Fight- Chapter 7- Swan-Jones

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Fight- Chapter 7- Swan-Jones


To my gorgeous daughters,

If you're reading this, then your father thinks that it's time for you to know why you don't have a mom. Either that or you snuck into his room and found this letter, in which case stop reading now. If your dad hasn't told you yet then you're not ready.

I'm writing this letter to you because neither of you really got to know me, and I'm not sure if you know the story of how your dad and I met. And, trust me, that's one hell of a story and I didn't want to miss out on telling it.

We first met in the Enchanted Forest. I was stuck there with my mom, trying to get back to Storybrooke, while he was trying to get there too. I found him pretending to be a blacksmith that had just been attacked by Cora, when really he was working with her to get to this world. But I saw through his lies. He finally started talking when I threatened to feed him to the ogres.

We climbed a beanstalk together after that, which didn't exactly go to plan. It may or may not have ended with me leaving him chained up with a giant for ten hours.

He made it back to Storybrooke soon after me, but he made sure that nobody saw him for a while. He did manage to get my attention, however, when he shot Mr. Gold's girlfriend and got hit by a car. He'd had a grudge against Gold for about 300 years, but I think he's over it now. Anyway, I had to handcuff him to a hospital bed and steal his hook just to be safe.

He had to be taken to hospital, but he got away with a few broken ribs. I had to leave town again the next day, to help Gold find his son (who happened to be Henry's father), but while we were there someone decided to turn up and stab Gold. So I knocked him out and locked him in a cupboard in New York.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is neither of us is perfect, far from it. And by this point I hated his guts. But that day I got back from New York, and he visited me after somehow making it back into town, he tried to kiss me. We were interrupted by your grandfather, and at first I was relived. I left David to arrest your father, but while I was out I started thinking.

My whole life I had been shutting people out. I could barely even open up to my parents, let alone to a pirate who wasn't exactly the most trustworthy of all people. But what was the worst that could happen?

That's when I went back for him, and heard David's plan. A plan that made my heart sink.

He wanted to plan an execution for your father.

Naturally, I tried my best to convince him to think again. After talking to Mary Margaret, we agreed to give him another chance.

Over the next few weeks, I was happier that I had been in a long time. I had my son, I had my parents, and I had Killian. But he messed up.

He attacked Gold, and sealed his fate. There was nothing I could do to stop the execution a second time. I didn't want to see him killed, especially by my own parents, but he had betrayed me.

In the two weeks before the execution, I found out that I was pregnant with you, except I thought that there was only one of you. I considered telling your father, but I knew that it would make it harder to let him go.

I knew that I didn't want to let go, but I didn't have a choice. I went to the execution and watched as he was tied to the wooden pole and as Mary Margaret took her aim. I felt like I was going to be sick, and that's when I did it.

I jumped in front of Mary Margaret, preventing her from shooting. I knew that if I had even the slightest chance of saving Killian, then I had to say something big. He had just announced to everyone that he loved someone, but he didn't say that it was me. So I did the same, because I really did love him. And I told him that I was pregnant, in front of the whole town.

Fight- Captain Swan (sequel to Love, Run, Live)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن