Close Call

397 10 6

(Inspired by Storytellers)

Joey's POV

I could feel the blood escaping me. I was beginning to doze off from the loss of blood.

All I was able to see was shadows until it suddenly became all dark. At one point I felt as if I have left the world. I was cold; my flesh felt frozen like if I had been in the snow all day.

Was I dead? It was dark and all I could hear was the sound of Sawyer's voice. I woke up and found myself gasping for air.

The medics surrounded me and helped me control my breathing. How did I get in the hospital? I found myself in the hospital bed and across from me was Sawyer.

"Joey you're back "Sawyer said while sobbing. "How long was I out?" I replied. "It doesn't matter your back now. Don't ever leave me again" Sawyer muttered. What in the world happened?

Sawyer's POV

It's a miracle. Joey woke up. I wanted to go hug him but the doctor escorted me out of the hospital room.

Sawyer: Wait! Joey woke up! What are you doing?!

Doctor: I don't know how he is alive but you definitely can't see him now. After we finish our tests on him then you can.

The doctor gave me a look and I stood back. I was so frustrated but happy that Joey came back to me. I slept in the hospital until the doctor woke me up. He gave me a nod and I entered Joey's room. I laid beside Joey and held his hand.

Joey: Hey Soy-Sauce.

Sawyer: Joey I'm glad you're alive.

Joey: Did I die?

Joey chuckled but I had to tell him. How could I not?

Sawyer: When we were hiking Joey, you fell. You slipped and your hit your head against a rock. You were bleeding out Joey. I carried you and drove you to the hospital. When the doctors were doing surgery on you, they told me you died. You lost all your blood in your system. Somehow you're still here. They gave me a moment to see you and say by good-byes. Joey you're supposed to be dead. You should be in a grave instead of the hospital bed.

Joey: How long was I out?

Sawyer: A couple of days now. Let's go home.

Joey's POV

I nodded. I was so confused. I needed to get my head clear. We checked out of the hospital and Sawyer drove us home. I felt cold and I was pale. I was hungry too. Sawyer and I went inside our home and he put me on the couch.

Joey: Sawyer. Come cuddle with me. I'm cold.

Sawyer smiled and he placed his arms around me. I kissed him and it felt good. There was this rush that I felt with him, when I felt his touch. Sawyer and I spent the rest of the day watching movies until it became dark. I realized I haven't eaten anything in days.

Joey: Sawyer? Let's eat out.

Sawyer: It's kind of late don't you think?

I looked down and nodded. He was right. Sawyer must have been able to tell that I was disappointed because he stood up and pulled me from the couch.

Sawyer: You know what, let's go out and eat. It's on me.

I smiled and got ready to eat out for dinner. Sawyer took me out to my favorite restaurant. It was perfect. We sat down and ordered our food. I got my chicken and Sawyer ordered his lobster. We began to eat and it was quit between us.

Joey: Sawyer. The accident wasn't your fault. It was mine. You don't need to beat yourself about it.

Sawyer: I'm supposed to be able to protect you Joey. I don't know what I will do with you in my life.

Joey: I don't need protection. I can defend myself.

Sawyer: I wish I could believe that. You can't defend yourself or you would have never hurt yourself on the mountain.

Joey: I'm still alive aren't I?

Sawyer: There was a moment were you weren't.

I was getting frustrated at Sawyer. I felt rage and a surge of power was overwhelming me.

Joey: You don't understand Sawyer.

Sawyer: Than who does Joey? Doug? Cause he didn't come to see you at the hospital!

That was enough to tick me off. I stood up from my seat. I was overwhelmed and a dark force took over.

Joey: Enough!

I growled in a low powerful voice. I regained control I could see Sawyer on the floor and everything else around me was broken. Sawyer looked at me in fear. I was scared. I was scared of myself. I ran from the scene and began to cry. I saw someone from a distance.

Joey: Who are you?

I whined. The figure came closer to me, it looked exactly like me.

Figure: I'm you Joey.

Joey: What am I?

Figure: You're a killer.

Love Seeker (A Joey Graceffa Fanfic) *JawyerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora