I'm In Love With A Girl

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A/N: This is a year after the other parts!


"Livin' in Africa must be fun,everything is so cheap." Michael stated. "Man,if you ask me,Unicef is a scam." Hyde confessed. "If we ask you,everything is a scam." Donna joked. "Everything is a scam." We all laughed. "Alright everybody,lighten up. Remember how fun halloween used to be?" I tuned out what everyone was saying,I sorta hated halloween. I was thinking about my life this past year. We had all become really close. Donna was my best friend, Steven and I clearly had feelings for each other,and Fez was an adorable friend. Jackie and I had become good friends,which I was happy with. Michael was an idiot,but was still funny and we all loved him anyway. We had agreed to go see "Texas chainsaw massacre." Michael was covering his eyes,Donna and Eric were talking about the characters,Jackie and Steven were talking about the girl being a whore,and I was shaking my head at the dumb characters. After the movie was over we all went their old grammar school,which had burned down. Everyone suspected Hyde had done it,which he denied,saying he was out of town that weekend. Eric had found their permanent records. Eric and Steven tried to scare Kelso,saying there was a ghost of a gym teacher in the school. "Give me 20,walk it off!" Steven said in a ghostly voice,with a flashlight under his chin. "Alright guys,stop...You're scaring the women." Kelso was leaned against a wall,clearly scared by the claim of a ghost. Suddenly,the window fell and thudded against the windowsill. "Out of my way!" Kelso screamed loudly,pushing Jackie out of the way,fez catching her. "Kelso,it was the window,man!" Steven yelled. "Yeah,I knew that." He swept a piece of hair away from his eyes. "Out of my way?!" Jackie yelled. Jackie,Donna,and I went to another small room and listened to Jackie rant about Michael. We came back,Jackie was cooled off. "Pinciotti,Donna!" Hyde smirked, picking up her file. "Someone had a real hard time keeping their clothes on in Kindergarten." Donna scoffed,"What? That was just a stupid faze." "Thank god for that!" Eric joked. We looked at Steven's file,finding out Eric had betrayed him,making everyone think he was a born trouble maker. I felt bad for him,his life was ruined because Eric was a selfish seven year old. "Hyde,no offence,but with an alcoholic mom and an absent dad,you were bound to wind up in jail sooner or later!" Jackie was such a bitch! I glared at her,clearly pissed. "Hyde,I said no offence!" "Yeah,right. Let's see what that file says about you,jackie." He opened her file. "Fine,go ahead,I have a perfect record." She smiled. Hyde laughed,"Would anybody like to know what Jackie's middle name is?" Steven smiled maliciously. "No!" Jackie yelled. "Jackie's middle is-" Jackie jumped ontop of him and started hitting him with her handbag. "Get off my boyfriend you tiny midget!" I yelled,pulling her tiny body off him. Everyone looked at me in silence. I put my head down and scurried out of the room. "It's Bula!" I heard him smile from the other room. Everyone gasped. I sat down in the dark room and sighed. "Did I really say that?" I thought to myself. "God,i'm such a fuck up." I said aloud to myself. "You know he likes you." Donna said,walking in. "I know,but he would never date me." I sighed. Donna cheered me up,and we walked back into the room. I looked at Steven,then back at the ground. "Can we talk?" He asked,touching my arm. I nodded and we walked into the hall. "What are we doin'?" He sighed. "I don't know." "l like you,you clearly like me." I nodded,looking down at my feet. "Do you wanna go out this weekend?" "Yeah." I smiled. "Great." I kissed his cheek and walked into the room. "Everything good?" Donna asked. "Yeah!" I smiled. We found out later, that Steven kissed Donna,Jackie thought Fez was a better kisser than Michael,and that Michael is actually 18. Everyone was mad Michael had lied about his age,and that he could buy beer,but didn't. We decided to bury the file,and then went home. Halloween this year was definitely something to remember. One Month LaterSteven and I were dating now,our date had gone great,and I was happy with him. He definitely was emotionally unavailable. He had some problems from home,but I want to help him with those. He doesn't seem to let anyone in,not even me. He was really upset today,so I asked him what was wrong. I was very persistent,I kept asking him about his mood. "Just leave me alone,please." Steven grunted. "Steven,please. Just-just tell me what's wrong." He was silent. "Nothing is wrong,just stop asking." He was annoyed and upset,but I was his girlfriend,I needed to know why he was upset. "If you don't answer i'm asking Kitty." "Fine. It's my dad,he skipped town again." I softened my look,feeling terrible. I kissed his cheek,knowing he wasn't going to be easy to talk to. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. "You don't have to feel bad for me,I don't need your pity." "I'm not pitying you,I want to help you. You need to come to me,and tell my these things. I'm here for you Steven." He made a fake crying sound,then looked up at me and shook his head. I sighed,"You're impossible." We walked from his room into the basement. "What's up whores?" I asked,sitting on Steven's lap. "I was talking to you,Michael." I joked. Jackie rolled her eyes,sick of my 'whore' comments to him. "Kathy,honey,your mother is on the phone." Kitty called down the stairs. "Thank you Mrs.Forman." I called back up. My mom told me I had to get home,because she needed my car. I sighed,another pot check! "Alright mom,love you." "Love you too sweetie." I hung up and went back downstairs. "Alright,I gotta go. See you guys later. Bye babe." I smiled at Steven. "Bye Kath." Donna waved. "Bye." When my mother saw I was clean,I went to my room. I laid in bed,listening to Jimmy Page rock a solo. God,he's like a fucking guitar wizard! I drifted off to sleep after "When the levee breaks" ended. I woke up to my mom telling me I had a family event to go to. I got dressed,and decided I need to call Steven and tell him I wasn't going to be home. "Hello?" Kitty greeted. "Hi,it's Kathy,is Steven home?" "Yes." She answered sweetly. I heard her say to Steven."Awe someone has a little girlfriend!" I smiled,such a Kitty thing to say. "Hey." Steven greeted in his usual tone. "So I was just calling to tell you I won't be home all day. Stupid family reunion." I sighed. "Oh,that sucks. Glad I don't have parents." "Steven! Don't say that!" Kitty exclaimed. I chuckled,"Alright well I gotta go before mothership bites my head off,bye whore." "Bye." He laughed. I hung up,then went to the stupid family gathering. I woke up for school the next morning,happy to be back with my friends. I drove myself,screaming along to a queen song. I was wearing my usual bell bottoms,and a rolling stones t-shirt. I tied a floral headband around my forehead,to which I got called a dirty hippie for from my mother. I don't understand,she hates hippies,but lived in CA during the summer of love...Crazy. I walked into the building,garnering less praise from random guys than usual. I was pretty happy about that. A year after I live here,and they still whistle at me occasionally. I felt bad for Pam Macy and every other hot girl if this is how they're treated. I walked up to the gang,and Steven threw his arm around my shoulder. "Hey,the gang and I are going to Jackie's cabin,you wanna go?" Steven asked. "Uh...I don't know. I don't really like Kelso,or Jackie." "Oh come on, Me, you,a cabin in the deep woods." Steven smirked. I sighed,"Are you sure? It's going to be cold." "I can warm you up." Steven smiled deviously. "Alright." I smiled back. I woke up Saturday morning,looking at my backpack. I got up and changed into a doors shirt and a pair of bell bottoms. I put on my boots and and grabbed my bag. I draped my jacket over my arm and went to the living room. My mom agreed to drop me off. When I got there everyone was in the kitchen eating. I kissed my mom's cheek and got out of the car. I pulled the glass kitchen door open and walked in. "Katherine!" Kitty smiled. "Hi Mrs. Forman." I smiled back. After breakfast we all filed into Kelso's van. Kelso and Jackie sat upfront,Donna,Eric,Fez,Steven,and I sat in the back. We stacked our bags against the van's doors and sat across from each other. Steven pulled me into his lap,kissing my cheek. We made it to the cabin,but Kelso and Jackie had gotten into an argument. This resulted in Jackie making Michael sleep on the couch in a front room of the cabin. Steven and I packed into the bedroom,and we sat our bags on the ground at the foot of our bed. He laid in bed,and I jumped ontop of him. I started kissing him,when I heard yelling coming from the other room. It was Jackie and Michael,and it was ruining the mood for me. "Steven,you need to calm Jackie down,I can't do this with them yelling and her crying." He sighed,getting up. He ended up making Jackie cry more,and I got mad. Jackie was my friend,and he was totally insensitive. I pushed him into the front room with Michael,and invited Jackie in so we could talk. I locked the door,so the couldn't try anything. She confided in me about Michael cheating,lying,and mooching off her. I let her cry on my shoulder,and then she slowly drifted off to sleep. When I unlocked,and opened the door to talk to Steven,I saw him asleep on the couch,Kelso on the ground beside him. I laughed,he probably fought Kelso,and clearly he had won,as usual.

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