer third pov or first pov better.


Alex Pov

I somehow managed to fall asleep, it being especially shocking because it was my first night in this neighborhood. Well, first night in this country. But sadly my slumber was interrupted by an over excited French teenager yelling from his hair.

I groaned and rolled out of my bed and into my bathroom. I still had yesterday's clothes on so I threw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I quickly finger brushed my hair and threw in into a ponytail before leaving my room.

I saw that Laf's door was a little ajar so I pushed it more open and poked my head inside, "Why are you yelling?" I asked. They looked up from their computer, "Alex, mon ami! Come here I want you to meet two people!"

I rolled my eyes and proceeded over to them, looking over their shoulder. The screen displayed a Skype video call with a boy sitting in front of the camera and a girl sitting on a bed in the background. Their surroundings looked like a college dorm.

"I'm guessing you're Alexander?" Said the boy. I nodded my head. "I'm John Parke Custis and that's my sister Martha. We're your foster mom's kids" he smiled. "HIIII!" Martha called from behind John.

I waved at them and subconsciously put my hand in Lafayette's ponytail. "Alex, what are you doing?" Lafayette chuckled.

I quickly lifted my hand from the ponytail, "Sorry, I didn't realize I was doing that. Puffy hair. Tempting" I stammered out quickly.

"Riiiiight. Mom and dad are at work right now. However, mom told me to tell you that she made pancakes and they're sitting in the microwave so they can keep warm. Help yourself" Laf said as he made a weird face at Martha which she retaliated with a weird face herself.

"They go into work early" I said. "Alex, mon ami, it's almost 11 o'clock" Laf said showing me his phone which read 10:53 a.m.

"I haven't slept that long in months" I said, exiting the room and went downstairs. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, opening the microwave. Two pancakes lay in a plate, but they were more cool than they were warm. I groaned and heated them up a little more.

I looked out the kitchen window and saw a tomcat sitting outside on the windowsill. I tilted my head as I stared at it, it tilted it's head with me. I tilted my head the other way, it did the same.

I let out a chuckle at the cat. I've never really been interested or cared in cats, but this one was a little different. I opened the window and the cat just stayed put. I reached out to stroke the fur on it's neck and back but it flinches binging a paw up.

"Probably a feral" I said to myself, bringing my hand down. The microwave beeped and I turned to grab the warm pancakes. I turned back to the window to see the feral tomcat had fled. I was slightly disappointed but closed the window again. I walked into the empty living room and sat on the couch to eat and watch television, which made me haply as I was allowed to do so.

I went into Netflix and saw an account labeled 'A. Ham', which was most likely set up by Martha or George. I chose shows and movies that I had either heard of or liked and added them to my watchlist. Out of curiosity - and the pressure of Peggy telling me to do so - I chose to watch 'Shameless'.

Episode two, I was already hooked. But that was disturbed by a scratching noise on the window behind the couch. I turned around and saw the tomcat again. I paused the show and smiled at the cat.

I placed my hand in the glass, hoping the cat would put his paw on the same area. Instead he tried grabbing through the glass, which made me laugh.

"What're you laughing at?" Lafayette called as he made his way downstairs and into the living room. "Playing with this feral tomcat" I said nonchalantly.

"Oh that thing. Mama wants to adopt it but she doesn't know how you or I would react to it. I, how you say, wouldn't mind it at all" Lafayette explained, plopping down on the couch beside Alex. "I wouldn't mind having a cat" I said.

"Let's do something today" Lafayette said. "Like what? I've never beed anywhere her except for this place, John's house, in front of a convenience store, and at a park. So I'm down with anything" I said, looking at my outfit and thinking I should probably put in something else if I want to go into public.

"Movie then the arcade? And we can invite John and Herc, no?" (A/N am I writing what a french person would say? I'm bad at this)  Laf stood up and checked his pockets for money.

"Sure, I need to put in other clothing though. I currently look like a hobo" I laughed, going back upstairs.

John's Pov

"Do any of you freckle faces want to go to a movie then go to the arcade? Alex and Laf invited me and dad would snap my neck if I left you guys alone again. The movie will probably be pg-13 so obviously James is 9 years too young and Mary is 13 years too young" John said as his younger siblings played hide and seek.

"Wait, I'm seven and Martha's eleven. We're all too young" Henry said as he popped up from his hiding spot behind the couch. "Found you!" James giggled as he ran to his older brother and tagged him.

"Henry. You saw an R rated film when you were five because your then babysitter fell asleep. And dad has let you watch tow pg-13 movies. I think you'll be fine. And Martha should be fine. You can can technically all see it if you're with someone at least 17 years old, which I am. I just don't want a baby and a four year old in there" I explained and everyone nodded.

"Cool. We're taking dad's van since there are four small children and four of me and my friends" I said. I had agreed to pick the others up since I had an eight person car. James, Henry, and Martha were in the back. Martha sat in the middle and had to help them both hackle into their booster seats. I set Mary's carrier in the middle seats behind the drivers seat.

I babysit these guys so much that j could honestly be mistaken for their dad. I'd actually make a pretty good dad, I thought as I started the car.

Now no one has a pov. Feelings are dead

John picked up the the rest of the Hamilsquad and they went to the movies. They decided to watch Moana, instead if a pg-13 movie. John still had to drop the 7 month old Mary off at the little babysitting room they had.

When they left, they couldn't stop singing the songs they heard from it. They went to the arcade and there was a small children's movie room that John's siblings went too. Martha had to hold Mary in her lap as the baby girl laughed and clapped.

"I bet I can beat you at the racing game" John challenged Alexander. "You want to test me? Let's go right now. Mate." Alex tried looking all tough.

They played ten rounds and in the end, John won eight and Alex on two. Now Alex has to in a stuffed animal from the crane machine. "Hold on I know a trick to this that will ensure you a win" Hercules said as he stepped up to the machine. He messed with the screws - which were actually turning nobs - and told Alexander to play it like normal. Even though Alex was off by two inches, the crane moved so it grabbed the stuffed animal perfectly.

"How the hell did you do that Herc?!" Alex asked astounded as he handed John a new turtle plushie. "I'm like a spy, I know everything" Herc said, having his hands in front of his face like he was John Cena.

"Herc, mon ami, I watched you as you looked it up on YouTube" Lafayette laughed, playfully punching Herc's broad bicep. "Busteeeeeeed" John said in half a whisper.

A/N okay I KNOW you all hate me for not updating, I'm starting to get busy with school. Only eight more weeks and I can update rapidly

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