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Two Weeks Later

I entered the house, loud party music blaring from the speakers. The high i’m in from the grass and champagne from early is starting to effect. I feel sexy and happy. I want to dance, hold someone close.

Yet everyone I encounter is either too fucked up or involved with their present lover. I walked from the first floor to the second, full of the same cynical and high people from the first floor. The same for the third floor. Everyone is such a bore.

I found a hidden treasure in the third floor by the large bathroom,a small room void of people. There were three large brown shelves filled with records. I went to shelf and found a Van Morrison album. I put the needle on and swayed by myself quietly. I listened to pop and scratch sound of the record.

The music was swanky and made me feel sexy. Each note and hum of the music swelled and released, like waves of harmony strung together indefinitely. As I swayed alone,I felt a pair of lanky arms encircled my shoulders.

Looking up, I saw Hyde. “What are you doing here?” I asked, swaying with Steven behind me. He rested his head on top of mine. “I saw you dancing alone and I thought you could use some company.”

“Are you still mad at me?” “Yeah.” His tone and demeanor changed, his guard seemed down. I could tell he was drunk, just not as I was. “No…” He sighed.

“I’m sorry.” “Shhh…Just dance…” He ushered his hand out, offering me a dance. He held my hips in his hands softly and I draped my arms around his neck. What I didn’t want him to know was that I was so lonely and needy for another’s touch.

My arms were again draped around his neck, my hands clasped together and my head was resting against his shoulder.

Into The Mystic chimed softly through the speakers of the record player. Steven and I danced tenderly through the rest of the A side, and continued to dance long after the music was gone.

I bet we looked a mess. Two drunk teenagers clinging to each other, slow dancing without music. But,I didn’t care. I loved it. Every second of it.

Steven and I were silent the whole time, not talking, only our steady breathing and sounds of the loud house party downstairs ringing in our ears.

It felt so good to dance with him, to be touched in that way. To be intimate without being sexual. To Steven I may seem like a whore. Or maybe a bitch. But I didn’t care in that moment.

I was happy just to dance with him. He seems to be feeling the same way about our actions.

“Katherine!” A sharp woman’s voice was heard. We split apart like two children caught doing something wrong. Rather, we were two people dancing innocently.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Pam barked tersely. “I-I don’t care.” “C’mon Kath, you don’t have to do this.” Steven whispered in my ear.

“Yes I do.” I muttered back. “You don’t control me.” “The fuck I do! Now get away from that…mutt!” “No.”

“What?” She asked, stepping closer. “I said no.” “Ohhh, you are so gonna get it!” “Fuck off Pam.” I rolled my eyes. I grabbed Steven’s arm, pulling him past her.

"So um...." I started as we were in the car,"I'm sorry." I sighed. "Good." Steven smirked.

I rolled my eyes,"You're such an ass." He chuckled.

"But I wouldn't have it any other way." I pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Me either Kath, me either."

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