Night Moves

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One Month Later

I was invited to a party at Donna's house. I dressed in a pair of red bell bottoms and a black crop top. I plodded down the sidewalk to Donna's front door. I swung it open and joined the gang in her living room. We were all drinking,and laughing,dancing,singing. We were a drunken mess,as usual. We got into playing truth or dare,as juvenile and sophomoric as that is. Donna spun the bottle and it landed on Jackie. "Alright Jackie,truth or dare?" "Truth!" "Why are you in love with my boyfriend?" I coldly asked before Donna could even open her mouth. Jackie scoffed. I spun the bottle and it landed on Eric. He got dared to put on one of Donna's dresses. Fez kissed Michael,Michael wore makeup. Donna ended up ding-dong ditching Michael's house,and Jackie had to wear Donna's clothes. The night went on fun as it usually is. That is,until it was my turn. "Truth or dare Kath?" "Truth." I smiled,I had picked dare all night. "How is your first relationship going?" Donna asked. "So fun! I love Steven." I drunkenly smiled. Steven just laughed and took a sip of his beer. My next turn I picked dare. "I dare you to kiss the hottest guy in the room. And notice I said guy,because I would smoke all of you." Donna smirked. I turned,without thinking to Eric. When I pulled away I realized I had fucked up. I look at around the room... "That's fucked up." Michael muttered. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Donna shouted,striding off to the bathroom. I walked out of the house to my car. I sat on my hood,tears streaming down my face. I was hyperventilating,I wanted to take it back. "I fucked up,I fucked up,I fucked up" I kept repeating in my head. I was parked in the Forman's driveway,and Kitty came out to talk to me. "Katherine,what's wrong?" "I messed up...real bad Kitty. I kissed Eric...I didn't know what I was doing. I really hurt Steven and Donna. I-I think I messed up the whole group." I sighed,wiping my face. "Well...You should just give them some time. I know Steven will want some space. Apologize to Donna when it feels right." She rubbed my arm. "Thanks Kitty." I got off my hood and started my car up. I drove home, barely being able to see from the tears in my eyes.

Two Days Later

I saw Steven for the first time after the incident. "We've become such good friends,I don't want to ruin that." "Good friends? You mean the people i've known since first grade,and the people you've known for a year?" I nodded. "Well stop trying to make it better,stop apologizing. Stop embarrassing yourself." Hyde darkly ranted. "O-okay." I had lost every ounce of confidence I once had. "I think I should go now." I looked down at my feet. "Yeah." Hyde opened the door for me. "Bye Steven." I hurried away to my car in the driveway. I had ruined it,I messed it all up. Now everyone hates me,and i've lost my only friends. Donna hated me for kissing Eric,Hyde hated me for cheating on him,and Fez and Michael hated me for hurting the other three. And Jackie already hated me,so nothing changed. When I arrived home,my mom was waiting in the living room. "Where have you been?!" She yelled. "Mom,i've had a terrible night, Please just let me go." I sniffled. "Oh honey,what's wrong?" "Nothing." I stormed off to my room,upset with only myself. It was me who did this,me who ruined it all. I can't believe I hurt Steven like this. I kept repating his name over and over,trying to figure out if this was real...If it was more than just a dream. I couldn't control myself, and I hurt the people I love the most.

When I woke up my head was pounding,and my chest physically hurts. I have never experienced heartbreak,I have never had to deal with this...I was always the heartbreaker,and I guess my ways haven't changed. I hurt everyone,and I don't know if I can ever fix it. I got ready for school,and a ready for the day of hell ahead of me. I got out of my car and walk into the large brick building. I sigh as I enter. I walk past my old group of friends,avoiding their looks. I walk over to the group of popular girls. "Aren't you the new girl?" The most popular girl,Nancy asks. I nod. "Come hang with us." She smiles. I don't have any friends anymore,and maybe these new girls will give me a fresh start. At lunch,I sat by myself,reading "Catcher in the Rye." The popular girls all had B lunch,so I was alone today. I sighed as I read through my book,not really paying attention to the words. I looked up at my old friend's table,and saw everyone laughing. I made eye contact with Steven,but just looked back down. The school day was boring,and made me feel more dejected than I ever had in my whole life. I just wanted things to go back to normal. But,I ruined everything.

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