Fight- Chapter 8- Jones

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Fight- Chapter 8- Jones


Snow rushed downstairs.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Emma-" I started, but I was cut off.

"Don't. Please don't tell her," Emma sobbed into my shoulder, "I'm fine, honestly."

"She has to know, Emma. She's your mother." I whispered.

"What is it?" Mary Margaret asked.

Taking the twins and putting them back in their stroller, I stood up as Emma reluctantly let go of me. I walked over to Mary Margaret and led her away from Emma and Henry.

"What's happening to her, Killian?" Snow questioned.

"She's losing her memory. It doesn't seem like she has much longer," I said, trying to stay calm, "We need to find out where David is."

"I just called him; he's not picking up." Snow said, her voice shaking.

"Hey, I'm sure he's fine." I reassured her.

"I know. But I can't help but worry. I mean," She sighed, "When has anything gone perfectly for any of us?"

I understood exactly what she meant. I couldn't think of a single thing that had gone without a problem in my life.

"Good point. Just, keep trying to get in touch with David." I said.

Mary Margaret nodded and took her phone out of her pocket, but before she dialled her husband's number, she looked back up at me.

"Listen, Killian. If Emma does lose her memories, don't overwhelm her with information."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's a lot to ask, isn't it? Believing that she saved everyone from a curse cast by the Evil Queen." Snow said, "Just, stick to the basics. Maybe even avoid the fact that you're her husband."

"What?" I hissed.

"If she finds out she's forgotten her own wedding day, especially because it was only two months ago, it'll just make things worse."

"So what's my other option? Go back to being Captain Hook who said all sorts of crazy pick up lines?" I asked.

Snow raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm not telling you what they were." She still didn't say anything, "No!"

"Come on!" Snow begged, "Please?"

"Fine. I may or may not have said," I lowered my voice to a mumble, "When I jab you with my sword you'll feel it."

"Ok! Did not need to know that!" Snow cried.

"You asked! Just, don't mention it to David. I've got a feeling I'll lose my other hand if he ever finds out I said that to his daughter."

"You'll be lucky if I don't." Snow laughed.

"So, what do I do?"

Snow was about to say something when she was interrupted by Henry.

"Mom?" I heard his voice behind me, "It's me, Henry."

I looked over my shoulder to see Henry and Emma just where I left them, but now Emma was leaning away from her son, almost scared. My heart sank.

"Why are you calling me your mom?" Emma asked, "I don't have any kids. Do I?"

I turned back to Snow.

"Keep calling him. We need that water." I said.

Snow nodded back. I stepped away and walked back to the sofa.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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