Since I've Been Loving You

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I got a call from Donna,Steven was arrested! I hurried over to the Forman's. The gang was sitting in the basement,as usual. "Steven was arrested? For what?" Kelso asked. "Holding." "Holding what?" "My heart! Because I love Steven Hyde!" What?!" Everyone yelled. I slammed the door behind me as I walked back up the stairs. Fucking Jackie... I heard Donna calling my name,but I ignored her. I walked through the door and into the kitchen. "Steven isn't here he got-" "Arrested,I know." i interrupted Kitty. I sighed,"It's Jackie's fault." I called my Mom and told her I was going to sleep here to tonight. I didn't really sleep thought,I was too worried about Hyde. I hope he's safe...I hope he gets out soon. I really hope this doesn't ruin his chances with getting a job.

I woke up in Steven's room to the gang starting a circle. I ignored them until I heard Steven's voice. "Steven!" I yelled as I jumped into the room. I ran up to him and hugged him.
"I was so worried about you!" "Don't be Kath,i'm fine." They called Steven upstairs. I was so nervous. Steven came down after about ten minutes,saying they were gonna kick him out. "You can come stay at my house." "No,no Kath. I'll sleep in the photo hut." "No Steven! You can come to my house,my mom won't mind if I tell her what happened." He sighed,"No kath. You don't have to do that." "I'm going to. Come on." I started pulling him,but he resisted. "Steven,please. Please,just try it." He sighed,"Okay. Fine." I watched him pack his stuff,then we headed upstairs. I heard Donna and Jackie screaming from upstairs...Oh great,what was that Two foot bitch doing now? Turns out Donna told Red and Kitty what happened. "I know it was hard for you,especially with Jackie choking you the whole time." I laughed in my head about this. "Oh,Steven," Red muttered as Hyde walked into the kitchen. "You can stay." Hyde hesitated for a moment,then replied,"Cool." He grabbed his key from the table,then went back downstairs. "You know what dad!" Eric yelled as he busted into the kitchen. "You can't kick Hyde out!" He yelled again. "For the love of god,Eric,don't." Donna warned. "I do it too!" Eric yelled. "You do what?" Red questioned. "I smoke pot too." We all sighed. I his downstairs,this wasn't going to be good.

Eric got in trouble for admitting he smokes pot,and Hyde was a loud to stay. "I-I love you Steven." "I love you too Kath. I really do." He admitted and kissed my forehead. I walked out to my car and drove home. My mom yelled at me,but it was worth it to make sure Steven was okay.

Donna's POV

"Alright,what are you writing?" I asked the humming Jackie. "Jackie and Steven Hyde? Mrs. Jackie Hyde? Dr. and Mrs. Hyde?" I scoffed and threw the pencil and pad down. "What's going on with you?" "Steven and I are in love!" "You do know he's dating Kath,right?" "Yeah... So?" "You're crazy! You're such a bad friend!" I walked away from her,I was so done. I ran into Kath,who seemed reasonably angry. "Fucking bitch." She grunted under her breath. I laughed,and we went to my house.

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