Chapter 17

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Minji P.o.v: It's quite late at night, I'm in my hotel room, just waiting for the sun to rise. I looked online for a plane ticket, where? I'm going back to Los Angeles, I am moving back to the states. I so done with the shit Korea gave me. California is so carefree and I also miss my mom. I miss her so much. :'(I should get some sleep because I don't want to sleep on the plane. I laid on the bed and stared at the stars. Good night.

"Are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark? Goodnight, Minji. I love you," he said as he went out of my room. 
"Goodnight, Kookie." I whispered back.

"AHHHH!" I yelled out. Another bad flash back. Fuck.
"GOD DAMN IT!" Why do I keep having these flashbacks? 
Eventually, I fell asleep...

BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! Time to leave.
I got into the taxi, and I told the driver to the airport. Half hour later, we made it there.
"Thank sir!" I said to driver. 
I checked in waited for boarding. 

"Flight K23, please board to the left." It's time to leave. 

When I went to my seat, I heard a text message. I looked at it and it was from Namjoon oppa.

Namjoon: Come home.  At least for please :'(
Me: Sorry Oppa,  it's too late

"Miss, please turn your phone off," the lady said.
*Turns phone off*

Namjoon P.o.v.: 
Minji: Sorry Oppa, it's too late.

"Guys, what the fuck does she mean? It's too late?" I shouted.

"Ugh, girls are too complicated," Yoongi mumbled. He wasn't wrong though. 

"Man, where did she go?" J Hope said as I massaged by temples. 
Then, Jin Hyung came over with our lunch. We said thank you to him and began to eat. We watched t.v. and then Jungkook said something. 

"I talked to my friend Yugyeom this morning. He told me about Minji," he said.

*Flash Back*
"Aye, what's up dude!" Yugyeom said into the phone.
"I'm doing good!" Jungkook said back. 
"So what did you want to talk about?" Yugyeom asked.
"Minji ran away, and I was wondering if you know where she went. You're her boyfriend so maybe she told you something," Jungkook exclaimed.
Yugyeom sighed and then said, "Jungkook, Minji and I broke up like 2 weeks ago." 
Yugyeom told him the whole story and Jungook was furious. He was silent as the younger boy told the story. 
"Jungkook, are you still here? Jungkook?" 
Jungkook then hang up. 
*Flash Back Ends*

Jungkook P.o.v.:
"So they broke up..." Yoongi said. I nodded and I looked at Namjoon, he looked angrier than I was.
"Don't do anything stupid, Namjoon!" Jin scolded.  
"Yugyeom cheated on her! How could he do this? She an innocent girl who did nothing but good! I trusted him!" Namjoon yelled.
"We can't doing anything. Minji is gone, and they already broke up. It's too late," I said. 

Minji P.o.v: Thank you for flying Korean Air, please come again! Yay, we're finally here. I got out of the airport and I instantly felt the warm sunshine. 
It's good to home, I thought. 

AUTHOR'S THOUGHT: THEY GUYYYYYSSSS!!!! How is the story so far? Do you like it? Hate it? !!! Tell what you guys want in the story. Like what's going to happen next? You guys decide in the comments below, I really love reading comments. BTW: YNWA came out today, I love the songs, especially "Spring Day."

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