Race Against Time

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Sawyer's POV

I was shocked and scared. What in the world just happened? I ran away from Joey and I didn't look back.

I got into my car and drove back home. I put on some music to distract me from what just happened.

It was "Want You Back" a song that me a Joey always listened to, it was our song. I turned off the radio and continued driving. I finally got home and locked the door.

I tried to figure out what I have just seen. I was still shocked. I looked over the counter and saw a knife.

Joey's POV

I stood up and stared at the figure. It really was me. It was true what it was saying. "What's wrong Joseph" the figure said.

It walked closer to me and grabbed me by the neck. I was lifted into the air and thrown down into the hard cement floor.

I got back on my feet and tried to hit it. My fist went through it. "You're weak" I said. I finally figured it out.

"Not for long. Soon I'll gain human form" it replied. I tried to stand up but fell. I was getting weaker. "What are you doing to me?" I screamed. "As I get stronger, you get weaker. When I gain human form, you will die. I'm your shadow you idiot! When you died I finally escaped" it said.

"You're not going to get away with it" I said. The figure gave me a smirk and walked away from me. "Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you" I yelled.

It turned around and laughed at me. "You're a killer remember? I'm doing what killers do" it said.

I got up and was ready to fight but it was nowhere in sight. Finish the job? What did it mean by that?

I held my breath and cried as I came to a realization. It was going after Sawyer.

Figure's POV

I felt my power grow. I could feel it moving throughout my body, it felt great. I needed to gain human form but to do that Joey needed to be destroyed.

The only way to do that was by breaking him. I had to kill the only person he loved, Sawyer Hartman. I arrived at their house.

I looked up and saw that it was a full moon. I looked behind me and saw a shadow of my own. I grinned and went up to the door. It was now or never.

Sawyer's POV

I was in the corner hugging myself. I was wondering what I should do. I heard a cry coming from the door. I stood up and walked quietly to the door and heard someone moaning my name.

I took a deep breath and opened the door with the knife behind my back. I saw that it was Joey.

He was all beat up. I couldn't kill him. He looked so innocent, "Joey are you alright?" I said with concern.

What in the world happened to him? I picked Joey up and placed him on the sofa. "Who did this to you?" I said. "Sawyer! I can't explain it but we're in trouble my s-shadow is coming to kill you."Joey replied.

He was trembling and had a look of terror on his face. I have never seen him like this before. I didn't like it. "Close the door Sawyer. We're not safe."Joey said.

I ran to the door locked it. I turned around and saw Joey standing up and laughing. He made a sudden full recovery. "Did I say we? I meant you're in trouble Sawyer" Joey said.

Love Seeker (A Joey Graceffa Fanfic) *JawyerWhere stories live. Discover now