Us and Them

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When the day was over I found Donna and we waited outside for Eric. When he got out we waited for Michael and Hyde. Donna and Eric sat in the front seats,and I sat in the middle seat. Donna put a cassette in the player. "Good times,bad times." started playing and I giggled. We got to Eric's house and walked into the side door. "Hey mom." He said,walking into the kitchen. "Who's this?" She asked,pointing to me. "I'm Kathy." I smiled. "Are you another dumbass kid like my son and Steven?" His father asked. "Red!" She squealed. "I'm Kitty,and this is Red." She smiled. "Hi Kitty." I smiled,shaking her hand. We walked down to the basement. "Sorry about my mom." Eric scoffed. We sat down and started talking. "Oh god!" Donna yelled. "What?" Eric asked,alarmed. "We forgot Fez!" "Damn." Eric yelled. "Alright,let's go." Donna yelled. "I'll go too." Michael smiled. "Kelso,don't you think Kathy would like you to stay here?" Eric asked. "I think she'll be fine here,with Hyde." Donna said. Eric nodded and they left. When they were gone I looked at Steven. "So..." I sighed,looking around the basement. "So..." He said,clapping his hands together lightly. He got up and put on a record. "Whole lotta' love" started playing. I looked at Hyde,and bit my lip. I looked at his lips,and in his eyes,then back to his lips. He stood up and started kissing me. He pushed me against the wall and moved his hands up and down my sides. I started moaning lightly as he did. I heard the doorknob turn,and the door open. Hyde and I looked at everyone in the doorway awkwardly. "Oh what's goin' on here?" Fez asked,rubbing his hands together. I stared at everyone and was frozen. "It's not like it's the first we've caught someone making out in here." Donna said,sitting down. We sat down and listened to music. We talked about everything except for school. I went to Donna's house after a while of being there and we were doing our homework. I called my parents and told them I would spend the night at Donna's. When I woke up I changed into a red striped shirt and some bell bottoms. We walked out and got into Eric's car and drove to school. I got through the day,Hyde staring at me,lunch being bleak and awkward. While I was putting my things away in my locker after math Hyde came up to me. "Hey Kathy,I know yesterday was awkward-" "Look,do you wanna come to my house on saturday?" I asked,shutting my locker. "Um...Yeah." "Alright,cool. Meet me there at five." I said,writing my address down. "See you then." I smiled,walking away. I waited for my mom to pick me up and got in the car. "How was school?" "Bleak." "That's nice." "So who's Donna?" "One of my new friends." I smiled. "Can my friend come over tomorrow at five?" "Yeah,sure." She smiled. "Thanks." When we got home I did my homework and listened to some records. I cleaned my room,and hung up a few more posters I had planned to hang up. I called Jackie and talked to her about Hyde. I knew my parents weren't going to be home,so we had the whole house to ourselves. I went to bed,tired from school. When I woke up in the morning I grabbed my mom's keys and met Jackie at the mall. We went to the shoe store and looked at boots. "I'm going to look at clogs,Come with me when you're done over here." She said,striding off to the clogs section. I rolled my eyes and continued to pick out shoes. We went to the clothing shop next door and picked out a few things. "Ugh,you and Steven are a match made in heaven,you both dress like hippies,you both have unkept hair." She said,shuffling around some hangers. After we were done shopping we went our separate ways. I had half an hour to get ready,so I decided to change and do my makeup. I layed in bed and read my book until I heard a knock at the door. I stood up,looked in the mirror and walked to the front door. I opened it,and saw Hyde standing on the porch. I let him in and we sat on the couch. "Um...I'm sorry the other day was so awkward." He chuckled. "Me too." We talked for a bit about California,and of course,Zeppelin. "So you like Deep Purple?" He asked,pointing to my shirt. "Yeah." I smiled. "My mom thinks they're royally ridiculous." I groaned. "All parents do man!" "They just want to stop rock 'n' roll because they know it makes us horny man." I said,facing him. "There's three things I love in this world,Rock 'n' roll,sex,and pizza." "Me too!" He looked in my eyes,then at my lips,then back into my eyes. I got ontop of him and I could feel his tongue,warm and comforting against mine. His hands ran up my thighs to my hips. He started taking off my jeans when I stopped. "Steven..." I said,getting off of him. "What is it?" "I don't think I'm ready..." "It's okay,I understand." It was odd,he was so gentle and tender with me,when he was usually so aggressive. "Sorry..." I said,fixing my hair. "It's alright,you don't have to apologize." He said, pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. I nodded and said,"We can still make out,I liked that." He nodded and kissed me. I felt his hands creep my shirt and rub my sides. He pulled me closer to him and deepened the kiss. I pulled out and looked at the clock. "Oh shit,my parents are coming home soon!" I yelled. "Then I guess I'll get going then." He sighed. "Maybe you can come over and "study" next week." I smiled. "Sounds good." He smirked and left. I went back to my bedroom and called Donna. "How'd it go?" "Good...I guess. We just made out." "Did he seem like he was having fun?" "I don't know." "I just want to go back to California,this place is so boring." "That's true." "I already don't like this school,and I'm quite bored here." I sighed. "Try living here your whole life." She joked. "So what is Steven like? I've only seen him being aggressive." "Well... He is aggressive,but he has a softer side. You just have to get him to reveal it." "Well how do I do that? I really like him...but he's too much." "I know right...Last year he was basically in love with me." "Oh..." "It's alright,now he's fine-I think." "Well I really want to date him,does he even do that?" "I think so." We said our goodbyes and hung up. I heard the front door open and my mom yell,"I'm home!" I sighed and started doing my homework from friday.

I woke up to the phone ringing. "Hello?" "Hey Kath." Donna greeted. "Oh yeah Donna." "You wanna hang out at Eric's?" "Yeah,I'll be over in a bit." "Alright,see you." "See ya." I got up and put on some shorts and a t shirt and put my shoes on. I grabbed my keys and drove to Eric's house. When I got here Donna,Jackie,Fez,and Eric were all in the driveway talking. "Hey Kath." Jackie squealed. "Hey...Jackie." I said,tilting my head. "So how was the makeout session with you and Hyde?" Fez chuckled. "Shut up!" I giggled. "Guys! Pink Floyd is coming to kinosita!" Kelso yelled,running into the driveway. "Oh my god,really?" Eric yelled. "Oh hell yeah!" Donna yelled. "Well what are we waiting for,let's go get tickets!" I exclaimed. "Let's go!" Eric said,running inside to get his keys. We all got in the car and drove to the venue. It took half an hour,but we eventually got back and had the tickets. We went to the basement and Eric handed Steven his ticket. "Next Saturday,we're seein' floyd!" Eric yelled. "Bitchin'." Donna smiled. I sat across from Steven and we all talked. Kelso and Jackie ran off together and Fez,being the creep he is,followed them. "Kath,why don't we get out of here and go hang out somewhere." Hyde said,standing up. "Sounds good to me,bye guys." I said,walking to the door. We got into my car and drove to the hub. "You're telling me you've never been here?" "Hey man,I've only been here for a week." "Fair enough." He chuckled. We went into the hub and sat down with Kelso and Jackie. I ordered some fries and a soda. "Where's Donna and Eric?" "We left them." I chuckled. We ate and talked about Pink Floyd. We stayed for half an hour when I said I should get home soon. "You want me to drop you off?" I asked,holding my keys up. "Sure." We got into the car and I turned the radio on. "So you like living here?" "No." I chuckled. "I hear that." I dropped him off,then drove home. We went to Floyd the next week,and it was amazing. The day after,on Sunday I laid around and was very lazy.

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