Honky Tonk Women

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Midnight Toker

It's Kathy's first day at PointPlace high. When she sits down in first period,she makes friends with a red-head girl,named Donna. She meets a skinny boy,a foreign ceep,a degenerate hippie, a loud self centered girl,and a handsome bonehead. She made it in with the gang,late nights in the basment, and infinite laughs.

Point Place,wisconsin,1976

I walked into Point Place high,where I would be spending the next three years of my life. I entered the lobby and saw a tall,curly haired guy wearing a led zeppelin tee. It was identical to mine,except mine was form-fitting. When I walked through the lobby to the office a couple people whistled,and everyone stared at the 'new girl.' I rolled my eyes and opened the door to the office. They showed me to my locker and gave me my schedule. I walked into my first class,English. The teacher directed me to a seat in front of three guys. "Great," I thought. I sat down and did my bellwork. I flipped my paper over when I was done and felt eyes on me. I slowly turned and saw the curly haired guy staring at me. He had aviator sunglasses attached to the neckline of his zeppelin shirt. He looked down at his blank paper and I turned back around. He was hot,like really hot. The teacher pulled me infront of the class and introduced me. "Class,this is Katherine. She's our new student." He smiled. I heard someone whistle at me. I rolled my eyes. "If you could not do that,that would be peachy." He said,sitting me down. I smiled and nodded to the teacher and read my book. "Alright class,you can pack up now." I got my things gathered up and stood up to leave when the bell rang. I walked to my next class,science. I sat down next to a redhead and a brunette. Finally,two girls. "Hey you're the new girl aren't you?" The redhead asked. "Yes." I smiled. "Bet all these guys get's annoying,huh?" She chuckled. "Oh yeah." I giggled. "Yeah,I know." The brunette giggled. "I'm Donna,and this is Jackie." Donna smiled. "I'm Katherine,but you can call me Kathy." "Okay." She smiled. "So let me give you a rundown of the guys,Too skinny,too hippie, too foreign, too mine!" Jackie yelled,pointing to the guys. Donna rolled her eyes said,"Eric,Hyde,Fez, and Michael. They're all Bozo's." I smiled and nodded. "So Hyde's the curly headed one?" "Conspiracy nut,hippie,burn-out." She chuckled. I giggled. "Why do you ask?" Donna asked. I shrugged. "Do you..." She questioned,raising an eyebrow. I smirked and shrugged. "Hey guys." Eric said,pulling a chair up next to Donna. "Hey Eric." She smiled,turning to him. "You like Steven?" Jackie asked,pushing her face closer to mine. I nodded and smiled. "Ooooo, you're blushing!" She giggled. "If you two could shut it,that would be nice." A short,red headed kid yelled. "Shut up Mitch." Donna barked. He whimpered and walked away. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. The class officially started and I noticed hyde was sitting infront of me. I looked at his hair,and imagined what it felt like. "Stop it," I thought. He looked back at me, smirking. I turned my head and looked out the window. After a few minutes I looked back the board and listened to the teacher. The bell rang and I hurried out of the room. I went to my locker and put my things away. I walked down the stairs into the cafeteria and scanned the room. I found Donna and Jackie and sat next to them. "Alright,let's go get some shitty food." I smiled. "Amen." Donna giggled. We got in line and talked about schoolwork. When we started walking back to the table I saw Michael,Fez,Eric,and...Hyde sitting at the table. I stopped dead in my tracks and stood still. "Kathy..." Donna said. "I can't...Hyde's there." I whinned. "Come on,he's cool,he won't say anything." Jackie said,coaxing me to the table. "Alright." I said,walking with them. I sat next to Donna,who was sitting next to Eric. Hyde was sitting across from me,next to Fez. I avoided eye contact with Steven and talked to Jackie,who was sitting next to Michael. "How long have you two been together?" I asked,pointing to them. "Two years." She smiled proudly. I looked away from her and glanced at Hyde,who was down-right staring at me. "Steven Hyde,What have I told you about wearing those in the school?" The lunch monitor said,walking to our table. He sighed and took his sunglasses off slowly. He smiled and walked away. I smiled at him when he looked back at me. I looked at Fez,who started talking. When lunch was over Donna and I headed to gym and changed. "I caught you staring at Hyde,what was that about?" She chuckled. I blushed and looked down. "You should go for him,He'd like you. You're blonde,like zeppelin,and you're a girl." She giggled. We ran around the track and went back inside. We played dodgeball and went back into the locker room and changed. I put my zeppelin shirt and my bellbottoms back on and my ankle boots. We walked out of the gym and we split off into our classes. I went to my next class,geography. I walked in,and saw no one I knew. I sat on the back and started reading my book while I waited for the class to start. I heard shuffling next to me,and looked up to my right,It was Hyde. I looked back at my book quickly. "Alright class,calm down." The teacher said,shutting the door. I closed my book and looked at the board. I felt Steven's eyes burning into my blonde locks. I stared straight at the board,but couldn't take it anymore. I looked over at him,smiling. "Dig the shirt." He nodded. "Oh,thanks." I said,turning back to the board. When the class was over I grabbed my things and hurried out of the room. I found Donna in the hall and said,"Hyde told me he digged my shirt,and was staring at me the whole class!" "Go for it,god knows he needs someone." She giggled. "Ya' know,I might." I smiled. I went to my next class,which was french and suffered through a class with none of my new friends in it. When the class was over I went to study hall,which was the hallway behind the library and joined Donna and Eric. "So I was talking to Hyde,and I think you should go for it." Donna smiled. "What? Why would you do that?!" I whisper-yelled. "Sorry." She shrugged. "Thanks." I chuckled. I read my book and talked to Donna and Eric about California,where I used to live. When the bell rang Eric kissed Donna's cheek and we went to Math. "Thank god,just one more class left." I sighed. "With Hyde." She smiled. I rolled my eyes and we walked up the stairs and into the room. I sat next to Donna,who sat across from Hyde. He sat behind me,and I could feel my nerves rising. "Alright students,find a partner and work on your math papers." Donna and worked together. Mid-way through working Hyde pulled up a chair and started talking to us,well,more like me. "So you like zeppelin?" I looked up and nodded. "Oh yeah, what's your favorite song?" "Dazed,for sure. Page's work with the bow,it's unbelieveable!" "Oh you're one of those people! The guitar work on battle of evermore was phenomenal!" "True,but his guitar work in celebration day...Ugh! Just amazing!" "Black dog,one their best songs. Stairway,rock n' roll! They have so many better songs than their early stuff!" "While that is true,gallows pole and out on the tiles,those lyrics are amazing! Plant brings so much power!" He nodded and went back to doing his math paper. "What the hell was that?" Donna asked. "He asked me a question and I answered." I giggled. "You're not supposed to talk to him for real,he's Hyde!" "sorry." I chuckled. "Do you like Alice Cooper?" "Hell yeah." I giggled. "Thank god." She smiled. "Hey,do you want to go to Eric's house after school?" "Uh...Sure." I smiled

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