IX - School pt 2

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Whaaaaat??? And update!? That's a shocker! School got super busy, then I had an online course of summer school so I could get ahead, summer intensives for dance, two weeks of camp, and no time to sit down and write. I got to see Hamilton though!! It was the best thing that's ever happened to me. Anyway, I'm going to write this chapter now.

Alexander's pov

"HAMILTON!" someone behind me called. I turned around and behold. Thomas Jefferson comes running up to me. I decided this would be fine, I could actually see if he really was that much of a jerk or not.

"Can I help you?" I said as he stopped in front of me. "I just wanted to see how your first day is going?" He slightly smiled.

I raised an eyebrow, confused as to why the subject intrigued him in the slightest. "Um, I'm doing fine. I got lost and was late for first period but, other than that it's been pretty good. Pretty boring," He definitely looked interested "How about you?"

"Oh it's been fine. I have French with Lafayette," Thomas said. "Aren't you both fluent in French?" I asked, very confused. "Yes, we need foreign language credits and it'll get us easy A's. Laf fakes an American accent in there and our dinosaur of a teacher doesn't suspect a thing," Thomas said with a smug grin on his face.

"Okay. Are we done talking yet? Can I go find my friends?" I said, trying to slide away. Thomas harshly grabbed my wrist which came as quite a shock to me, "Listen you little whore's son," Thomas spoke with an intimidating low and quiet voice, "Your so called 'friends' and I have never seen eye to eye, which means they're going to be incredibly salty about me. I'm not going to be surprised if you and I begin to loathe each other as well. So I want to warn you, Yorktown may not be as beautiful and peaceful as you may think. And your friends can betray you whenever they feel like it. I'd be careful if I were you." He let go of my wrist and stood up straight. "Good chat. I'll see you around Hamilton." And he walked off.

I was quite confused and frankly, my wrist actually was aching from Jefferson squeezing it so hard. What a sick move that was. I think I hate him. Yes, that sounds fitting. 

I decided to text Lafayette and ask where he was and figure out where I was because I was lost. Eventually I got a reply and I met up with the rest at a tree in front of the library.

"Is this where you guys hang out everyday?" I asked. "Pretty much. Except for in the winter time; nobody's allowed outside during winter because of the snow," Hercules explained.

"Wow Alex, I thought Laf would've told you where we meet up. My sister's told me. Harsh," Peggy joked. I chuckled, "Yeah well, that information was left out for some reason. Anyway, how do you have first lunch? I thought Freshmen and Sophomores had second lunch," I asked.

"When you have two upperclassmen as sisters, one of which is the super cool Senior who's somehow friends with all the teachers and the other is an all honors and AP student with straight A's, you can hack the system a little bit," Peggy explained with a slight smirk.

"That's an interesting approach to it. Speaking of which, where's Eliza?" I asked. "Mariah probably." John scooted next to me after making the statement.

As if on cue, Eliza and Mariah walked into sight, talking and laughing. "They're gay," Angelica stated. John chuckled and pointed at himself, "Honestly me too." He stated. It was cute. He's cute. And I'm gayer than a box of Lucky charms....what?

"Yoooo!! James Reynolds is in my math class and he's GARBAGE!! He was like harassing this girl who apparently owes him money. I loathe that man," Hercules said. Mariah looked down a little bit and shook her head as if to say, "Yeah, that sure does sound like him".

Lunch wasn't very eventful until I decided to tell the group about my encounter with Thomas, "Guys, Thomas came and spoke to me before I came over here. I'm not sure if it was meant as a threat or a warning. He told me about how not all of you agree with him on anything, and that I'd probably start to hate him as well. Then he said that Yorktown probably isn't as nice if a place as I think it is so that leads me to believe that he's going to make my time here awful. Please help, I'm very confused and scared," I stated, and watched all their serious faces.

"I'm not surprised," Angelica stated, "You shouldn't be too worried about it, just stay off of his bad side for as long as you can." Knowing me, that probably wasn't going to happen, since I'm a very good argument starter.

My last two classes were the same little schpeil. Teacher hands out syllabus' and talks about their life story. Over all, the first day wasn't that bad. Thank God.

Mrs.Washington picked me and laf up from school, and she bought us Ice cream cones from McDonald's. Bless that woman, she's the sweetest. We told her about our days, but I left out the Thomas part because I didn't want her worrying.

The first day was way too long, and I was just mainly glad that it was over.

I just realized I've had this shithole of an account for three years. HAPPY SPOOPY MONTH!!!!!!

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