Fight- Chapter 3- Swan-Jones

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Fight- Chapter 3- Swan-Jones


"Where are they?" I asked.

"I'm sure they're fine, Emma." David said.

He, Mary Margaret, Regina and Neal were standing in the kitchen, while I paced the living room nervously.

"It's been ages! What's taking them so long?"

Mary Margaret was about to say something when there was a knock at the door. My head snapped up to look at it.

"Mom?" A muffled voice said from the other side.

I gasped and ran to answer the door, and when I opened it I saw Henry standing in front of me.

"Henry!" I cried, kneeling down and hugging him tightly. It was several moments before I let him go, "Where the hell have you been?"

"It was Greg and Tamara. They kidnapped me." Henry said.

I looked over my shoulder, giving the others an I-told-you-so look, before turning back to Henry.

"Well, at least you're safe now. Thanks to-"

I stopped when I realised.

"Henry... where's Killian?" I asked.

"He's- um..."

"Henry," I said, more sternly this time, "Where is he?"

"At the cannery."

"Damn! The bastard's gone and done it again!"

"Emma! Henry's right there!" Mary Margaret exclaimed.

I sighed and stood up, "Stay here. I'll be right back, hopefully."

"Where are you going?" David asked.

"The idiot's risking his life for us, I have to try and save him!" I said.

"Mom! Killian's there because he traded his life for mine!" Henry cried, "If you go, the only way you'll be able to save him is by taking his place!"

"Henry's right, Emma," Mary Margaret said, "This is just going to keep on going until we leave someone behind."

"Well I'm not leaving him. I'm gonna get him back or die trying," I said, turning to Mary Margaret, "And I would be happy to make that sacrifice."

I turned on my heel, walked around Henry and out the door.

"Emma, wait!"

Surprisingly, it was Regina who followed me.

"What is it?" I snapped as I walked down the stairs.

"You're about to go to rescue Captain Hook with no weapons, no backup and no plan. There's no way you can save him!" Regina yelled, almost running to catch up with me.

"Then what do you suggest?" I asked, turning round sharply.

"Get weapons, backup and a plan, obviously." Regina sounded slightly annoyed.

"The longer we wait, the more likely it is that they've already killed him."

"We'd better hurry up then." Regina said.

Muttering curses under my breath, I trailed behind Regina back upstairs to the apartment. David and Mary Margaret already had their sword and bow ready to go after me, but Neal was sitting on a stool by the counter.

"Right, do we have a plan?" I asked.

"How does find Killian, save him and arrest Greg and Tamara sound?" David asked.

"Absolutely brilliant," I said, "Neal, stay here and look after Henry."

"Hey! Are we completely forgetting the fact that my fiancé kidnapped my son?" Neal cried, outraged.

"I've been warning you about her for weeks, Neal," I said, "She's been using you this whole time and you didn't notice. That's why you're staying here, so she doesn't try anything again."

And so I left for a second time, but now with a gun in my hand and three people to help.


It took ages to find Killian, and every minute we spent looking I became more sure that it was too late. I was even more certain when I finally found him, lying unconscious on the floor of a small room covered in cuts and bruises.

"Killian!" I screamed, running to him and kneeling on the floor.

I assumed that David, Mary Margaret and Regina had heard my cry because soon they were at the door, watching sadly as I lay Killian's head in my lap.

He can't be dead, I thought, He just can't be.

"Don't worry," A voice said from the shadows in the corner of the room, "We didn't kill him."

I looked up to see Tamara step into the dim light provided by the bulb hanging from the ceiling. She was holding a gun, not dissimilar to mine, except hers was pointed at us.

"Why? Why would you do this?" I asked.

"We needed his help, but he was unwilling to co-operate." Tamara said.

"Can you blame him?" I muttered.

"Get up." Tamara ordered.

I did as she said, not because I was scared for my own safety, but because she could easily kill Killian if I didn't. Tamara's aim followed me.

"Go," She said to the others, "I need to have a private conversation with the saviour."

"We're not leaving." David said.

"Do what she says." I advised.


"Just go!" I yelled.

Glancing at each other nervously, David, Mary Margaret and Regina retreated from the room.

"I'm prepared to make a deal with you, Emma," Tamara said once they were gone, "Let's call it a trade."

"What is it?"

"Seeing as your husband was uncooperative, we could use your input," Tamara said, "If you take his place in our plan without a fuss, we'll let the pirate go."

"What's the point in that, when you know I won't help either?" I queried.

"You don't even know what the plan is yet." Tamara replied, cooly.

"I don't need to. I'm not helping you." I said.

Sighing, Tamara shifted her aim slightly so that the gun was pointed at Killian.

"How about now?"

I was torn, and that moments consideration was all Tamara needed. She pulled the trigger, but I didn't have to think about what to do. I managed to place myself in between her and Killian before the bullet reached him, and less than a second later I was on the floor next to my pirate after the bullet hit my leg.


Yes, I've done it again. But before you start hating me for that, I'd like to say that I hate myself for it but I'm still not posting the next chapter until next weekend. And, like last time, I'm prepared for caps lock comments.

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