Bad Moon Rising

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I woke up in the morning,not wanting to go to school. When I got there I walked in,a hoard of annoying guys whistling and yelling at me. I rolled my eyes and found my group of friends. "Hey Kath." Donna smiled. "Hi Donna." I smiled back. "Pam Macey tried to make out with Michael, again! What a whore!" Jackie screeched. "What's new?" Eric joked. "Don't be an ass Eric." Donna grumbled. "So what's goin' on Kath?" Kelso asked,winking. I rolled my eyes,he was clearly hitting on me. I slapped him,Jackie was right there,crying because of him. "Ow! What was that for?" "For being a big dumbass." "Jackie,are you okay?" I asked,rubbing her shoulder. I led her away from the group so she could cry without everyone staring at her. She calmed down and we went back to the group. I saw Hyde,who had just gotten there. I tried not to stare at him,but it was almost impossible. His wild hair and blue eyes,pulling me in. I looked away and talked to Donna,I needed to distract myself. At lunch Eric and Steven were talking about Steven living at Eric's. "How about you move out,and I get your room." He smiled. "How about no!" "Or your whorey sister moves out with that professor." Steven chuckled. "Don't talk about Laurie that way!" Kelso yelled. "Shut up ya' big ass!" Donna yelled, hitting his shoulder. "Hey guys." I smiled,plopping my tray down next to Don. "Hey Kath." They all greeted. I chuckled and bit into my apple. "So whatcha' guys doing this weekend?" I asked. "Nothing." Eric scoffed. "Well my parents won't be home,so i'm having a party. Wanna come?" "Sounds fun." Donna smiled. "Will there be beer?" Kelso asked. "Yeah." "Then i'm in!" He smiled blankly,his brain no doubt empty. "You can't come. No whores in my house." I chuckled. Everyone erupted in laughter,holding their stomach's. "Do you have the answers for the Science homework?" I asked Donna as we made our way to the locker room. "Yeah,do you need some?" "More like all of them." I sighed. "You can borrow my notes,if you need them." "Thanks Donna." I smiled. "No problem." She smirked. I got through the day, then relaxed at home. This has been an interesting couple of weeks.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter,but shit gets crazy in the next chapter!

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